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[GUIDE] Getting Started. [UPDATED; 14/7]

Posted: July 14th, 2014, 8:04 am
by Alsarty
Note; This guide isn't fully finished and will be updated from time to time. Mainly if you got any suggestion/tip please post below. I tried to make the layout as good as I can, thanks.

Italy Mafia Role-Play starting guide

First of all, hello and welcome to Italy Mafia Role-Play. I hope that you'll enjoy your stay and have a great fun while you're here. This guide is created for you(As a new-player) to understand the features of our server and enjoy every thing of it.

Content table

  1. Forum Directory
  2. Spawning
  3. Jobs
  4. Housing
    • Additional help
  5. Factions
  6. Notes / Credits / Others

1. Forum Directory.

In Italy Mafia, our main activity is usually the forum. The forum can keep you in touch with everything happening over the server, even if you can't connect. The forums usually carry the important information, such as announcements from the server's owner or something like a guide like this. You may view the most important sections and threads down here(Click on the name to be directed to the section/thread). Bold/underlined sections/threads are important parts where you shall read them.

1. Announcements section; this section is somewhat the most important section. Our management usually posts the most important info there, you're advised to check this section now and then since it got everything that you might have to know.

2. Information section; Here, there're closed topics which're created explaining the most important/used features over our server, this's just created so you'd be able to understand the server's features and systems.

3. Server rules; this topic is the most important topic. You shall read it the first thing, not doing so might and will get you punished due to breaking them. It's a very important topic. Please read it.

4. Rules section; This's the rules section part, it have every single rule that you might need to know, please read it.

5. The help and questions section; This's the section where you may ask your questions, our server helpers will make sure to reply as soon as they can.

6. Ban appeals section; In case you broke a rule, and you learnt it and knew your mistake and'd like to get another chance, you may post a ban appeal here. Before doing so, please read this:

7. Rules & Format for appealing a ban topic; here you may see the rules and formats. Not following them will get your appeal denied instantly. You're always advised to follow them.

2. Spawning.

Welcome! You're now a part of this great server.

First of all, you'll spawn right here, at a location named "Unity Station". The Uniy Station got a hardware, 24/7 and a clothes shop near it. You may buy anything from there if you want. Find them with /buy for the 24/7, /hardware for the hardware and /clothes for the clothes shop.

You'll mostly find some bikes parked in front of you once you spawn so you could use them to explore the server. You'll also find some players/helpers/administrators who're willing to help you and answer all your questions standing here around Unity Station waiting for your questions.

. Jobs.

Now, after you've explored the city and saw everything, you're bored, you want money, you want to be rich and have a lot of cars and houses!! How to do that? Work! You can choose a job from a lot of jobs by typing down /gps and choosing "City-Hall" for legal jobs. Or you may choose the thief/car jacker jobs.

You may find more about the jobs right here;

4. Housing.

Well, you now got everything, you want a house.. To role-play there, to hide if cops are following you, or even to deal up if you're a criminal. Houses prices aren't that cheap, the cheapest house wouldn't go less than 10 million which is pretty hard to get. First, you might buy a good house by creating an ad. Use /ad in-game and type that you want a house. Or you may place an ad on the SANBay section; viewforum.php?f=33. Or you may also view the Houses Real Estate part of our UCP, here; Buying a house as a first thing isn't the wisest thing to do, since you'll just lose money for nothing.

5. Factions

What's the word "Faction"? What's that? Everyone asks that question to their self. Well, a faction is a group of people who wanted to role-play and achieve a status. They first started as an unofficial faction which they've proven that they're worth it, and became official factions of our server. You made find the official factions section here; viewforum.php?f=37 and also the unofficial factions section here; viewforum.php?f=37

You mainly can join a faction by applying at their thread. You'll get a lot of money, get friends and have some fun.
Please read more info from this topic to know how to join a faction;

6. Notes / credits / others

Well, general notes;
1. Always use the command /ask when you're in need of help.
2. Be nice when talking to someone, specially staff members since they've done a lot to this server.
3. Do not private message someone asking for money, it's as the rules says "Meta-gaming" and also annoying for the other part

I hope I helped some few fellas here. Please be nice in the comments, thanks.

1. A player named "Tyler McCormick" from other community for the idea from his guide.
2. Me for writing this

All the information here are written for Italy Mafia Community and content © Italy Mafia Community, all rights reserved.

change-log(Will also be in the very first post.);
1. Created the guide.
2. -

Re: [GUIDE] Getting Started. [UPDATED; 14/7]

Posted: July 14th, 2014, 8:04 am
by Elsarty
Change-log will be posted here;
1. Created the guide.
2. -

Re: [GUIDE] Getting Started. [UPDATED; 14/7]

Posted: July 14th, 2014, 8:06 am
by Cipriani
Roman numerals go like this


Re: [GUIDE] Getting Started. [UPDATED; 14/7]

Posted: July 14th, 2014, 8:10 am
by Alsarty
Cipriani wrote:Roman numerals go like this


Just re-read the guide, fixed a few mistakes.

Re: [GUIDE] Getting Started. [UPDATED; 14/7]

Posted: July 14th, 2014, 8:29 am
Alsarty wrote:
Cipriani wrote:Roman numerals go like this


Just re-read the guide, fixed a few mistakes.
Good guide, but you're still using a lower case "L" for I - Roman Numerals are like this; I/II/III etc.

L = l
I = i

Re: [GUIDE] Getting Started. [UPDATED; 14/7]

Posted: November 19th, 2014, 3:34 pm
by Alsarty
ok i'll just use 1 2 3 ;D