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[CASINO] How-to on becoming a solid Roulette dealer

Posted: January 31st, 2014, 12:10 pm
by zaider
Hi everyone,

I have been asked countless of times about how to become a winning casino dealer throughout the period that we have had the Roulette/Blackjack script on the server, while at the same time being a trusted dealer that gamblers actually wanna play against.
So I decided to make a short guide, sharing my point of view on the subject. I have already expressed my thoughts on different casino suggestion topics here on the forum.

To those of you who read this, but have no idea who I am, my name is zaider and I am the former Head of Casino before retiring from the position, and I came up with the suggestion to implement Roulette & Blackjack "back in the days" aswell. I have since then earned huge amounts as a dealer, especially on Roulette. I am, without doubt, the dealer that have earned the most money at Roulette on Italy Mafia. (~5billion)

The most important things of them all is that you should never stop, no matter how big deficit you're in. Why? Because the dealer always has the mathematical edge over the gambler. Mathematically, the house (or the dealer) has atleast 1.4% (18/37 * 100) advantage at EVERY spin. That is if the gambler is betting on e.g. Black/Red or 1-18/19-36. Should a player decide to bet on a number, he only has as little chance as 2.7% (1/37 * 100), but keep in mind that should he win his bet, you're fucked up. I have lost 720 million in one spin that way myself, by allowing two players to simultaneously bet 10million on #0, so think before accepting high bets on numbers even though it might seem like easy money(!!).
You're more than free to refuse players to bet on single numbers on Italy Mafia. In real life, the casino can obviously not refuse you to bet on numbers, but it's OK here! Accepting bets on single numbers is something you should think really hard about. I personally stopped doing it after losing 720 million in that one spin.

Well, now we have broke down the most important maths and I have probably already convinced you at this point, that the house always has the mathematical advantage over the table. Having the mathematical advantage might not neccessarily mean that you're going to have a profit at every session you're hosting, but it's going to give you a profit in the long run. That is if you're willing to risk big amounts of money at some points. As an experienced dealer, I can tell you're going to have some tough days where you'll end up in big deficits, but you'll also have days where everything will go your way, and as long as you make a profit in the long run, bad days doesn't matter.

This guide was about becoming a solid, profitable dealer and that I haven't quite explained yet, but now you get the basics, so let's move on to what you came here for, making money.

First of all, you should always show respect towards your gamblers/customers and be as "service-minded" as possible, always. You should treat your players like you were hired by a casino, in the sense that you don't start bitching when everyone wins their bet, and the other way, that you don't start screaming "FUCK YES" when the wheel lands on 0 while you're making a stunning profit. Respect/good service is very important, it's the decider for whether the player want to play you next time you host a casino table.

Another very important thing to master, is having a good "overview" over the table. At some points, you'll experience that there's too much capacity/too many players at the table for you to handle it. If you cannot handle a big amount of players and you swim in bets and moneytransfers that you can't keep count of anymore, then you shouldn't allow that many players and you should seriously consider lowering the allowed amount of players on the table until you're capable of handling them all! It can (and sometimes will) happen that someone abuses the fact that you're overloaded with bets and moneytransfers that you can't keep count of. Someone might aswell abuse that fact and just say "One million on Red" without actually transfering you money, and if you don't notice that, you might end up giving one million to someone that isn't supposed to have them... for free..

Can you master writing VERY fast on your keyboard, you can also master the problem explained above. I suggest you try this test to find out how fast you're writing ( Personally, I top at ~140 words per minute without spelling any words wrong.

It is very important that you have speedy fingers and that you're able to blind-type (being able to write on your keyboard without having to look if you hit the correct keys), and this is where the majority of the dealers fail, because they simple have trouble writing fast and keeping up with the pace, without looking at the keyboard which I don't blame anyone for. Aren't you a speedy typer you should really reconsider, if being a dealer is the job for you, as it requires very fast writing skills for you to both transfer money to the winners, but at the same time also controlling peoples bets, making sure they have paid what they claim to have betted et cetera. As dealer it's not only about checking who betted what, who paid for their bet, paying winners etc. but also about showing your outmost respect to your customers. Yes I said customers, because that is what they are - they are not tools you muck when they lose their bet! THAT way you will never see them playing at your table again.

Last but not least, it is very important to keep a fast pace at the table, because the more spins you can make, the bigger the chances are the table will turn in your favour, because as I explained early, keep in mind that the dealer always have the mathematical advantage! I highly suggest that you spin atleast once per every other minute, or even better, once every minute, if you're that good - just try to squeeze those spins as much as possible. You shouldn't be hanging around for a minute waiting for someone to think about his bet! (Obviously depends on how many players are playing. If you're 1v1'ing someone, you should probably have 2 spins per minute atleast)

Hope it will help some of you, and probably make some of you realize a few things about your dealer career ;-)!

I have written this in a hurry so bear over with grammatical errors and stuff, I'll fix them with time - I might aswell add some more stuff to the guide later!
Have a nice day mates. ;-)

Re: [CASINO] How-to on becoming a solid Roulette dealer

Posted: January 31st, 2014, 12:12 pm
by Paco's mom.
lame cunt

Re: [CASINO] How-to on becoming a solid Roulette dealer

Posted: January 31st, 2014, 12:28 pm
by P4kit0

Re: [CASINO] How-to on becoming a solid Roulette dealer

Posted: January 31st, 2014, 12:29 pm
by zaider
P4kit0 wrote:Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd....luck.
If it was a gamblers' guide, you're right :-)

Re: [CASINO] How-to on becoming a solid Roulette dealer

Posted: January 31st, 2014, 12:32 pm
by P4kit0
Dealing has the luck factor in it as well, as you may get unlucky enough to get a downside that makes you loose everything....

Re: [CASINO] How-to on becoming a solid Roulette dealer

Posted: January 31st, 2014, 12:37 pm
by zaider
P4kit0 wrote:Dealing has the luck factor in it as well, as you may get unlucky enough to get a downside that makes you loose everything....
Naturally, which is why there is a rule that states you need atleast 20x the amount of money you're planning to host. E.g. if you want to host 1 million bets, you need 20 million to cover losses. I personally prefer atleast 40x the amount of money, but 20x should do. Of course, you can have bad periods, but I'd rather call it unlucky than that you're lacking luck, because there's nothing lucky about winning when you have the advantage mathematically. My opinion though ;)

Re: [CASINO] How-to on becoming a solid Roulette dealer

Posted: January 31st, 2014, 1:26 pm
by P4kit0
You're lucky for not being unlucky xDD ahahah

Jokes, ye I got your point, the odd is on your side, so if you win, it follows the probabilities, if you loose, you were unlucky cause you had the odds with you...

Re: [CASINO] How-to on becoming a solid Roulette dealer

Posted: January 31st, 2014, 1:37 pm
by zaider
P4kit0 wrote:You're lucky for not being unlucky xDD ahahah

Jokes, ye I got your point, the odd is on your side, so if you win, it follows the probabilities, if you loose, you were unlucky cause you had the odds with you...
Exactly :-) Casinos doesn't run around with the hope that they're having luck. They know in the long run they will win, if they just have enough capital - that is how all casino games are designed, to make the house win in the long run ...

Re: [CASINO] How-to on becoming a solid Roulette dealer

Posted: January 31st, 2014, 1:44 pm
I lost 33m in 2 days then won 10m on 3rd day lets see what happens next time i deal
Well the moment i log in i start getting PM if i am gonna deal well, i guess its a possitive feedback for me as a dealer

Re: [CASINO] How-to on becoming a solid Roulette dealer

Posted: January 31st, 2014, 1:44 pm
by Chesterfield
Thank you for this nice turtorial keep it going :D

Re: [CASINO] How-to on becoming a solid Roulette dealer

Posted: January 31st, 2014, 1:46 pm
Zaider4Lead :D

Re: [CASINO] How-to on becoming a solid Roulette dealer

Posted: January 31st, 2014, 1:47 pm
by Nico
zaider wrote:Hi everyone,

I have lost 720 million in one spin that way myself, by allowing two players to simultaneously bet 10million on #0, so think before accepting high bets on numbers even though it might seem like easy money(!!).
Yes my friend, you made me really rich, untill that noob scammed me. You banned him, but I never got my cash back. Now begging for 5$. Sincerely, Peter Hayes. xd

Re: [CASINO] How-to on becoming a solid Roulette dealer

Posted: January 31st, 2014, 1:50 pm
by zaider
Peter wrote:
zaider wrote:Hi everyone,

I have lost 720 million in one spin that way myself, by allowing two players to simultaneously bet 10million on #0, so think before accepting high bets on numbers even though it might seem like easy money(!!).
Yes my friend, you made me really rich, untill that noob scammed me. You banned him, but I never got my cash back. Now begging for 5$. Sincerely, Peter Hayes. xd
That line was referring to when K3lroy & Makke fucked me up, but yeah, I've been fucked up quite a few times before that.. Can't remember if you're one of them :-D

Re: [CASINO] How-to on becoming a solid Roulette dealer

Posted: January 31st, 2014, 1:56 pm
by Aleya BANNED
Awesome guide zaider. I enjoyed reading it and learnt somethings too :D

Re: [CASINO] How-to on becoming a solid Roulette dealer

Posted: January 31st, 2014, 7:08 pm
by zaider
Aleyazor wrote:Awesome guide zaider. I enjoyed reading it and learnt somethings too :D
Good. I didn't know you were gambling :o)

Re: [CASINO] How-to on becoming a solid Roulette dealer

Posted: January 31st, 2014, 7:10 pm
by Lazzari
Nice guide but i always loose money anyway xd, i would love to see you back as an admin. ;)

Re: [CASINO] How-to on becoming a solid Roulette dealer

Posted: February 3rd, 2014, 4:21 am
by Hopkins
Nice guide mate, I miss your tables though -- host 'em some more ;)
Come IG more often since we're in the same faction now, Mr. Reynolds.

Re: [CASINO] How-to on becoming a solid Roulette dealer

Posted: February 3rd, 2014, 11:41 am
by zaider
Jabonzo wrote:Nice guide mate, I miss your tables though -- host 'em some more ;)
Come IG more often since we're in the same faction now, Mr. Reynolds.
I'm sorry :-D I kinda lost motivation in making money when I lost all my businesses. It feels like there's soooo long way to go :-[

Re: [CASINO] How-to on becoming a solid Roulette dealer

Posted: April 23rd, 2014, 12:35 am
by ahsugar
I use to love gambling with you seriously. I remember I use to just wait in the night instead of going to bed, because you would often come on early in the morning and set-up your tables & races. Nice guide!

ps; lgb rekt you in cph

Re: [CASINO] How-to on becoming a solid Roulette dealer

Posted: April 23rd, 2014, 2:37 pm
by zaider
Andrew wrote:I use to love gambling with you seriously. I remember I use to just wait in the night instead of going to bed, because you would often come on early in the morning and set-up your tables & races. Nice guide!

ps; lgb rekt you in cph
Yeah, I miss those times aswell mate, and thanks! xD

ps: yes bik time lol. nothing to do as mixteam against arguably top5 world, eventho we had a good chance on train where we decided to throw it away :(!!!!!! on that note cph games was a shit tournament. no lowerbracket, possibility to draw your groupstage team in 1st round aswell which happend for Avenue, Lemondogs, us and some other team if i recall correct.. aswell as delay up to 3 hours before our group game against LGB.... very motivating to play a BO3 at 12AM after being at the event for 13 hrs :DDD so lame

Re: [CASINO] How-to on becoming a solid Roulette dealer

Posted: April 23rd, 2014, 3:53 pm
by Jakie
Dayum I remember you in casino Zaider, I made you lose like 500M xD, cool thread nigga

Re: [CASINO] How-to on becoming a solid Roulette dealer

Posted: April 23rd, 2014, 9:47 pm
by zaider
Zombie wrote:Dayum I remember you in casino zaider, I made you lose like 500M xD, cool thread nigga
Thanks bud, I hope you have spent those dollarbills well ;)

Re: [CASINO] How-to on becoming a solid Roulette dealer

Posted: April 23rd, 2014, 9:49 pm
by Noam
Hat's off for the effort, didn't really read it into details but it seems pro ;)

Re: [CASINO] How-to on becoming a solid Roulette dealer

Posted: April 23rd, 2014, 10:16 pm
by Macedon
I`m gonna use this irl ok.

Re: [CASINO] How-to on becoming a solid Roulette dealer

Posted: April 24th, 2014, 5:11 pm
by zaider
Macedon wrote:I`m gonna use this irl ok.
Awesome! ok

Re: [CASINO] How-to on becoming a solid Roulette dealer

Posted: April 24th, 2014, 5:27 pm
by Sofbi
Well... I started dealing when I had 200m... then, won untill I got 500m.. then lol, I lost it all, the problem is, some players reallyyyyyyy makes you angry, I don't know how to call it, but they know the script.. they are like 100% sure about their bet, from like 10 bets they loose only 1. That's why I have only 35m now.

Re: [CASINO] How-to on becoming a solid Roulette dealer

Posted: April 24th, 2014, 5:45 pm
by zaider
Sofbi wrote:Well... I started dealing when I had 200m... then, won untill I got 500m.. then lol, I lost it all, the problem is, some players reallyyyyyyy makes you angry, I don't know how to call it, but they know the script.. they are like 100% sure about their bet, from like 10 bets they loose only 1. That's why I have only 35m now.
"they know the script" is the worst bullshit I have ever heard, sorry to say - you're not the first one to say it... Personally I haven't seen the script, but I don't need to, to know that woot has made the chances of landing on each number fairly equal. I have heard all types of conspiracies about the script, but none of them is true, I can assure you that :-) You're just unlucky if anything...

Re: [CASINO] How-to on becoming a solid Roulette dealer

Posted: April 24th, 2014, 5:52 pm
by Sofbi
:P okay then explain to me this.. this happened to me with some guy, I don't even remember his name a year ago, I wish that I SS'ed it..
Well he made a first bet on a color, before landing he told me the exact number, and he got it, he did it 8 times an he was true in 7 of them, i was like WTF...

Re: [CASINO] How-to on becoming a solid Roulette dealer

Posted: April 24th, 2014, 6:10 pm
by zaider
Sofbi wrote::P okay then explain to me this.. this happened to me with some guy, I don't even remember his name a year ago, I wish that I SS'ed it..
Well he made a first bet on a color, before landing he told me the exact number, and he got it, he did it 8 times an he was true in 7 of them, i was like WTF...
Luck is the only proper explanation there is. I have also said "0" while it landed on 0 two seconds after, but that doesn't mean I know the script.. As much as you like to think it, there's no flaws in the casino script. I know how much woot care about that there's no money exploits on the server (also why it took so long before slot machines got added, because there was a bug), so I am veryyyyy sure there isn't one in that script :))

Re: [CASINO] How-to on becoming a solid Roulette dealer

Posted: April 24th, 2014, 6:16 pm
by Sofbi
maybe... :P