Taxi Driver System
Posted: March 31st, 2015, 1:08 pm

Taxi Driver Documentation
Taxi Driver Documentation
As a taxi driver you will receive calls from people that need a ride. Once you accept a call it's your job to pring people from location A to location B. This ofcourse not for free; you can set your own fare per second. You can find the cabbies at the unity station, as shown on the picture.
- /taxi set <amount> - Sets the price per second for your passengers, ammount can be set from $1 - $40.
/taxi announce - Announce publicly that you are on taxi driver duty
/taxi start - Start charging your passenger in your taxi.
/taxi stop - Stop charging your passenger in your taxi.
/taxi accept <playerid> - Accept an incoming taxi driver call.
/service taxi - Call any onduty taxi driver to pick you up.
Written by: Dempseyy on 31/03/2015