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Account Sharing

Posted: January 15th, 2015, 10:25 pm
by K3
Due to some questions that came up recently, I feel it's time to refresh this:
Account sharing is forbidden regardless of your reason to do so!

Your game/forum account is personal and you may not share or give it to anyone else.

The integrity of your experience in the community is at stake if you share your account.
Whoever you may share it with have access to mess with your stats, get you jailed banned or sell your properties.
If that happens, we will not even consider refunding you, as there is no evidence that you didn't do it yourself.

Neither can we tell who played on what account when a rule was broken.

And just an obviously reminder: do not share your password with anyone.
IM staff will never ask or need your password - we can retrieve all your account information without having to log in.
IF we will ever need to play on your account, we can reset your password administratively.