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Fishing on Foot & Ocean, By Galdo Meratzo.

Posted: May 28th, 2012, 3:45 pm
by zaider
[size=xx-large]Fishing on Foot & Ocean.[/size]

[size=xx-large]Fishing on foot:[/size]

1. You will head to Santa Maria Beach, the big dock with the ferris wheel and drive to end of it, where the ferris wheel itself is.

2. After you are there, you go on the ''/fish & /sellfish''-Icon, and start fishing with typing /fish.

While you /fish, it will only accept you to use the command each 6 seconds, and gives you an warning/error.

3. Selling the fish happens when you got 2000lbs in your inventory, which means you can have more than 2000lb's on your last /fish, but you can't fish after you have exceeded the limit of 2000lb's.

4. Going to the /sellfish location, which is left from the grottis cars entrance.

5. Sell the fishes you are carrying using the /sellfish command on the icon/marker and CONGRULATIONS, you have just sold your fishes!Image
You get approx 3000-4000$ every run.

[size=xx-large]Fishing on ocean:[/size]

1. Its the same location, just under the pier of the Santa Maria Beach, but you will need a boat with you...


2. When you coming to the bridge, i suggest you firstly go, and leave one of your own vehicles on the shore, and go get a boat afterwards. When you there, remember the /engine your boat, and your car/bike to off, because you will loose fuel if you don't turn off your car. Image

3. When you are done with 4000lb's fish, drive/swim to the shore use /lock to lock your boat, since there is people stealing boats/cars while you are fishing.

4. Now head to the /sellfish - location which is the same while fishing on foot!! Image[/img]

5. Use /sellfish on the same location which is same as fishing on foot, and CONGRULATIONS, you have just finished a fishing run with a boat!
You get approx. 7500-9000$ every run.

[size=large]Thank you! If there is any questions, or anything to add, just reply.[/size]