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Role-playing an Arrest - The Pros and Cons

January 1st, 2013, 12:25 am

Roleplaying an Arrest - Pros and Cons
An arrest is a huge part of a role-playing server. Since this game is partly about criminals, there is a high tendency that one day or another you will commit a crime and get caught. However, this does not necessarily imply that you have to run away from cops once being chased after or attempt to further increase your jail sentence by shooting at them.

Some believe that trying to kill the cops that are chasing you or trying to escape will result in them avoiding to spend several minutes in jail. However, since the choice of participating in that crime was entirely yours, you have to accept the consequences.

Why Roleplay an Arrest?
Independently of whether you actually carried out a crime or whether you just hate OOC the cop that is chasing you, one is still expected to roleplay the arrest. Even if cops are framing you for something that you didn't commit, telling a cop OOC that you didn't do it won't help you improve your situation.

Even if you really need to avoid getting arrested for IC reasons (an example of this is that your faction committed a crime and you might be connected to it and you need to avoid further questions, and not such stupid reasons like escaping cause you hit a person), you still should try to roleplay and pay attention to what the cops are doing during the arrest in order to find some IC meanings to escape, obviously without Powergaming or Metagaming.

If you think that you have been framed, simply follow the role-play and provide IC proof that you are innocent and why not, if you deem necessary report the cop to his IC superiors.

Also keep in mind, that the law enforcement is structured in a way to have far more superior IC means to catch criminals and therefore the chance of escaping is small.

Why handle things OOC during an Arrest?
A recurring scene which I have come across during my experience in Italymafia is that whenever a person is getting arrested they tend to take things OOC. Keep in mind that an arrest is something done IC to your character and not to you as a person and therefore there is no reason to take it personally.

To sum things up...

Pros of roleplaying an arrest:
 You open up new roleplay activities, therefore, you and the people around you get less bored
 You interact with new people
 You have something to talk about IC
 You won’t end up dead and lose some money
 You have a small chance of getting a reduced jail time (cops tend to appreciate roleplay and they might repay you in kindness)
 If you try to run away there is still a high probability of ending up dead or in jail anyway and get a more significant jail sentence
 By RPing you are not risking any administrative actions (such as being admin jailed or even further, suspended), remember that if you explicitly avoid cops using non-RP means, the result of that is breaking the server rules.

Cons of evading an arrest:
 You don’t ruin your criminal record (that's a price to pay if you decide to commit a crime)
 You avoid spending a couple of minutes in jail

The choice is yours to make..
Last edited by exos on January 15th, 2013, 12:33 pm, edited 4 times in total.

Posts: 67
Game name: Dwayne_Dixon

Re: Role-playing an Arrest - The Pros and Cons

January 1st, 2013, 12:58 am

Deck wrote:Moved :)
Where did I originally post it ^_^? I didn't realize i posted it in the wrong section

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Re: Role-playing an Arrest - The Pros and Cons

January 1st, 2013, 1:20 am

Aidan. wrote:
Deck wrote:Moved :)
Where did I originally post it ^_^? I didn't realize i posted it in the wrong section
I think you posted it in Community Information (not Community Information > Newbie Guides)

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Re: Role-playing an Arrest - The Pros and Cons

January 1st, 2013, 1:33 am

I used to love RPing with cops arresting me, sometimes just searched for a reason to. xD Silly me.
I stopped that since I am carrying huge amounts of drugs. Hehe.

Cool thread, good job.

Posts: 67
Game name: Dwayne_Dixon

Re: Role-playing an Arrest - The Pros and Cons

January 1st, 2013, 1:47 am

Mark wrote:I used to love RPing with cops arresting me, sometimes just searched for a reason to. xD Silly me.
I stopped that since I am carrying huge amounts of drugs. Hehe.

Cool thread, good job.

Try to store them instead of carrying them with you ;p

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Re: Role-playing an Arrest - The Pros and Cons

January 14th, 2013, 6:37 am


Roleplaying with cops will reward you in many ways rather than OOCing or insulting us.
If you RP'ed you'll get rather possibly shortest possible sentence and will let you keep your illegal materials [sellables]. We'd also give you advantage of doubt in possible cases if the situation isn't quite obivious.

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Re: Role-playing an Arrest - The Pros and Cons

January 14th, 2013, 9:54 am

i always RP my arrest. sometime im cool and sometime i curse and beating Cops IC. i remember in Rizzuto time even Mackenzie came on my arrest scene bcs of fight with Cops
Vito J. Graveli
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Re: Role-playing an Arrest - The Pros and Cons

January 15th, 2013, 8:45 am

Sly wrote:Cool.

Roleplaying with cops will reward you in many ways rather than OOCing or insulting us.
If you RP'ed you'll get rather possibly shortest possible sentence and will let you keep your illegal materials [sellables]. We'd also give you advantage of doubt in possible cases if the situation isn't quite obivious.
Same here, I love RPing with my "clients", too bad that 70% refuses to :roll:
Fuck man... rulebreaking is more addictive than heroin.

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Re: Role-playing an Arrest - The Pros and Cons

January 15th, 2013, 10:44 am

exos wrote:
Roleplaying an Arrest - Pros and Cons

Why Roleplay an Arrest?

 You have a small chance of getting a reduced jail time (cops tend to appreciate roleplay and they might repay you in kindness)

Cons of evading an arrest:
 You don’t ruin your criminal record (that's a price to pay if you decide to commit a crime)
 You avoid spending a couple of minutes in jail

The choice is yours to make..
This one time, I RP'ed an arrest for over an HOUR. In the end, I felt OOC sorry for the guy, and came up with a way of letting him not get arrested, after that much RP. He basicly died IC due to a misuse of medicine. No jail, after Roleplaying with PD. We are nice people, just don't spam us.

Posts: 67
Game name: Dwayne_Dixon

Re: Role-playing an Arrest - The Pros and Cons

January 15th, 2013, 10:50 am

Oak wrote: This one time, I RP'ed an arrest for over an HOUR. In the end, I felt OOC sorry for the guy, and came up with a way of letting him not get arrested, after that much RP. He basicly died IC due to a misuse of medicine. No jail, after Roleplaying with PD. We are nice people, just don't spam us.
That's what the intention of this thread is all about, making people realise that rping with cops is: 1. not boring 2. involves some new Rping scenes as you just stated 3. less chance of actually being given a jail time

It's nice to see that at least LEA's have this perspective on RP.

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Re: Role-playing an Arrest - The Pros and Cons

January 15th, 2013, 11:00 am

exos wrote:
Oak wrote: This one time, I RP'ed an arrest for over an HOUR. In the end, I felt OOC sorry for the guy, and came up with a way of letting him not get arrested, after that much RP. He basicly died IC due to a misuse of medicine. No jail, after Roleplaying with PD. We are nice people, just don't spam us.
That's what the intention of this thread is all about, making people realise that rping with cops is: 1. not boring 2. involves some new Rping scenes as you just stated 3. less chance of actually being given a jail time

It's nice to see that at least LEA's have this perspective on RP.
But I must warn that, some just spam keybinds (something that I hate during RP scenes). They don't even make sence, I do a /me they do 5 /me's that have nothing to dowith what I did. Some will just /Take and jail with keybinds, so well... sometimes you need to be lucky.

(And no, I don't agree with spamming keybinds, it's stupid, because noone is running away, I understand that they use during chases and such -megaphone- but not for jails.)

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Re: Role-playing an Arrest - The Pros and Cons

January 15th, 2013, 12:19 pm

Good guide.

Another con - if you evade arrest like a douchebag, you get ajailed or suspended.
Darius H. Rookwood
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Game name: Dwayne_Dixon

Re: Role-playing an Arrest - The Pros and Cons

January 15th, 2013, 12:30 pm

Yards-sama wrote:Good guide.

Another con - if you evade arrest like a douchebag, you get ajailed or suspended.
Noted and added in different terms though ;p

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Re: Role-playing an Arrest - The Pros and Cons

January 16th, 2013, 1:30 am

Miller wrote:
Sly wrote:Cool.

Roleplaying with cops will reward you in many ways rather than OOCing or insulting us.
If you RP'ed you'll get rather possibly shortest possible sentence and will let you keep your illegal materials [sellables]. We'd also give you advantage of doubt in possible cases if the situation isn't quite obivious.
Same here, I love RPing with my "clients", too bad that 70% refuses to :roll:
I love handing you money so you let me go!

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Re: Role-playing an Arrest - The Pros and Cons

January 16th, 2013, 2:51 pm

I love to get pulled over and to roleplay the entire situation, too bad none pulls me over :(

Thomas MacDermott

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Re: Role-playing an Arrest - The Pros and Cons

January 16th, 2013, 3:02 pm

I like to RP arrests both in the police and in the criminal sides. Even routine traffic checks I like. too bad almost everyone evades when I turn my sirens on. If you don't have your car registered, don't have licenses, or you GTAed, you have to face the consequences....

The main problem is people prefer to die and pay 20k, than to pay a ticket or serve jailtime....

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Re: Role-playing an Arrest - The Pros and Cons

January 18th, 2013, 2:31 pm

Nice, it would be very useful for newbies =|

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Re: Role-playing an Arrest - The Pros and Cons

January 18th, 2013, 4:57 pm

You do lose money upon being jailed.
Most camel cops atm take away huge amounts of sellables unlike what I know the shouldn't. LEAs leaders have always mentioned that you should only remove the sellables or drugs from a person who does not RP along.
One of the pros you mentioned is 'you have an option to reduce jail time', makes no sense as when not arrested you will have no jail time.

When roleplay was decent and enjoyable, when whining wasn't as bad as it is today, when there was some common courtesy.. roleplaying an arrest as any side was something I loved to do, without even considering the pros and cons.. nowadays the rage within both sides ruins the gameplay, the arrest is something certain LEOs love to do as it gives them the jail hammer to them 'bad roleplayers from the mafia'. So much hate and enjoyment or amusement of another player gameplay being less fun.. which makes it all.. not worth it.

My post was not meant to show a negative side nor tell new players not to get arrested, but the other way around, if yall kept it nice and clean, fun and less serious, everything would have been alot better.

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Re: Role-playing an Arrest - The Pros and Cons

January 18th, 2013, 5:54 pm

I understand Johnny's point and even as though I'm an LEO I'll admit that I myself have noticed it too. There are some people on the both sides who actually start hating each other OOC just because they're on different sides in a game.
Sly @ wrote: Title = (( OOC )) Increasing friendliness, Decreasing Retardness
As the title stats, we are getting weird names and are called 'Retards'. Maybe mostly because we get them and arrest them but the problem is sometimes it's not just them. We are wrong too and I am making this thread because i experienced it myself while being on my main account here and my illegal alt account too. You need to start giving people chance to roleplay if they wish too. I've seen you completely ignoring what the victim is trying to say. Maybe he's making stories up but unless you've actually caught him in act you need to give him chance to explain himself. Being a police officer is just not gathering more money in fbank by tickets you also need to provide some real RP as a police officer to other players of the server. After all we all play this game for fun. I was actually disappointed in a situation I came across recently where two of the officers responded at a Idlewood Pizza. (I'll not call their names but they know who they are and I hope they'll try to improve themselves) They arrived at scense and saw a guy was shot multiple times and was passed out on floor. They kept chasing around other people for suspicion rather than helping the man to hospital, hell they didn't even care to call for normal ambulance for him. As a IC police officer helping citizens is one of the most important duties you have to perform.
I don't know if you'll like it or not but please guys don't make LSPD a 'Ticket-Robbery respond-Shoot-Taze-Arrest' force, there are many other things to do too. Give every player chance to RP with you and nevermind even if you lose an RP. I completely understand when you turn retard against someone who is actually being retard but we've now started to count everyone as retards and started treating them same. There are still many people out there who actually are not retard and want to RP with you but unfortunately we are also taking away their right from them by acting such against them.

After all we all are playing this game for fun so let's have some.

I made this thread cause i felt like making one on this topic after my several experiences, cba to recheck it for typos.


These are my own words from a thread I've created on PD's website.

On the other hands illegal faction members are also not less retarded.

i.e "/s PIGS" , Shooting the robbers and than shoot the cops who responded to save your shop , DM any passing cop without any roleplay, DM at ticket, Trying to rob cops right at city hall.

Cops do not possess modern technology scriptwise so you take advantage of it rather than RPing like that. You're not scared to gun down a guy in front of 30+ people watching because you know there's no system which will notify cops and even if it does we'll kill them all HURR HURR.

Both sides need to be improved and say bye-bye to OOC hate towards each other and act and roleplay nicely and not like a 5 yr old IC and OOC. :)

Posts: 67
Game name: Dwayne_Dixon

Re: Role-playing an Arrest - The Pros and Cons

January 18th, 2013, 6:10 pm

Please, don't turn this thread into a cops vs mafia thread. That seriously wasn't my intention, if you want read it, if you don't just keep doin' what you were doing.

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