- Do not ask admins to move your house/business/HQ in-game or to check your application for a house/business/HQ move or reports & ban appeals. (applies to the forum, server, Steam and other communications platforms)
- You may not contact admins anywhere outside the forums/game, unless they allow you to do so.
- Administrators are here to enforce server rules & assist players with issues. Listen to them & their instructions.
- Revenge Rulebreaking is not allowed under any circumstances - doing so will get you jailed the same time as the original offender.
- All your items save if you quit. Guns & Toolkits excluded.
- Any kind of Mapping Contribution to Italy Mafia automatically gives Italy Mafia the right to use, publish, remap, release the given maps. You may not copy/steal maps from Italy Mafia - doing so will get you IP banned for 2 months.
- If you do not have a 4 hour playtime in a 2-week-rolling period, your houses/businesses will be removed for inactivity. Click here to read more.
- If you do not log in for more than 28 days, 2% of your hand, 2% of your bank and 4% of your materials will be removed every day from the 29th day onwards. Read here for detailed information.
- If you give money/items to a player who then gets banned temporarily or permanently, you may not ask for your money/items back. This includes loans and if someone is 'just holding' your money or vehicles.
- If you do not login for more than 3 months, your phone number will be reset.
- You are not allowed to ask to become a helper/admin/leader. Admins decide that.
- Famous names are not allowed, unless an management member has given you permission to use one.
- Admins have the right to kick you if your ping is above 400ms or if your ping (even if under 400) causes trouble to other players.
- The max jail time is 120 and 240 for forum reports (read more - CLICK). If an admin needs to give you another punishment(from e.g. forum reports), you will be time suspended(tsuspended) instead & your jail time will not be removed.
- Do not spam. Three lines or more with the same message sent within 30 seconds in any chat is considered spam.
- Fake reports will be punished by 1 week of IP ban on your account. Forum suspensions may also occur, however rarely.
- Properties cannot be placed directly at server oriented features. (e.g. illegal faction runs)
- Do not ask us to transfer name/number changes - we don't do it
- Do not ask us to transfer levels/items from one account to another - we don't do it
- Do not ask us to change your name/number for free - we don't do it
- Do not ask us to add hydraulics/NOS/rims to your car - there are businesses where you can do it
All the punishments above may differ, it all depends on the situation & if you're a known rulebreaker.
Any violation can be punished with a warning (/warn) - it's up to the given administrator to decide.