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[GUIDE]How to you make your group/gang/mafia popular.

Posted: March 4th, 2013, 1:29 pm
by ialokiN
How do you make your group/gang/mafia popular
Every gang must have guns. It is what protects you from rivals. Hang around the
streets until you see a drug dealer. Once you see one, ask him to point you to an area where you
can get some guns. Once you find some, give the money, and you got some heaters. Make sure that
you keep the Arms dealers Phone Number. You will need it for ammunition.Learn how to
shoot your gun, and pass them out to your men. Carry your gun everywhere that you go, you will
need it sooner or later.

There is an effective process that you should follow when selling your product. You should have
three of your guys out on the streets each. Give two of your guys one walkie talkies. Give one of
your guys all of your dope. Now send them off on the streets with these instructions :

Stay together.

One with the walkie talkie will be the lookout. If he spots ANYTHING, he will contact the other
with the second walkie talkie. Then they will split out of there.
Now onto the one that you gave all of your dope to. He carry the money, and give the dope. He
should be standing next to a payphone, so he can call you for more if he needs it. If he calls
for more, you will send another guy out to deliver it.

Now for the seller. He will stand around the streets selling the dope. When he gets the money, he
will give it to the guy that carrys the money.

Once you have made enough cash selling dope, you can make a buy for a bunch of guns. Once you
have made your buy. Put them all in the trunk of a car, and drive to a real bad part of town.
Walk around and ask people "hey, you need some protection?". If they say "ya, sure." Then lead
them to the car, and let them make they're pick. You should now have a FUCKLOAD of money to start moving on to bigger and better things.

You now have some real good heavy cash. Go to the worst part of town, and search for a house, or
a shitty apartment building for sale. Try to find one with a nice size garage. If you find one
for the right price, buy it. You will now need to have a meeting with all of your members. You
will tell them you are opening a safe house, and that they need to guard it heavily. You will
need at least 10 people guarding it at all times depending on the size of the safehouse. Once you
have your safehouse guarded, you will need to attract some business. Go around town to some
people that you know, and tell them that if they get in any trouble, they can hide out there. If
they have stolen any cars, they can hide them in your garage for a price. Tell your guards not to
take any heat from the cops. Tell them to fight to the death if they have to. When you start
getting business from your safehouse, you should be getting hardcore money coming through to fuel
your next project.

You will need to recruit some new members that know a lot about killing. Once you find someone
that you trust, you can hire him to work for you as a member. Anyone that comes to you asking for
someone to be dead, you will give the mission to your Hit Man.

Now that you have a quite large gang, some of money, and members, you should start moving onto
other gangs territory. Your goal is the entire city!!! Begin a complete war against any other
gangs that stand in your way. Hit the leaders of the gangs as hard as you can. Because you are
the leader, you will not be doing this yourself. You will be at your Safehouse making battle
plans. Before you know it, every other gang will be coming to you for work. But be careful, they
may be looking for revenge. If you know that they are, then kill them.

P.S :I just want you guys to know that,these things are not all , there are many things but i think they are not important mentioning as these ones , and i do not want the post to be so big , so .....ENJOY!ADIOS!.Thank you.

Re: How to you make your group or your gang popular.

Posted: March 4th, 2013, 1:34 pm
by ahsugar

Re: How to you make your group or your gang popular.

Posted: March 4th, 2013, 1:37 pm
by Thomas
I don't understand the reason of this tutorial Felix and I'm not hating.
I would like to see this actually be removed, since the groups must learn and improve themselfs to get better known.
This is something that they have to do and learn on their own.

Re: How to you make your group or your gang popular.

Posted: March 4th, 2013, 1:48 pm
by Raekwon' Da Chef
I use a version of that drug's guide, not exactly the same but I use lookouts in cars parked across the street.

Re: How to you make your group or your gang popular.

Posted: March 4th, 2013, 2:59 pm
by Noxious
The part with the safe housing was helpful to me. Thanks.

Re: How to you make your group or your gang popular.

Posted: March 4th, 2013, 3:28 pm
by ialokiN
no problem , my pleasure to help.
Thomas wrote:I don't understand the reason of this tutorial Felix and I'm not hating.
I would like to see this actually be removed, since the groups must learn and improve themselfs to get better known.
This is something that they have to do and learn on their own.
Just helping............i dont see the problem if they just get ideas from this thread and will make it easier for them.And this topic is for newbies and those people who may not know or do not have any idea.Hope u understand.Thank you.

Re: [GUIDE]How to you make your group or your gang popular.

Posted: March 16th, 2013, 11:16 am
by frankvg
Hmm, don't know what to say about it, although this is not a must. This is just the way most people do it, if I would make a guide on how to make your group popular I would have to say two words: Be original.


I would like to see some guide about mafia's instead of gangs, since I'm more interested in that.

Re: [GUIDE]How to you make your group or your gang popular.

Posted: March 25th, 2013, 9:37 pm
by ialokiN
Well this could be used for a mafia too ... if you know what i mean.

Re: [GUIDE]How to you make your group/gang/mafia popular.

Posted: March 29th, 2013, 1:44 pm
by NeonZ
There's a lot of difference between 90's mafias and modern day gangs.

Re: [GUIDE]How to you make your group/gang/mafia popular.

Posted: March 29th, 2013, 1:47 pm
by MichaelCastellano
Phoenix wrote:There's a lot of difference between 90's mafias and modern day gangs.
So you claiming that in modern days, mafia doesn't exist?