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Server Commands

Posted: May 31st, 2012, 12:56 am
by Shadow
Server Commands
Click on each spoiler to show you what the commands does.

Server Commands:
/helpme - Menu with basic locations
/enter - Enters a place (Also 'RETURN KEY')
/exit - Exits a place (Also 'RETURN KEY')
/admins - Shows admins/helpers connceted
/report - Reports a player
/id - Shows the chosen players name and level
/ask - Can be used to ask a server related question

Account Commands:
/stats - Shows your player status
/inventory - Shows what your player has on him/her
/changepass - Changes player password
/fightstyle - Changes your fight style (premium membership required)
/changemyname - Changes your name
/female - Become a female (not working currently)
/setage - Sets your character's age
/frisk - Frisk another player

Faction Commands:
/f - Faction chat
/ftogcol - Toggles the Faction Color on the Players name.
/fon - Who's online in faction
/fcars - Faction vehicles
/fcar find - Finds a vehicle (Tier 1/0)
/fcar park - Sets a Spawn location (Tier 0)
/finfo - Faction infomation
/fguns info - Faction weapon infomation
/roof - Teleports you to faction roof
/factions - Shows all factions
/openhq - Opens the HQ
/closehq - Closes the HQ
/invite - Invites chosen player to faction
/ouninvite - Offline uninvites chosen player (tier 0 only)
/setrank - Set rank to chosen player (tier 0 only)
/osetrank - Offline-Set rank to chosen player (tier 0 only)
/settier - Sets tier of chosen player (tier 0 only)
/osettier - Offline-Sets tier of chosen player (tier 0 only)
/ftog - Toogle faction chat
/fstartrank - Starting rank
/addfslot - Add player slots
/fmotd - Sets the faction Message of the day (tier 0 only)
/ann - Legal faction announcement
/press - Shows your press badge to other players/yourself (only for SAN News members)
/br - Broadcast an IC global message to all online players (only for SAN News members)
/ftakegun - Takes out a weapon from the faction-stock
/fcar ua - Unlock all faction-vehicles
/fcar tow - Tow all faction-vehicles
/fstocktog - Opens/closes your faction-stock
/gate or 'H' - Used to open/close your faction-gate
/fstartpayment - Sets the start payment for your faction members (tier 0 only)
/osetpayment - Sets the payment of an offline faction member (tier 0 only)
/setpayment - Sets the payment of an online faction member (tier 0 only)
/takematerials - Takes materials in your faction's warehouse (must be open)
/storematerials - Stores materials in your faction's warehouse (must be open)

Radio Commands:
/r - Radio chat
/freq - Sets frequency
/radio - Shows frequencys
/getfreq - Gets faction frequency
/setfreq - Sets faction frequency
/syncradio - Syncs radio to frequency

Toggle Commands:
/w(un)lock - Toggles whispers, so no one can whisper to you
/name - Toggles your name on and off, so no one can see your name
/togpm - Toggles your PM's, so no one can PM you
/phone - Toggles your phone on and off, so no one can call/trace you

Player Commands:
/dropweapon(s) - Drops weapon(s)
/heal - Heals you inside a house or legal factions HQ
/pay - Pays the person chosen
/me - What your player is doing (E.G. /me rolls the window up.)
/action or /do - Gives a object life (E.G. /action Fart smells eggy. /action Windows are rolled up.)
/showlicenses - Shows the chosen player your licenses
/clothes - Sets market to clothes shop. Changes your clothes
/note [write/delete/give/help] - Create/delete/give notes
/blindfold - Blindfolds the chosen player (Player must be tied)
/unblindfold - Un-blindfolds the chosen player
/tie - Ties the chosen player
/untie - Un-ties the chosen player
/robhouse - Robs the house
/robbiz - Robs the buisness
/driverlic - Driver licenses command
/flylic - Fly Licenses command
/boatlic - Boat licenses command
/sms - SMS player
/number - Gets number of chosen player
/answer - Answers phone
/hangup - Ends call
/usedrugs - Uses drugs
/mydrugs - Shows your drugs
/harvest - Harvest drugs
/plant - Plant drugs
/myseeds - Shows your seeds
/givedrugs - Hands over drugs to a selected player
/dealers - Shows on duty dealers in casino (New)

Business Commands:
/loadmoney - Loads your till from your buisness.
/unloadmoney - Unloads your money from the van.
/sellbiz - Sell your business
/buybiz - Buy a buisness
/unsellbiz - Take your business of the market
/bizstats - Shows the statistics of your business.
/bizdupekey - Gives a duplicated key to chosen player
/takebizkey - Removes the duplicated key
/setfee - Set's entrance fee
/open - Opens the business
/close - Closes the business
/ordercomps - Orders products to your business
/setprice - Set's weapons price

House Commands:
/buyhouse - Buy a house
/sellhouse - Sell your house
/unsellhouse - Unsell your house
/rentprice - Set rent price
/open - Open house
/hshout - Shout into the house at icon
/close - Close house
/unrent - Unrent from house
/house garage - House garage
/house upgrade - Upgrade house interior
/till withdraw/deposit - Deposit/Withdraw money from house
/tenants - Check people who is renting your house
/evict - Evict people who is renting your house
/gopen - Garage open
/gclose - Garage close
/house dupekey - Give a duplicated key to chosen player
/house takedupekey - Removes duplicated key
/evictall - Evicts all players from house

Vehicle Commands:
/car buy - Buy a vehicle
/car sell - Sell a vehicle to all
/car lock - Lock your vehicle
/car savemod - Saves modifications to vehicle
/car park - Parks your car and will respawn
/car tow - Respawns to location you parked
/car unmod - Removes modifcations
/car dupekey - Gives duplicated key to chosen player
/car takekey - Removes duplicated key
/car psell - Sells your vehicle to a selected player
/storeguns - Stores all your firearms in a vehicle
/takegun - Takes out a firearm from a vehicle
/car tog - Used to toggle multiple parts on a vehicle - boot/bonnet/lights/sirens/lightbar
/car service or /car inspection - Read: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=42938 (New)

Chat Commands:
/c - Calls number
/cc - Car chat
/s - Used to shout
/w - Whisper to chosen player
/o - Global OOC chat
/b - Local OOC chat
/g - Group chat
/l - Local chat (Phone)
/pb - Paintball chat
/pm - Personal Message (OOC)
/opm - Offline Personal Message (OOC)
/f - OOC Faction chat

Event Commands:
/join - Joines event
/sub - Subscribe to event
/startevent - Starts a event

Group Commands:
/grouphelp - Shows you a list of group-commands
/g - Group chat
/gleave - Leave group
/gon - Who's online in your group
/ginvite - Invite chosen player to group
/guninvite - Uninvite chosen player from group
/groupname - Changes group name
/groupleader - Changes group leader
/groupdelete - Deletes group

Animation Commands:

Other Commands:
/acc - Purchases Objects on clothes stores
/jobhelp - Job help
/househelp - House help
/grouphelp - Group Help
/bizhelp - Buiness help
/car - Car menu
/car help - Car help menu (New)
/animlist - Shows all animations
/creategroup - Creates a group
/services - Shows you a list of administrator services and other services
/reminder - Used to set a reminder for XX minutes

Public Service Commands:
/cuff - Cuffs the player if tazed or /handsup
/impound - Impounds vehicle if at Ocean Docks
/imprison - Teleports the certain player from the cells to the main area of Jail
/jail - Jails the player selected at Police Department
/unjail - Removes the selected player from Jail.
/mdc - Checks the records of selected player if in faction vehicle
/uncuff - Uncuffs selected player if cuffed.
/letgo - Let's the selected player walk if cuffed and also holds them if walking while cuffed.
/bdeploy - Deploys a barrier (T1)
/bk - Calls a beacon to your location (Backup)
/em - Calls a beacon to your location (Emergency Backup)
/bc - Removes the beacon from the backup or emergency beacons
/d - Department Radio
/rplate - Finds the owner of the vehicle if in faction vehicle
/guard - Let's you go on guard duty if at prison
/admit - For EMS only
/get - Pulls a cuffed or injured player to vehicle
/resetweps - Can be used on a cuffed player to remove all their weapons
/forceout [ID] 1 - Used to force the suspect out of the interior when you're standing outside of the interior
/cl - Clear level. Removes the wanted level of a suspect.
/infraction - Used to add an infraction point to someone's driver/weapon licenses
/gate or 'H' - Used to open/close the faction-gate you're near to
/take - Used to remove illegal materials or revoke licenses from a player
/wlist - Shows you the wanted criminals list
/su - Used to add the chosen player on the wanted list
/cctv - Used to view the most popular places in Los Santos
/weplic - Used to issue a firearms licenses
/bremove - Used to remove a barrier by it's ID
/blist - Shows you all of the deployed barriers with their description and ID

Different 'run' commands (Warehouse/Maverick/Stuff)
*Warehouse runs
/takematerials - Used to take out X amount of materials from a warehouse
/dropcrate - Used to drop a crate
/whclose - Used to close a warehouse
/whopen - Used to open a warehouse
/storematerials - Stores materials in your warehouse.
/materialsinfo - Shows all available guns and the amount of mats needed to /sellgun (New)

*Maverick runs
/loadbulletcrates - Used to load bullet crates
/sellbulletcrates - Used to sell the bullet crates

*Stuff runs
/pickstuffs - Used to pick out stuffs
/putstuffs - Used to put the stuffs
More commands will be added later.

Re: Server Commands

Posted: May 31st, 2012, 1:17 am
by Yards-sama
Well done.

Re: Server Commands

Posted: May 31st, 2012, 2:37 pm
by Blake
Great job ! :).

Re: Server Commands

Posted: June 9th, 2012, 11:59 am
by Fabrizio
Good job. Just noticed that you have missed /ftogcol in faction commands :)

Re: Server Commands

Posted: June 9th, 2012, 12:08 pm
by Johnny
Got some English mistakes there :P
/tleave not /leaveteam
/fcar ua,tow,addslot,etc
/fstockupgrade, /fstocktog, /ftakegun, /garage, /osetrank, /osettier
/fmotd not /motd
etc etc etc :P

Nice effort anyhow.

Re: Information: Server Commands

Posted: June 17th, 2012, 6:17 pm
by Tony_Tagliano
fixed animation commands within team commands. (forgot one [/spoiler])

Re: Information: Server Commands

Posted: September 6th, 2012, 6:40 pm
by Aleya BANNED
u sire r pro. ty

Re: Information: Server Commands

Posted: October 18th, 2012, 8:25 pm
by ThaCrypte
Nice, loving it, but add PD commands and stuff

Re: Information: Server Commands

Posted: December 23rd, 2012, 7:06 pm
by Whiskey
What about the command to store a weapon inside your vehicle?
  • /storeguns
  • /takeguns

Re: Information: Server Commands

Posted: December 23rd, 2012, 7:07 pm
by zaider
/storegun or /storeguns - not sure, but one of those.

Re: Information: Server Commands

Posted: December 23rd, 2012, 7:08 pm
by Blake
/storeguns & /takeguns perhaps?

Re: Information: Server Commands

Posted: December 23rd, 2012, 7:08 pm
by zaider
Vision wrote:/storeguns & /takeguns perhaps?

Re: Information: Server Commands

Posted: December 23rd, 2012, 7:11 pm
by Blake
It's funny how the majority of the community aren't aware of those commands at all, but only the minority are :)
Note: only the guy who stored his guns at a vehicle, may withdraw them from it.

Re: Information: Server Commands

Posted: December 23rd, 2012, 7:18 pm
by Whiskey
Vision wrote:It's funny how the majority of the community aren't aware of those commands at all, but only the minority are :)

Re: Information: Server Commands

Posted: December 23rd, 2012, 7:20 pm
by Blake
Don't get yourself wrong, I'm speaking on the /storeguns & /takeguns commands only :)

Re: Information: Server Commands

Posted: December 25th, 2012, 7:16 pm
by zaider
Removed team commands as it no longer exists on the server.

Re: Information: Server Commands

Posted: December 27th, 2012, 5:54 am
by Vic

Re: Information: Server Commands

Posted: January 14th, 2013, 6:22 am
by ZdraguNZ
This is helpful thankyou :)

Re: Information: Server Commands

Posted: January 14th, 2013, 6:29 am
by Sly
Not even new players, I use it often too. xP

Re: Information: Server Commands

Posted: February 3rd, 2013, 5:18 pm
by Shadow
Updated with Public Service commands and other commands such as "/acceptdeath"

Re: Server Commands

Posted: February 8th, 2013, 5:21 pm
by TheMavi
Good job, but i think you've forgotten /hshout

Re: Server Commands

Posted: February 10th, 2013, 9:23 pm
by Shadow
TheMavi wrote:Good job, but i think you've forgotten /hshout
O.o I didn't even know that existed.

Re: Server Commands

Posted: March 18th, 2013, 1:04 am
by Beast2life
best post it very useful

Re: Server Commands

Posted: April 24th, 2013, 1:04 am
by Japienator
Really helpfull!

Re: Server Commands

Posted: May 24th, 2013, 11:21 am
by Aleya BANNED
Bump and;

/togenter [on/off] - Enabling/disabling pressing F to enter/exit a business/house/car.
/rap [1-4] - Animation

Re: Server Commands

Posted: February 17th, 2014, 4:24 pm
by Aleya BANNED

Re: Server Commands

Posted: September 26th, 2014, 3:41 am
by Whiskey
Faction Commands.. add "/fcar addslot".

Re: Server Commands

Posted: September 26th, 2014, 5:25 am
by Zeca
Great job :D

Re: Server Commands

Posted: September 26th, 2014, 6:03 am
by Peloso
good job :D

Re: Server Commands

Posted: September 26th, 2014, 6:06 am
by B-BAW
OBSADIAN wrote:good job :D