Garbage man Documentation
The garbage man job consists of city garbage collection that does not have any special requirements in order to do and can be done by both civilians and faction members. You can sign up for the job inside the city hall (/gps - City hall) and then head to the recycling center to start working. Once you have grabbed a
garbage truck and you have arrived to the checkpoint where to pick up the trash, get out of your truck and press "N" to pick up the garbage. Then you back to the truck and press "N" again to throw the trash inside. The GIF picture below gives you a demonstration on how it is done. A garbage truck takes a maximum capacity of 3500KG and a trashbag may weigh anything between 10 and 80KG. Every time you throw trash into the garbage truck the used capacity will be shown. Like many other jobs on Italy Mafia you will not receive your job earnings (salary) right away, instead you will receive them at the paycheck. The earning from the job depends on how much trash you have delivered in total to the recycling center; open the spoiler below to see the different earnings.
- [+] Earnings
As a Beginner, you earn $2.10/KG. That's $7350 if you unload a truck entirely filled with garbage!
If you have delivered in total over 25.000KG of trash, you earn $2.30/KG. That's $8050 if you unload a truck entirely filled with garbage!
If you have delivered in total over 50.000KG of trash, you earn $2.50/KG. That's $8750 if you unload a truck entirely filled with garbage!
If you have delivered in total over 100.000KG of trash, you earn $2.70/KG. That's $9450 if you unload a truck entirely filled with garbage!
If you have delivered in total over 150.000KG of trash, you earn $2.90/KG. That's $10150 if you unload a truck entirely filled with garbage!
If you have delivered in total over 250.000KG of trash, you earn $3.10/KG. That's $10850 if you unload a truck entirely filled with garbage!
If you have delivered in total over 500.000KG of trash, you earn $3.20/KG. That's $11200 if you unload a truck entirely filled with garbage!
- /gps - Recycling Center
- Gives you a marker on the map that positions the recycling center
- /collectgarbage
- Grab a garbage truck and type /collectgarage and you'll be given a checkpoint where to pick up the garbage
- /cancel
- Can be used to drop your current trashbag if your truck is full but may also be used if you get a checkpoint that you do not want to go to
- /unloadtrash
- Gives you a checkpoint back to the recycling center in order to unload everything.
- /jobstats
- Shows how much garbage you have delivered to the recycling center
- [+] Picture of the Recycling center
- [+] Picking up and throwing in trash into the garbage truck
Written by: Sype on 13/12/2014