Made man
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Posts: 1957
Game name: Nate_Harman

Server Changelog

July 15th, 2012, 9:13 pm

15th of November, 2015

  • Updated casino dealership mechanics: refer to viewtopic.php?f=157&t=99170
  • Total amount of money robbed is now persistent and won't reset to 0 after every logout.
  • Removed error message for /invite if the target player is in a hidden faction.
  • Mutes are now persistent and won't reset when a player logs out, meaning they can't be evaded.
  • Tutorial progress is now saved when a player logs out, meaning if an admin forces the tutorial, it can't be evaded by logging out.
  • Added elevator to the building near the LS beach.
  • Added the Cold and the Sniper rifle to the banned passenger weapons.
  • Made /makedealer command work with offline players as well.
  • Made changes to /rob - it now requires the player be surrounded by less than 3 people and if the robbery was successful the target gets the message 30 seconds later, anonymously.
  • Added PD skins for black female characters.
  • Disabled the /kill and /usedrugs commands in paintball.
  • Added a 3-second spawn protection to paintball.
  • Added auto team-balancing on death to paintball.
  • Resolved issue where if the player who initiated a turf takeover quits, the takeover could never be completed.
  • Resolved issue where a player could /dupekey themself.
  • Resolved issue where people could passenger drive-by with desert eagle by storing it in a vehicle and then taking it inside the vehicle.
  • Resolved issue where a mechanic could turn the engine of a vehicle on even if it doesn't belong to the player in the vehicle.
  • Resolved issue where you couldn't /setprice inside a biz.
  • Resolved issue where a wrong message would display when you /pay with more money than you have.
  • Resolved issue where the race positions would sometimes not reset.
  • Resolved issue where a player would drop an invisible moneybag; there's now a moneybag pickup where the player dropped it.
  • Resolved issue where a player's heal time would reset if they were shot while wasted.
  • Resolved issue where trying to enter a restricted vehicle would cancel important animations like coughing, aiming, shooting etc.
  • Resolved issue where a player could take melee damage after doing /kill.
  • Resolved issue where a player couldn't use another gun as passenger if they entered the vehicle with a deagle.
  • Resolved issue where a player wouldn't get their weapons back if they died without being killed at a race/event.
  • Resolved issue where /mynotes would crash the player's client if the note is too long.
  • Resolved issue where /cad wouldn't work if there's a number at the end of the advertisement.
  • Resolved other small issues.
20th of April, 2014.

  • Modified the way drugs are created: For cannabis and cocaine, buy seeds.
    For ecstasy and heroin, buy chemicals and craft the drugs in drug factories (/produce)
  • All drugs of all players have been reset.
  • Bugfixes

03 of April, 2014.

  • /frisk will now display if a player has a cuffpick/rope/rag/toolkit
  • Removed tier-restriction to buy fake licenses
  • You may now /fish when driving a boat, different boat models have different capacities.
  • Forum names of staff are now displayed in /admins
  • Website: Playerlist & faction member list will now display if a player is afk
  • Changed the blue color to a different blue when in paintball
  • Changed /house upgrade to /house change to avoid any confusion.
  • You may now use private owned trucks for trucking missions. (/truckermission, /tm)
  • /car dupekey owners are now also able to /car tow vehicles.
  • You now have to /eject <seatid> rather than the player id.
  • Added car registration location to /gps and /helpme
  • Added a gas station to Palomino Creek

22 of March, 2014.

  • /frisk money formatting added
  • Shooting your own team in PB will nolonger damage them
  • When someone is arrested, the reason for it will nolonger be displayed for everyone.
  • /storeguns and /takegun will now only work if the vehicle is unlocked.
  • /friskcar will only display the plate if locked, and all the other info only if it's unlocked.
  • Added a command for the PD/SASF/FD: /lastcalls, will display the 10 latest 911 calls.
  • Taxi drivers will now only receive calls if they have a /fare set. /fare 0 to disable/go off duty.
  • Added a /faq command ingame. Helpers & admins will be able to add/remove items at anytime.

19 of February, 2014.

  • You will always spawn with full armour in paintball

16th of February, 2014.

  • Everyone can now have 100% armour
  • Increased maximum amount of notes a player can hold to 50
  • Added a /dealers command that shows all dealers on duty and in which casino they are
  • /factions will now additionally display the amount of online members
  • Added a /materialsinfo cmd; shows all available guns + amount of mats needed to /sellgun
  • Using /kill will nolonger show on the killlist
  • Added Sawn-Offs to /ftakegun
  • Paintball kills/deaths count has been reset for everyone.
13th of February, 2014.

  • Suicides will display in the killist
  • Added /tognames - disable/enable showing nametags of every player (e.g. for recording)
  • Added /fbk for factions, send backup signal to only your faction.
  • Added aviation, sailing license & carlot to /helpme
  • Added /bizshout & /hqshout
  • If a player /q's while cuffed, the LEA may decide whether to punish the cuffed player or not
  • 911 calls now have an unique ID, LEA/FD may use /tracecall <callid> to get the checkpoint & merged /service medic to /c 911
  • Faction motd is now displayed in /finfo
  • Gender / ethnicity can be changed if you change your name.
  • Added a bunch of new vehicle models to the newb car dealership
  • /c <number> will no longer show the persons' name but just their phone number
  • /wlock /wunlock may now be used by everyone

6th of February, 2014.

  • The amount of car slots you have will now be displayed in /myvehicles.
  • Increased auto afk setting to 20 minutes.
  • Changed the text to when someone gets uninvited from a group. It was like as if he has left.
  • Players can no longer use RMB at Unity Station.
  • Increased Patriot's vehicle health to 250%.
  • Increased the amount of characters for /ad and /cad.
  • Casino Dealers cannot perform their commands if they are off duty.
  • Removed weapon: Molotov.
  • Bug Fixes:
    • Fire spawns permanently
    • Pirates M.C chat appears when you log off from your UCP

20th of January, 2014.

  • Added barrier type 4
  • Added more notifications to /turftakeover to the current turf owner
  • Taxi Job can now also be used by faction members
  • Made many commands/messages split into 2 lines if they're too long
  • Added a permanent character gender & ethnicity selection with skin restriction
18th of January, 2014.

  • /accent now saves
  • You can now /bdeploy cones (barrier type 3)
  • Added ATM machines inside casino interiors
  • Faction-owned vehicles now spawn locked by default. Faction members may /car lock and /engine faction-owned vehicles.
  • Disabled tazer weapon damage
17th of January, 2014.

  • Added faction logging which will be available to see on the ucp
  • /bk and /em will now show the checkpoint outside a house/biz and automatically disables once the one using it dies
  • You can now /evict players even if they are online
  • /factions line colors are now colored accordingly to their name tag color
  • Club, bar, restaurant owners can now use /radiostation inside which forces music streams on all players that are inside.
  • Added a /bell <reason> command @ PD's front desk
  • If you are in OOC mode, you will see so in the bottom left where the location normally is
  • SkinID now displayed in /stats
  • Added farmer /jobstats and rewards; 5% bonus on 1k jobskill, 10% bonus on 2k jobskill, 20% bonus on 4k jobskill
  • When being temporarily banned, it will now display the ban duration in the banlist on the website
14th of January, 2014

  • Added more turfs over some counties in LS
  • You will be automatically kicked if you don't login within 1 minute after connecting
  • Using /bk or /em will now automatically trigger /ame
  • Majorly decreased the time on how often you lose health due to hunger
  • Rentcars will automatically respawn if they are not occupied for 10 minutes
  • /car tow and /car find without entering an ID gives you the ability to chose a vehicle to tow/find
  • Removed fog/sandstorm weathers from weather cycling
  • You can no longer /rob people at the newb spawn
  • Changed the logic on how the race $ rewards are distributed
  • /aask will automatically enable the player's PMs that /ask'ed a question
  • Added a /rewards command that displays all the playtime rewards
  • Added "/note delete all" to remove all notes at once.
  • When someone in your friendlist logs in, you will be noticed.
  • Car inspection/service: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=42938
11th of January, 2014

  • Added a legal gunshop to Palomino Creek
  • Paintball: Added a /changepackage command to change the currently used weapon pack
  • AFK tag added to /friend list
  • Added time limitations when buying/storing/taking crates of lead/metal from trucks
  • Added /detachtrailer: Detaches the trailer currently attached to your truck
  • Automatic animation will be applied when you get hit by a tazer
  • /lic alias for /showlicenses
  • The owner of a house dupekey may now lock/unlock the houselocker.
  • Entirely removed the acceptdeath system
3rd of January, 2014

  • /bdeploy now automatically sets a barrier ID (/bdeploy <type (1/2)> (<optional comment>))
  • /blist now displays only spawned ones and the location of the barrier

29th of December, 2013

  • A business may only be robbed every 6 hours rather than the previous 4
  • Hitman: /contract unassign
  • Manage your friends ingame: /friend(s) add/remove/list
  • You can nolonger /rob players that are afk or paused

26th of December, 2013.

  • Robbing businesses now takes a maximum of 420 seconds (7 minutes), even if there's more than 420k to steal.
  • Adjusted /drink prices & increased the usage range for large interiors
  • SDC: Comp vehicle changed to DFT-30 w/ dynamic boxes on it
  • SDC: Nametag-/turfcolor changed to pink
  • SDC: Entirely revamped the way the runs work
  • SDC: Entirely revamped the way business refilling works
  • SDC: /restock list shows denied businesses
  • /gon has now been split into /gon and /goff
  • /radiostation will now be heard by everyone in the vehicle. Only changeable by the driver.
  • If you are cuffed and not able to walk and there's no FED in the range of 80meters, you will be able to walk again automatically but you're still cuffed
  • You may now use up to 5 radio frequencies instead of the previous 3
  • Entirely changed the way hitman contracts work.

23rd of December, 2013.

  • Removed house icons (only labels now)
  • Added /tognews to toggle the /br news
  • /ann will now be split into two lines if too long
  • /r and /d will nolonger display the local message to the one who used it
  • You can no longer /car sell vehicles that are not registered
  • /gon will now display when the member has been last online if offline
  • Admins/helpers onduty's local /b chat will now be highlighted
  • Securicar (Moneyvans) now spawn with more health
  • /unjail from adminjails are now displayed in the adminlog
  • SASF Hydra, Hunter & Rhino can now only be used by t0 and t1
  • SAN: Members will now spawn with a camera when @ HQ
  • SAN: Added a "broadcast" f-authority
  • Vehicle plate is now shown in /myvehicles and /mdc
  • /ann will now display the faction name rather than the person using it

04th of December, 2013.

  • Increased the range of when /gate is effective
  • /ouninvite no longer works for t1/t2 players
  • Added a notice for both factions when /giveturf is used
  • You can no longer use /service in jail (except /service lawyer)
  • Added a /checkadqueue command which displays how many pending ads there are
  • /gon now displays an AFK tag if the member is afk
  • When entering Paintball, you can now choose between 3 different weapon packs
  • Removed snow again cause it's ugly as fuck

24th of November, 2013.

  • Vehicle owners nolonger get instantly notified if a ticket is issued on their car
  • /sellguncrates and /sellbulletcrates now give 15 fpoints rather than the previous 10
  • /bk message is now orange for illegals too
  • Added a new authority for t2 members: FCARTOW
  • Casino slot machines can now be used. Wage can be $1000
  • $200000 and max. jackpot is approx. $4m

20th of November, 2013.

  • A business robbed in a turf now only adds 25 notoriety rather than the previous 50
  • Tier 0 faction leaders may now /giveturf <corleone/tattaglia/stracci/cuneo/barzini/paterno/sdc/kemirov/leone/piratesmc/gov>
  • Readded /cad (company advertisments), costs x4 of the normal /ad price.
  • You can turn off the engine of any car even if you dont own it
  • Paintball: When a player takes damage, it'll be displayed over his head
  • Paintball: Changed arena
  • Bugfix: You can't /robbiz or /robhouse when holding a moneybag
  • Added "ANN" tier 2 authority for LEA factions (ability to use /ann)
  • Lowered the ratio on how often it is rainy/foggy
  • Bugfix: Chat anim infinite when in a vehicle
  • Bugfix: LEA factions sometimes seeing turfs

16th of November, 2013.

  • If your /irc message contains a questionmark it'll automatically be transfered into "/ask"
  • If you have /radio off you will nolonger see /d messages either
  • You can nolonger /car fix or /car respray at out of stock PNS businesses
  • You can nolonger buy seeds if the business is out of stock
  • Ticket listing will now also show date/time issued
  • Robbery hud will now display time left for everyone
  • Added a 4th tier for factions. Please see forums for full changes.
  • Re-added the /fstartpayment command for faction leaders (initial fpay upon invite)
  • Bugfix: Trailers will nolonger respawn when attached to a vehicle
14th of November, 2013.

  • Removed business entrance fees for all businesses except club/disco/bar/PNS/PB/transfender/gunshop
  • If a moneybag carrier gets tazed, the bag will be automatically dropped.
  • If a LEA picks up a money bag, his checkpoint will be set back to the business, if delivered, the business gets the money back into its till.
  • #37997
  • Fake licenses did not remove money from the player
  • /car nitro not adding nitro to the vehicle
  • Being ejected from the car when having chatanim enabled
  • Player gets unfrozen when entering/exitting while cuffed
  • /changeteam not working when unbalanced game
  • /getcp not working
3rd of November, 2013.

  • /car wheels and /car nitro sometimes not working properly
  • /sellcomps not working properly at the wheel mod shop
  • Refueling won't stop even if you drive away
  • /ticket may only be used to close players
  • It will nolonger rain in certain interiors & garages
  • Petrol cans could only be used once even if you bought multiple ones
26th of October, 2013
  • Now fully functional; When someone who holds a money bag dies, the bag will be dropped and anyone else can pick it up to deliver and earn the money.
  • Bugfixes:
    • Killist showing player ID 0 when suiciding / when the killer is offline
    • When having chatanim enabled, your char always was getting frozen when talking
    • Paintball /changeteam occasionally returning unknown command
    • Increased chat animation duration
    • /stoprespawn hint only showed when vehicles already have been respawned
    • /refuel occasionally randomly stopping to refuel

24th of October, 2013
  • The Trucker roadtrains and trailers are now at a new place.
  • Admin-command added: /alts
  • Made the old infinitro business usable again, you can buy 10x nitro there now.
  • Vehicles that have unpaid tickets may no longer be sold to other players. You must pay the tickets first.
  • Added /coin which simply flips a coin and lands on heads/tails (can't be faked with /do)
  • Reintroduced money bag dropping on death. To be tested with many players online.
  • Removed the unrealistic things you could /fish (e.g. dead cop, ...)
  • /chatanim duration now depends on the text length
  • /ame will now display the text in the chatbox (only for the one who used the command)
  • You may use /stoprespawn to avoid your last used vehicle from being respawned when admins all respawn vehicles.
  • Added a "/car revoketicket" command for LEA members. Removes all tickets on the closest vehicle (& informs faction)
  • Added a "/changeteam" command for paintball games
  • If a player enters their own business, they do not have to pay the entrance fee.
  • The Pirates M.C have their own faction color
  • Bugfixes:
    • Exploitable checkpoint-bug when harvesting (farmer job)
    • Missing texture for bridges in Blueberry & Red County
    • When a vehicle alarm is triggered, FEDs will see the vehicle plate rather then the vehicle ID
    • Roadblock textID labels sometimes not appearing
    • Cops nolonger get full armour when healing in a house
    • When refueling your vehicle and slightly touching it will nolonger cancel the refueling process (5meter radius tolerance)
    • Killist not showing deaths if the killed player ID was 0
    • If you enter a garage as a driver, your passengers nolonger get bugged out of the vehicle.
    • Removed a few floating objects
    • Weather not staying synced when entering/leaving interiors
    • Trailer not attached countdown not counting down
22nd of October, 2013.
  • The trucker job has been revised.
  • A new faction has been created ( Pirates M.C )
  • Removed the free house-downgrading feature
  • Bugfixes
    • Fixed a business text-label bug
    • Removed some unreachable houses
    • Removed the maverick from the chop-shop
14th of October, 2013.
  • Removed the info icons inside 24/7 Stores
  • Added a /bank command which sets a checkpoint to the closest bank
  • Added a /hardware command which sets a checkpoint to the closest hardware store
  • /refuel price is now (requiredfuel*$7)
  • New surfable vehicle(s): FBI Truck (528), Andromada (529)
  • Using /offduty now removes your weapons + resets to 50 armour
  • You can nolonger use /heal and /givegun if you're off duty.
  • Reopened all tunnels and rebuilt all bridges
  • Added 3D textlabels on vehicles which are on sale.
  • Being killed by LEO no longer adds a criminal record ("Severely wounded")
  • /open, /close, /setprice, /setfee may now be used inside the business too.
  • Removed all black markets as they had no use anymore.
  • /rplate now displays unpaid tickets
  • Added /traceplate [plate] (may only be used inside LEO vehicles)
  • Added about 90 businesses throughout Los Santos which will be available soon
  • Major earning increases for businesses (see Community Announcements)
  • You are limited to own 3 businesses at a time. (Premium 1-5 may own 4, Premium 5+ may own 5)
  • All businesses have a fixed tax rate of 9%.
  • Businesses may be robbed every 4 hours instead of 10.
  • You only require 4 people to rob a business.
  • /bizname price reduced to $25k.
  • You may buy a namechange for your character for $50m using /buynamechange
  • You may buy premium phonenumber for your character for $25m using /buyphonenumber [1-999999]
  • Bugfixes
13th of October, 2013.
  • Robbing a business now displays a HUD to everyone robbing the store containing information
  • The time required to rob a business now depends how much cash you steal. Absolute minimum is 45 seconds.
  • Added 3 business to Dillimore
8th of October, 2013.
  • Added a /clearchat command which clears your chat window
  • You may now use /deletead if you don't want your current /ad in queue to be displayed anymore.
  • Level 1 & level 2 players will no longer lose deathfees of $10k.
  • Carjacker job revised (see Community Announcements)
  • Garbage men earnings increased by a lot.
  • Bugfixes
4th of October, 2013.
  • Group leaders may now use /oguninvite to uninvite offline players
  • Group leaders cannot use /gleave if there are other members of the group besides yourself
  • Added a /dropallmaterials command which removes all your materials which you carry on you
  • You may now use /blockpm [PlayerID/PartOfName] to block a specific player ID from PMing you.
3rd of October, 2013.
  • Sniper damage has been reset to GTA's default
  • Sniper may now be obtained using /sellgun (2000 mats = 40 ammo)
  • Added an ad queue so you nolonger have to spam /ad like a fool
  • Added /tz alias for /tazer
  • Business tags now indicate whether it has products in stock or not
  • New server intro textdraws
  • /foff is now sorted by player tier
  • Enabled /sellgun in vehicles except for sniper and deagle
  • You will automatically respawn when you quit your race in a race or the race ends.
  • You will nolonger see anything when in "injured" mode.
  • Vehicle alarm will now trigger instantly rather than when the thief finished toolkitting.
  • Various bugfixes
  • PD: /offduty will now set your skin back to your original one rather than having a choice
  • Renamed LSEMS to LSFD
  • Turned all the various Transfenders / Pay N' Sprays around San Andreas into businesses so they can be used.
  • FEDs can now customize the jailtime appearance
  • All of the current turfs have been removed and entirely re-made so they cover entire LS in a structured way.
28th of September, 2013.
  • Players are now automatically removed from LMS and Shipfight events if their ping is over 400.
  • You may nolonger use /sellgun, /c, /r, /sms, /ad while in jail.
22nd of September, 2013.
  • Players are now automatically removed from Paintball if their ping is over 400.
  • Decreased beacon size of /bk
  • /rob and /sellgun may no-longer be used in paintball.
21st of September, 2013.
  • Weather will now change randomly (even rainy/stormy/...) every 15 minutes
  • It will now be dark outside earlier (20:00)
  • Entirely changed the way the FEDs suspect criminals. (/su /list /suremove)
  • Barriers will now display a small text including the ID so it's easier to identify and remove them.
  • /MDC can now be used inside police interiors
  • /badge now looks differently
  • Admins can add radiostations dynamically (do not spam admins about adding stations!)
  • Added a /getcp command which re-sets the last checkpoint you had, works for almost every command having a checkpoint.
  • Bugfixes
25th of August, 2013.
  • Property movements are no longer possible. We will no longer move your houses or businesses.
  • We no longer accept custom mapping for houses / businesses. They quite simply ruin Los Santos.
  • Visible weapons on the player characters have been removed.
  • When entering a car it will only show tickets issued by cops. Speeding tickets will be included in the total to pay but will not be listed every time.
  • Improved weapon anti-cheat
  • Mafia warehouses may now be upgraded in order to increase the material production rate. Only tier 0 members may upgrade their faction warehouse using /whupgrade
    • Level 1: Production rate is 10 materials per 5 seconds. Cost: $0
    • Level 2: Production rate is 15 materials per 5 seconds. Cost: $100 millions
    • Level 3: Production rate is 20 materials per 5 seconds. Cost: $200 millions (total $300m)
    • Level 4: Production rate is 25 materials per 5 seconds. Cost: $300 millions (total $600m)
    • Level 5: Production rate is 30 materials per 5 seconds. Cost: $400 millions (total $1b)
    • Level 6: Production rate is 35 materials per 5 seconds. Cost: $500 millions (total $1.5b)
  • Calling faction backup using the laptop will no longer trigger a checkpoint. This was an unfair advantage. Use /tracen instead.
  • Hardware Shop owners can now define their item prices using /setprice
  • 24/7 Shop owners can now define their item prices using /setprice
  • Tuning/modifications on job vehicles will no longer save.
  • /refuel pricing as been generally increased.
  • Bug fixes
8th of August, 2013.
  • The loss of money has now been increased during wars:
    • - Tier 0 will lose: $150,000 (they used to lose $50,000)
      - Tier 1 will lose: $120,000 (they used to lose $30,000)
      - Tier 2 will lose: $70,000 (they used to lose $15,000)
  • Multiple bug fixes.

4th of August, 2013.
2nd of August, 2013.
  • Material system revised
    • - decreased material wh generation to 10/5 seconds rather than previously 25/5 seconds
      - 2000 units of lead now cost $5500 rather than the previous $3k
      - 2000 units of metal now cost $5200 rather than the previous $3k
  • Kart, Predator, Leviathan and Cargobob is now surfable
  • Bugfixes:
    • - Fixed a vehicle passenger bug related to dynamic teleports
      - Fixed a kill list bug related to disconnected players
      - Fixed two bugs related to the aidkit
      - Fixed skin reset upon leaving the paintball arena
      - Fixed event subscription while in the paintball arena
      - Fixed the ability to use /cc while muted
      - Fixed a typo when reaching 550 playtime hours
      - Fixed the textmessage when trying to take more than 99.999 materials from a locker
      - Updated /services

16th of July, 2013.
  • It is now possible to store materials into faction warehouses (/storematerials). The warehouse must both be open, and owned by the faction you belong to.
  • Removed some weapons (Colt 9mm, TEC9, Sawn-off, AK47) from legal gunstores. These weapons are now only obtainable through gundealers.
  • Kemirov got their faction-color back.
  • A few vehicles which should be surfable, but wasn't, is now surfable (Tow Truck, Dumper etc.)
  • Pay 'N' Spray's can now set a 'base price' between $50 & $150
    • E.g. you're at Temple PNS which has a base price of $150;
      - If your car has 25% damage, you need to pay (25*150) = $3750.
      - If your car has 65% damage, you need to pay (65*150) = $9750
      - The respray/paintjob price is always baseprice*20.
  • Bugfixes:
    • You can now exit rentable/on sale cars simply by pressing F, instead of using /exitcar which often caused trouble.
    • Fixed a bug where you could drive in cars on sale by using /toolkit
    • Anti-cheat does no longer ban players throwing/selling molotovs.
    • Fixed a bug where if you died inside an interior, you would see nothing while in recovery mode.
    • Fixed a typo in the Mechanic job saying you need 200 jobskill to tow vehicles, when you actually only need 100.
    • Fixed a bug where you could give fake licenses to anyone, regardless of distance.

23rd of June, 2013.
  • Fixed a bug that made admins die occasionally when they turn off spectate mode.
  • Fixed a bug where players gets frozen at car lot, when they're getting jacked out of a car that is on sale.
  • You will now automatically /acceptdeath if you're dying inside a turf that is being taken over.
  • The long lasting moneybag bug has finally been fixed.
  • Fixed the bug where you could buy 5 aidkits and spam the command on an injured player, with the result of the player recovering faster than the set timer.
  • /house upgrade showing incorrect prices has been corrected.
  • Updated /services list to apply to our current regulations.
  • Anticheat has been slightly altered due to alot of false bans.
  • Fixed the bug where a group leader would lose ownership of his group, if he changes his in-game name, since the system wouldn't "recognize" his namechange (leaders old name would still be leader, even though it didn't exist).
  • Fixed the bug where you would be able to /answer on behalf of the phonecall receiver when calling him.
  • Fixed a bug where a player would be jailed falsely for /q to avoid arrest if he was killed while being cuffed/if someone used /breakcuffs on him, and then quited the server later on.
  • Updated the coordinates of the SDC stuff checkpoint marker.

16th of June, 2013.
  • Faction leaders can now set payments of offline members (/osetpayment)
  • /car fix will now freeze your vehicle for 3 seconds. You will also have to turn off your engine in order to fix your vehicle.
  • The old paused tag has been reimplemented.
  • Admins can now control which vehicles to respawn instead of respawning all server vehicles.
  • It is no longer possible to change your name on the UCP.
  • The following vehicles cannot be locked anymore: Caddy, Tractors, BF injection, Dozer, Baggage, Forklift, Vortex & Mower
  • Bug fixes:
    - Enhanced the weapon spawning anticheat detection.
    - /chatanim not working properly
    - /car tog lightbar has been fixed to work properly.

11th of May, 2013.
  • Any player is now able to use /get <playerid> <seatid> on a person who is in wounded state
  • War system changes:
    - The entire "points" logic has been removed.
    - If a tier member 0 dies, he will lose $50.000. If a tier member 1 dies, he will lose $30.000. If a tier 2 member dies, he will lose $15.000.
    - There is no more automatic winning. The faction which is tired of warring / tired of losing money will lose.
    - There must absolutely be proper reasons to war. There MUST be a monetary reward of at least $25.000.000 which goes to the winner. There may of course be additional rewards which have to be decided between the faction leaders.
    - During the war, both faction leaders agree that they and their members strictly obey the war and server rules.
  • Only heavy weapons will now be shown on your character.
  • Bug fixes:
    - Fixed a bug with /houseupgrade
    - Fixed a bug where cars would randomly receive tickets
    - Fixed a bug where a weapon would show on your back when it's in your hand too
    - Fixed a bug related to races where you might lose ownership of your vehicle(s)
    - Fixed a bug where you may spawn with a minigun
    - Fixed a bug where weapons might still appear on someone's back despite them not having it anymore
    - Fixed a bug with the /rob system (bug where you're sometimes /robbed as soon as you spawn)
  • The faction headquarter gates have made a return
  • Gun/weapon dealing system has been completely revamped.
    Every mafia now owns a warehouse. By default, you do not have any. Ask a Head Admin or higher to place a warehouse somewhere for you. Please note that the warehouse must be outside of Los Santos and far away from the lead and metal pick up points.
    There are no more "sellable guns" but simply "materials". Your warehouse is a material generator. In order to generate material, your warehouse needs lead and metal.

    To begin with, you need a Linerunner/Roadtrain truck and a trailer attached to it. You will find trailers spread all over San Andreas placed at random locations. You cannot buy trailers.
    Once you have a truck and a trailer, you're ready to get started. Drive to the huge cargo ship in San Fierro, there you may buy crates with 5000 units of lead costing $5000 each. Note that your trailer has a total maximum capacity of 100.000 units. Once you have enough lead loaded into your trailer, you can head to the next step if you also want to buy metal. You may buy crates of metal (5000 units, $5000 each) at the Quarry in Las Venturas. Once again, remember that your trailer has a maximum capacity of 100000 total units, lead and metal together.
    Should you have a crate in your hands but your trailer is full of cargo, you can drop it using /dropcrate.

    If you bought enough lead/material, you should head back towards your faction warehouse. Infact, you may unload it at any warehouse you like and which is not locked, but you obviously want to store it in yours and not gift them to someone random!
    Once stored in your warehouse, the machinery in it will begin processing the lead and metal and generate materials. The production rate is 1 material / second.

    Tier 0 and tier 1 members are the only ones who are able to lock and unlock their faction warehouse. Please note that if your warehouse is unlocked, ANYONE can take materials from it. Use /takematerials to take out materials from your warehouse. Your warehouse must also be unlocked in order to place lead/metal into it. Be organised and have tier 1 members with you when doing runs.
    You must be at the warehouse itself in order to see how much lead, metal and materials your warehouse currently contains. There is a label showing the statistics.

    This change concludes that there is no longer a gundealer job, anyone who gets access to materials automatically has the possibility to build a gun with it and sell it using /sellgun. You may also sell guns to yourself again, you do not have to be at a specific place for this anymore if you have the materials on you. You may see how many materials you have on you using either /myweapons or /frisk. You may of coruse stay materials inside your houselocker too.
    This change also brings the fact that all of the "sellable guns" have been deleted. Obviously no refund is possible!
    Post: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=24618
  • Functional speed traps implemented.

24th of March, 2013.
  • You may now downgrade your interior without any extra costs (/house upgrade)
  • /take sellables is now functional for tier 2's aswell (SASF/PD/FBI)
  • Law enforcement officers may now ticket vehicles. Everytime the owner enters his vehicle, he will get a notification that there has been issued a ticket on his vehicle. A vehicle can have multiple tickets issued at the same time.
    • - usage: /car ticket <amount> <reason>
      - usage: /car payticket
16th of March, 2013.
  • Various bugs have been fixed
  • Added a vehicle mileage counter
  • Revamped HUD to hide unneeded info
  • Added 2 more legal gun shops
  • Official casino dealer system has been added in order to reduce casino scamming.
  • Patriots are restricted to SASF and can not be bought in dealerships. (Current ones will not be scrapped)
3rd of March, 2013.
  • Anyone can /execute a player who is in death mode
  • Death message will only be shown after you really die (/acceptdeath or /execute'd)
  • A Pay & Spray was added for boats and aircraft (close to the Marina Bay for boats and close to the LS airport for aircraft)
  • Vehicles now have various alarm levels. Alarms may only be upgraded progressively. If you want alarm level 3, you first need to buy 1 & 2. Upgrading from 0 to 3 would thus cost $2.5m in total

    Level 0: Nothing
    Level 1: Vehicle horn, local message ($250.000)
    Level 2: Vehicle horn, local message, SMS to the owner ($750.000)
    Level 3: Vehicle horn, local message, SMS to the owner, SMS to the PD ($1.500.000)

2nd of February, 2013.
  • Updates /clothes in clothes shops to use 0.3x's new textdraw possibilities
  • If you press N while toolkitting a vehicle, toolkitting will be cancelled.
  • Updated /cctv positions
  • Increased maximum /fare price for taxi drivers to $2500
  • Decreased required jobskill for mechanics to tow vehicles to 100.
  • If you /quit while in death mode, you automatically lose $10000.
  • If you teamkill someone in paintball, you lose $3500 and get 6 kills deducted.
  • Removed the orange "(( Paused ))" tag above nametags. Use 0.3x's new feature /nametagstatus instead.
  • When using /car sell, the car will no longer be put on a random parking place but where you use /car sell. Vehicles put on sale on random/bad places will be impounded.
  • /car lock will now only show a message to you rather than a /me command due to the chat getting clogged.
  • Added a /givedrugs command to hand over drugs between players.
  • You can now sell cars privately to a player. /car psell [Player_Name] [price] & /accept vehicle

24th of December, 2012.
  • Added a 2nd type of roadblock to /bdeploy. The command is now: /bdeploy <barrierid> <type(1/2)> <description>
  • Added a /press command for SAN
  • Added text labels to dynamic teleports
23rd of December, 2012.
  • Removed all of the playtime rewards where you get premium status because it causing too much confusion.
  • Fixed a bug where sometimes a player has no jail reason in /stats
  • You can no longer use /ad if your phone is off.
  • Fixed admin respawn command so that injured players aren't stuck in injured mode.
  • Fixed a bug where if you are in injured mode you don't see all the text draws and your skin is unsynchronized.
  • Removed a bunch of useless Las Venturas mapping leftovers.
22th of December, 2012.
  • Added drunk effect when being tazed
  • Houselockers can now be opened and closed by the house owner. /houselocker lock & /houselocker unlock
  • Job and noobvehicles now automatically respawn if they're not used for 5 minutes.
  • Adapted /admit to the new hospital interior.
  • Removed the automated messages every 5 minutes.
  • Fixed the /ad delay so people actually have to wait 1 minute.
  • Removed the entire team system
  • Vehicles which belong to a job now have a corresponding plate, e.g. "TAXI" and faction vehicles the faction name, e.g. "STRACCI".
  • Added "/evict all" which evicts all tenants at once.
  • Adminjailed people are now separated from the normal jail
  • Removed the drive-by detection jail.
  • Removed BMX, Bike, Mountain Bikes from dealership.
  • Added /tracehouse and /tracebiz for taxi drivers.
  • /id now displays if a player is afk.
  • You can only /rob people which didn't move for 2 or more seconds.
18th of December, 2012.
  • The issue where vehicle modifications were not saving has been fixed. (/car savemod)
  • A bug regarding the new death system inside paintball has been fixed.
  • A bug regarding the new death system with /clothes has been fixed.
  • A bug regarding turftakeover while being dead has been fixed.
  • /blist, /bremove and /offduty has been added for the EMS faction.
16th of December, 2012.
  • A new faction has been added. (EMS) viewtopic.php?f=8&t=13963
  • Bug with Sultan runs, where you couldn't load alcohol and stuffs at the same time has been fixed.
  • Players can now own up to 5 vehicles.
14th of December, 2012.
  • Vehicles used during races and derbies can now despawn properly.
  • The /buy command in the stadium has been fixed.
  • The /rob command can no longer be used on people that are recovering.
  • A issue with /useweapon has been solved.
  • The sumo event has been fixed.
9th of December, 2012.
  • A textdraw has been added to the location of /boatlic.
  • The issue with /r where it showed up in every interior has been fixed.
  • Quitting while being cuffed has been increased to a 60 minute jail.
  • Drive-by with a deagle is no longer possible with /useweapon.
  • When setting phone numbers the database will be checked in order to avoid two people having the same phonenumber.
2nd of December, 2012.
  • Basic Adminstrators are now able to respawn vehicles.
  • All the money from the paycheck is now directly transferred into your bank account.
  • /kill no longer works when you are cuffed.
  • /roulette and /blackjack can only be used if you are higher then level 5.
  • /stoptrace now removes the checkpoint.
  • Law enforcement officers are now able to /cuff after someone does /handsup.
  • The driver license now requires you to take a test, which consist of a few checkpoints. You need to follow these rules to pass your test:
    • You should not drive faster then 115km/h.
    • Your car should have more then 85% vehicle health.
    • It shouldn't take you more then 60 seconds to go from one checkpoint to another.
  • The distance from where you can see nametags has been reduced.
1st of November, 2012.
  • SDC now decides how much each business has to pay for their comps
  • New commands for the SDC: /setcompprice, /setdistributor and /setrunprice
  • When selecting a floor in the elevator, an automatic /me command appears
  • /tracen now traces continuously and updates every one second. Use /stoptrace to stop tracing.
26th of October, 2012.
  • The Police Department can now ticket up to $100,000
  • There is now an entry fee for Transfenders
  • There is now a functioning elevator in the tall LS building.
21st of October, 2012.
  • New/revised tutorial slides with more information.
  • /house is now a shortcut to house commands. (just like /car)
  • Removed the "Just Spawned" tag above players. Only the red tag on the affected players screen remains.
  • If you die, you'll have to spend a few seconds looking at the hospital.
  • Fixed bug: BMX, Bike, Mountain Bike can nolonger be locked
  • /engine can only be used by the vehicle owner or dupekey owner. Public vehicle engines can be turned on/off by anyone.
  • Toolkits can now be also used to start an engine of a vehicle when inside it. (/toolkit)
  • Garages: Open garages can now be entered by anyone.
  • Fixed the bug that players did not get fined by adminjails while offline.
  • From now on, anyone can use /phone (on/off) and /w(un)lock
  • Head Admin+ can now set how many comps a business can hold maximum at a time.
  • Players may now have permanent increased car-/biz-/houseslots. Do NOT ask for those, those are RARELY given out.
  • Donators now get a small percentage more bank interest rate.
  • All PNS entrances are now blocked. You are forced to use /car fix and /car respray instead of getting it for free.

17th of October, 2012.
  • When a player gets admin-jailed, he loses money (Formula = level * seconds jailed = money lost)
  • BMXes etcetera, no longer have /engines
  • BMXes etcetera, can no longer be /locked
  • Fixed a gun dealer run where the route was too small.

30th of September, 2012.
  • Added new house interior, ID 25
  • Some house interior prices have been changed:
    - ID 22: $19,000,000
    - ID 23: $23,500,000
    - ID 24: $33,000,000
    - ID 25: $38,000,000
  • SDC (Shield Delivery Company) /unloadcomps now removes money from the faction bank instead of always spawning 1.3k into the server's economy
  • The maximum allowed barriers have been changed from 30 to 50
  • The automatic faction payment system has been reimplemented
    - Tier 0 faction leaders can use /setpayment [ID] [amount] (values are from 0-$150,000)
    - Faction members will receive the given payment every hour automatically from the faction bank if enough is available
  • Administrators can now see /charity(s) and transactions on Echo
  • Added possibility for 2nd faction spawn point for SDC (FD)
  • Fixed the bug where one could spam /restore in order to get money in a non legitimate way
  • Fixed the bug where you could not vehicle surf on boats
  • Normal players can only have 50% armour. PD, SASF, GOV can have 100% armour
  • Level 1 players need at least 4 RPoints to be able to use weapons
  • There's now a total of 70 different places for truckers to deliver goods to
  • Vehicle fuel now saves
  • Player health / armour now saves when relogging
  • Gundealers now have to /buybullets at random places, not only at one
  • Map icons are no longer displayed for HQs
  • All businesses are now displayed as a yellow dot, on the map
  • /jobhelp text has been updated
  • New players are now forced to see the tutorial
  • Helpers can now:
    - Kick players between level 1 and 3
    - Freeze players between level 1 and 4
    - Change name of players between level 1 and 3
    - Use /go to tp to various important places
  • Players can no longer rob admins/helper on duty.

8th of September, 2012.
  • The script has made it impossible to vehicle surf on most vehicles, with the exception of vehicles such as pick up trucks.

13th of August, 2012.
  • The vehicle system has been improved so that there are unlimited car slots.
  • Server slots have been increased to 250 (previously 200.)

12th of August, 2012.
  • Server slots have been increased to 200 (previously 180.)

10th of August, 2012.
  • Players are now unable to register in game. They will have to register on the site from now on.

5th of August, 2012.
  • Fixed a bug where inpounded vehicles are located in other interiors.

4th of August, 2012.
  • Fixed a bug where the components from a few businesses could go into minus figures.
  • Improved and fixed the driveby jail system where players could get wrongly jailed.
  • Fixed the phone bug where you could see what someone was writing in /b when they had not yet answered the phone.
  • Pay N' Sprays now earn $1800 per payday, as well as the usage it gets.
  • You no longer lose your group due to name changing.

16th of July, 2012.
  • The layout of /admins has been slightly altered.

15th of July, 2012.
  • Players can now put a custom input into /accent. e.g. /accent Welsh
  • Added a /dropalldrugs command
  • Dupe key owners now can use /tenants, but not rentprice
  • Players can now use their own truck to do trucker missions
  • A blue/green house icon has now been added. Blue houses represent owned, and green represents for sale.

8th of July, 2012.
  • Mechanics can no longer use /tracen

30th of June, 2012.

  • If /car lock [ID] parameter is given, it will unlock or lock that particular vehicle, even if you're a few metres away.

24th of June, 2012.
  • Game Rewards revised:
    • 2 Hours = $15.000
    • 10 Hours = 3 RPoints
    • 20 Hours = $150.000
    • 40 Hours = 1 Namechange
    • 60 Hours = $500.000
    • 180 Hours = Sultan/Phoenix/Buffalo/Huntley
    • 350 Hours = Infernus/Bullet/Maverick
    • 400 Hours = 1 month premium
    • 600 Hours = $5.000.000
    • 950 Hours = 6 weeks premium
  • Removed some useless mapping in LV/LS
    • Space available in Los Santos Airport now
    • Hospital Remapped by MacKenzie
  • /engine when vehicle is disabled now returns an error.
  • Business Robbery alert message changed for LEAs.
  • Weplics removed upon namechanges.
  • LSPD is now off duty by default upon logging in.
  • Off duty/tabbed/admin or helper duty = not counting towards online LEOs
  • Phone system changed - bugfix.
  • LSPD tier 1 can now issue licenses.
2nd of June, 2012.
  • Added a level 24 house interior.
  • Various bug fixes, e.g:
    - The level 22 house interior has been fixed.
    - Bug resolved where the Vortex would respawn when it hits water.
    - Bug resolved where gas station owners weren't making money by /refuel.
    - Bug resolved where /tcars wasn't showing the correct vehicles.
    - Bug resolved where the Real Estate section of the /laptop was not showing correctly.
  • Helpers can now /changenick up to level 3.
  • A slight bug has been fixed concerning helpers where /aask didn't show up correctly for other staff.
28th of May, 2012.
  • Tweaks for the helper system.
    - The helper and admin teleport system has been tweaked.
    - Helpers can now change the name of level 1 players.
    - Changes to the /aask command for helpers
  • /setbiztax [bizID] [tax] command added for government members to avoid them having to drive around the map to set business taxes.
  • A few team additions:
    - Added /tcar savemod, /tcar unmod for tier 0
    - /tcar respray col col for tier 0
    - /tcar scrap for tier 0
    - Added the players team rank in the /t chat.
  • It is now possible to /close businesses from inside.
  • A few additions to Tier 1s and 0s. Tier 1 and 0 mafia members may give people the gundealer job using:
    - /makegundealer - makes the given player a gundealer
    - /removegundealer - removes the gundealing ability from a player
21st of May, 2012.
  • Server slots have been increased to 180 (previously 150.)

19th of May, 2012.
  • /car tog lightbar added for Law Enforcement Agency vehicles. When you /car tog lightbar the light bar will appear. Press "Y" to turn it on, and "N" to turn it off. Use /car tog lightbar respectively to get rid of the bar all together.

13th of May, 2012.
  • Players can now use their own trucks (if they're a trucker.) Use /startmission to start loading cargo as normal.
  • LEAs can now infract driver and weapon licenses, maximum 3 of each. They show up in /showlicenses.
    The command is: /infraction [playerid/playername] [driver/weapon] [reason]

12th of May, 2012.
  • FORUM: The server rules can now be navigated to easier by newbies. (this is also easier for people trying to help newbies.)
  • FORUM: Teamspeak 3 button on the top of the forum to check who's on TS at that given time, has been added.
  • Added a tutorial explaining the basics of the server. Administrators and helpers can now /tut (force tutorial where they have no option to skip) on someone if they need to know the roleplaying basics. Helpers and admins are notified when a player refuses the optional tutorial and when a player finishes reading the tutorial.
  • Added some more streams (check /radiostation in a car or /ipod anywhere, but you need to buy the iPod in a 24/7 store first.)
  • A few cuff system alterations:
    - Players cannot jump while cuffed.
    - Players are by default frozen when cuffed.
    - LEAs can use /letgo while a player is cuffed to toggle him being frozen (if close enough)
  • A few refuel system alterations:
    - Your engine must be off before being able to refuel.
    - You must stand outside, next to your car to refuel it.
  • Added /fcar register for tier 0 members of factions.
  • There is no longer a prize for the 20 hour playing milestone.
8th of May, 2012.
  • The server has been upgraded to SA:MP version 0.3e!
  • The server now has a new cuffing system where players are visibly cuffed (thanks to 0.3e!)
  • A few speedbumps have been added throughout the city (thanks to 0.3e!)
3rd of May, 2012.
  • Trucker delivery earnings now depend on the distance travelled, your job experience and amount of cargo you were carrying.

28th of April, 2012.
  • Tier 0 can jail up to 50 minutes
  • Tier 1 can jail up to 40 minutes
  • Tier 2 can jail up to 25 minutes
  • Railings on the northern side of the newbie spawn area have been added
  • You now have to go to the advertisement tower to /cad
  • Using drugs now has a longer negative effect (shakyness, red screen) - and now a 50% possibility of losing health when taking too many drugs in a short amount of time.
  • Added /lights alias for /car tog lights

21st of April, 2012.
  • Helpers will now see the report if the player which used /report is level 1.

3rd of April, 2012.
  • Added /touninvite (team offline uninvite).

24th of March, 2012.
  • Slightly altered drug selling command. From: "/selldrugs [PartOfName/ID] [type]" to "/selldrugs [PartOfName/ID] [type] [amount]"
  • You can now /sellgun inside HQ / Houses / Businesses
  • Added AK47s to illegal gunshops (only the AK47!)
  • The silly fish names when you /fish have been removed (e.g. Paterno's Don)
  • /marry is now only for server administrators
  • Added Mexican, Korean, Irish and Scottish to /accent
  • Added team commands:
    - /tcar park (tier 0)
    - /tcar tow (tier 0)
  • Added an "iPod" to 24/7 stores ($15k) with which you can listen to radio everywhere. (/ipod)
  • Removed the global money van message
  • Name changes left will now appear in /Stats - only if you have over 0 namechanges left
  • The specific reason you type into /su appears on /wlist
  • 20 hour playtime reward is now $150,000 instead of a vehicle
  • Added more trucker delivery spots all over the map
  • 110 hour playtime reward is now automated
  • 300 hour playtime reward is now automated.

6th of March, 2012.
  • The money caps have been altered to the following:
    - Businesses: 200m
    - Houses: 100m
    - /pay: 500k
    - /transfer: 50m

29th of February, 2012.
  • Newbie spawnpoint has been relocated from the City Hall, to Unity Station.
  • Group system fixed.
  • House dupekey system fixed.
  • Teams no longer have HQs.
  • /blackjack and /roulette system at casinos.
  • The 20 hour vehicle prize is now given automatically providing the particular vehicle you chose is available.

26th of February, 2012.
  • Everything has been moved to LS.
  • Added a new feature, similar to factions and groups: Teams
    Teams have the same features as groups, but they can have ranks, tiers, and team vehicles.
    They also have their own place where they spawn if not renting at any house.
    To obtain leadership over a new team, you have to request it at the forum.
    It won't be easy to create a team, we only allow motivated, roleplaying groups to create a team.
    If you are in a team, you cannot be in a faction.
    All required commands can be found with the command /teamhelp

    This feature was mainly added for small roleplaying groups to have all of the required features needed.

19th of February, 2012.
  • New reward system:
    Click for the rewards and criteria
    2 hours playtime reward: $15,000
    10 hours playtime reward: +3 RPoints
    20 hours playtime reward: Vehicle of your choice (Admiral/Sentinel/Savanna)
    40 hours playtime reward: 1 name change
    60 hours playtime reward: $500,000
    80 hours playtime reward: 1 Week Premium Status (Level 1)
    110 hours playtime reward: Vehicle of your choice (Sultan/Phoenix/Buffalo/Huntley)
    200 hours playtime reward: 3 Weeks Premium Status (Level 3)
    300 hours playtime reward: Vehicle of your choice (Infernus/Bullet/Maverick)
    400 hours playtime reward: 1 Month Premium Status (Level 3)
    500 hours playtime reward: 1 Month Premium Status (Level 5)
    600 hours playtime reward: $20,000,000
    800 hours playtime reward: 1.5 Months Premium Status (Level 5)
    NOTE: This counter starts from 0. Can be seen by typing /stats in game.
  • Many minor bug fixes
  • "Happy Hour" command for Level 5+ administrators. During happy hour, once your paytime arrives, you will:
    - Will receive double RPoints
    - Will receive double interest rates
    - Will receive no tax
  • Chat animation system when talking has been altered slightly
  • Wanted level star system has been removed
  • You no longer need to go to a Black Market to obtain fake IDs.

12th of February, 2012.
  • When someone has been killed in paintball, it now shows the colour of the person who was killed, and the person who killed them
  • All weapon licenses have been reset
  • Weapon licenses must be handed out by Tier 0 PD members (/weplic [id])
  • /stats will now show PB kills/deaths if you are in the paintball arena.
  • When you talk, you will automatically be put into the talking animation. /chatanim to toggle
  • MP5 has been added into the paintball
  • It will now be impossible to even enter a police car if you are not in the police faction
  • Only level 3+ players can be tied.
  • Server slots have been reduced to 130.

11th of February, 2012.
  • Cars will no longer lose fuel when the engine is off
  • Added /do alias for /action
  • Added /engine alias for /car tog engine
  • K/D ratio has been removed from /stats
  • Tier 0's can now /ftogcol which toggles their faction's colour
  • Vehicle plates have been reworked
  • Added command /cad(company advertisement) for players level 6+.

- woot ©

NOTES: It is a possibility that not all of these changes have yet been made on the server. Other changes could have been made which have not been listed in this changelog. This changelog will be updated from now on - most of the new additions to the script can be found in this thread. Dates specified may not be entirely accurate.
The server may still require a restart for the latest changelog to be active.
Last edited by ThaCrypte on November 16th, 2015, 1:02 pm, edited 58 times in total.
Reason: Updated

Retired Admin
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Posts: 11155
Game name: Sarah_Kelroy, Marco_Barese

Re: Server Changelog

September 30th, 2012, 3:37 pm

30th of September, 2012.
  • Added new house interior, ID 25
  • Some house interior prices have been changed:
    - ID 22: $19,000,000
    - ID 23: $23,500,000
    - ID 24: $33,000,000
    - ID 25: $38,000,000
  • SDC (Shield Delivery Company) /unloadcomps now removes money from the faction bank instead of always spawning 1.3k into the server's economy
  • The maximum allowed barriers have been changed from 30 to 50
  • The automatic faction payment system has been reimplemented
    - Tier 0 faction leaders can use /setpayment [ID] [amount] (values are from 0-$150,000)
    - Faction members will receive the given payment every hour automatically from the faction bank if enough is available
  • Administrators can now see /charity(s) and transactions on Echo
  • Added possibility for 2nd faction spawn point for SDC (FD)
  • Fixed the bug where one could spam /restore in order to get money in a non legitimate way
  • Fixed the bug where you could not vehicle surf on boats
  • Normal players can only have 50% armour. PD, SASF, GOV can have 100% armour
  • Level 1 players need at least 4 RPoints to be able to use weapons
  • There's now a total of 70 different places for truckers to deliver goods to
  • Vehicle fuel now saves
  • Player health / armour now saves when relogging
  • Gundealers now have to /buybullets at random places, not only at one
  • Map icons are no longer displayed for HQs
  • All businesses are now displayed as a yellow dot, on the map
  • /jobhelp text has been updated
  • New players are now forced to see the tutorial
  • Helpers can now:
    - Kick players between level 1 and 3
    - Freeze players between level 1 and 4
    - Change name of players between level 1 and 3
    - Use /go to tp to various important places
  • Players can no longer rob admins/helper on duty.

Made man
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Posts: 1957
Game name: Nate_Harman

Re: Server Changelog

October 18th, 2012, 4:35 pm

17th of October, 2012.
  • When a player gets admin-jailed, he loses money (Formula = level * seconds jailed = money lost)
  • BMXes etcetera, no longer have /engines
  • BMXes etcetera, can no longer be /locked
  • Fixed a gun dealer run where the route was too small.

Retired Admin
User avatar
Posts: 11155
Game name: Sarah_Kelroy, Marco_Barese

Re: Server Changelog

October 21st, 2012, 1:50 pm

21st of October, 2012.
  • /house is now a shortcut to house commands. (just like /car)
  • Removed the "Just Spawned" tag above players. Only the red tag on the affected players screen remains.
  • If you die, you'll have to spend a few seconds looking at the hospital.
  • Fixed bug: BMX, Bike, Mountain Bike can nolonger be locked
  • /engine can only be used by the vehicle owner or dupekey owner. Public vehicle engines can be turned on/off by anyone.
  • Toolkits can now be also used to start an engine of a vehicle when inside it. (/toolkit)
  • Garages: Open garages can now be entered by anyone.
  • Fixed the bug that players did not get fined by adminjails while offline.
  • From now on, anyone can use /phone (on/off) and /w(un)lock
  • Head Admin+ can now set how many comps a business can hold maximum at a time.
  • Players may now have permanent increased car-/biz-/houseslots. Do NOT ask for those, those are RARELY given out.
  • Donators now get a small percentage more bank interest rate.
  • All PNS entrances are now blocked. You are forced to use /car fix and /car respray instead of getting it for free.
  • New/revised tutorial slides with more information.
* The above updates may not be live at the moment, but will be after the next scheduled server restart

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Game name: Nate_Harman

Re: Server Changelog

October 27th, 2012, 7:03 pm

(Apologies for the slightly late update)

26th of October, 2012.
  • The Police Department can now ticket up to $100,000
  • There is now an entry fee for Transfenders
  • There is now a functioning elevator in the tall LS building.
-- November 2nd, 2012, 12:12 am --

1st of November, 2012.
  • SDC now decides how much each business has to pay for their comps
  • New commands for the SDC: /setcompprice, /setdistributor and /setrunprice
  • When selecting a floor in the elevator, an automatic /me command appears
  • /tracen now traces continuously and updates every one second. Use /stoptrace to stop tracing.

Retired Admin
Posts: 2424
Game name: Rasim Jackson

Re: Server Changelog

December 2nd, 2012, 4:58 pm

2nd of December, 2012.
  • Basic Adminstrators are now able to respawn vehicles.
  • All the money from the paycheck is now directly transferred into your bank account.
  • /kill no longer works when you are cuffed.
  • /roulette and /blackjack can only be used if you are higher then level 5.
  • /stoptrace now removes the checkpoint.
  • Law enforcement officers are now able to /cuff after someone does /handsup.
  • The driver license now requires you to take a test, which consist of a few checkpoints. You need to follow these rules to pass your test:
    • You should not drive faster then 115km/h.
    • Your car should have more then 85% vehicle health.
    • It shouldn't take you more then 60 seconds to go from one checkpoint to another.
  • The distance from where you can see nametags has been reduced.
Rasim Jackson
. . .

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Game name: Rasim Jackson

Re: Server Changelog

December 9th, 2012, 2:08 pm

9th of December, 2012.
  • A textdraw has been added to the location of /boatlic.
  • The issue with /r where it showed up in every interior has been fixed.
  • Quitting while being cuffed has been increased to a 60 minute jail.
  • Drive-by with a deagle is no longer possible with /useweapon.
  • When setting phone numbers the database will be checked in order to avoid two people having the same phonenumber.
Rasim Jackson
. . .

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Game name: Rasim Jackson

Re: Server Changelog

December 14th, 2012, 11:41 am

14th of December, 2012.
  • Vehicles used during races and derbies can now despawn properly.
  • The /buy command in the stadium has been fixed.
  • The /rob command can no longer be used on people that are recovering.
  • A issue with /useweapon has been solved.
  • The sumo event has been fixed.
Rasim Jackson
. . .

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Posts: 2424
Game name: Rasim Jackson

Re: Server Changelog

December 17th, 2012, 1:12 pm

16th of December, 2012.
  • A new faction has been added. (EMS) viewtopic.php?f=8&t=13963
  • Bug with Sultan runs, where you couldn't load alcohol and stuffs at the same time has been fixed.
  • Players can now own up to 5 vehicles.
Rasim Jackson
. . .

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Posts: 2424
Game name: Rasim Jackson

Re: Server Changelog

December 18th, 2012, 1:51 pm

18th of December, 2012.
  • The issue where vehicle modifications were not saving has been fixed. (/car savemod)
  • A bug regarding the new death system inside paintball has been fixed.
  • A bug regarding the new death system with /clothes has been fixed.
  • A bug regarding turftakeover while being dead has been fixed.
  • /blist, /bremove and /offduty has been added for the EMS faction.
Rasim Jackson
. . .

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Posts: 2424
Game name: Rasim Jackson

Re: Server Changelog

December 22nd, 2012, 11:43 pm

22th of December, 2012.
  • Added drunk effect when being tazed
  • Houselockers can now be opened and closed by the house owner. /houselocker lock & /houselocker unlock
  • Job and noobvehicles now automatically respawn if they're not used for 5 minutes.
  • Adapted /admit to the new hospital interior.
  • Removed the automated messages every 5 minutes.
  • Fixed the /ad delay so people actually have to wait 1 minute.
  • Removed the entire team system
  • Vehicles which belong to a job now have a corresponding plate, e.g. "TAXI" and faction vehicles the faction name, e.g. "STRACCI".
  • Added "/evict all" which evicts all tenants at once.
  • Adminjailed people are now separated from the normal jail
  • Removed the drive-by detection jail.
  • Removed BMX, Bike, Mountain Bikes from dealership.
  • Added /tracehouse and /tracebiz for taxi drivers.
  • /id now displays if a player is afk.
  • You can only /rob people which didn't move for 2 or more seconds.
Rasim Jackson
. . .

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Game name: Jason_Reynolds

Re: Server Changelog

December 23rd, 2012, 6:07 pm

23rd of December, 2012.
  • Removed all of the playtime rewards where you get premium status because it causing too much confusion.
  • Fixed a bug where sometimes a player has no jail reason in /stats
  • You can no longer use /ad if your phone is off.
  • Fixed admin respawn command so that injured players aren't stuck in injured mode.
  • Fixed a bug where if you are in injured mode you don't see all the text draws and your skin is unsynchronized.
  • Removed a bunch of useless Las Venturas mapping leftovers.

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Posts: 6565
Game name: Jason_Reynolds

Re: Server Changelog

December 24th, 2012, 2:22 am

24th of December, 2012.
  • Added a 2nd type of roadblock to /bdeploy. The command is now: /bdeploy <barrierid> <type(1/2)> <description>
  • Added a /press command for SAN
  • Added text labels to dynamic teleports

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Game name: Nate_Harman

Re: Server Changelog

February 3rd, 2013, 12:08 pm

2nd of February, 2013.
  • Updates /clothes in clothes shops to use 0.3x's new textdraw possibilities
  • If you press N while toolkitting a vehicle, toolkitting will be cancelled.
  • Updated /cctv positions
  • Increased maximum /fare price for taxi drivers to $2500
  • Decreased required jobskill for mechanics to tow vehicles to 100.
  • If you /quit while in death mode, you automatically lose $10000.
  • If you teamkill someone in paintball, you lose $3500 and get 6 kills deducted.
  • Removed the orange "(( Paused ))" tag above nametags. Use 0.3x's new feature /nametagstatus instead.
  • When using /car sell, the car will no longer be put on a random parking place but where you use /car sell. Vehicles put on sale on random/bad places will be impounded.
  • /car lock will now only show a message to you rather than a /me command due to the chat getting clogged.
  • Added a /givedrugs command to hand over drugs between players.
  • You can now sell cars privately to a player. /car psell [Player_Name] [price] & /accept vehicle

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Posts: 1957
Game name: Nate_Harman

Re: Server Changelog

March 3rd, 2013, 1:04 pm

3rd of March, 2013.
  • Anyone can /execute a player who is in death mode
  • Death message will only be shown after you really die (/acceptdeath or /execute'd)
  • A Pay & Spray was added for boats and aircraft (close to the Marina Bay for boats and close to the LS airport for aircraft)
  • Vehicles now have various alarm levels. Alarms may only be upgraded progressively. If you want alarm level 3, you first need to buy 1 & 2. Upgrading from 0 to 3 would thus cost $2.5m in total

    Level 0: Nothing
    Level 1: Vehicle horn, local message ($250.000)
    Level 2: Vehicle horn, local message, SMS to the owner ($750.000)
    Level 3: Vehicle horn, local message, SMS to the owner, SMS to the PD ($1.500.000)

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Game name: Nate_Harman

Re: Server Changelog

March 16th, 2013, 8:44 pm

16th of March, 2013.
  • Various bugs have been fixed
  • Added a vehicle mileage counter
  • Revamped HUD to hide unneeded info
  • Added 2 more legal gun shops
  • Official casino dealer system has been added in order to reduce casino scamming.

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Posts: 6565
Game name: Jason_Reynolds

Re: Server Changelog

March 25th, 2013, 4:53 pm

24th of March, 2013.
  • You may now downgrade your interior without any extra costs (/house upgrade)
  • /take sellables is now functional for tier 2's aswell (SASF/PD/FBI)
  • Law enforcement officers may now ticket vehicles. Everytime the owner enters his vehicle, he will get a notification that there has been issued a ticket on his vehicle. A vehicle can have multiple tickets issued at the same time.
    • - usage: /car ticket <amount> <reason>
    • - usage: /car payticket

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Posts: 1957
Game name: Nate_Harman

Re: Server Changelog

May 11th, 2013, 5:58 pm

11th of May, 2013.
  • Any player is now able to use /get <playerid> <seatid> on a person who is in wounded state
  • War system changes:
    - The entire "points" logic has been removed.
    - If a tier member 0 dies, he will lose $50.000. If a tier member 1 dies, he will lose $30.000. If a tier 2 member dies, he will lose $15.000.
    - There is no more automatic winning. The faction which is tired of warring / tired of losing money will lose.
    - There must absolutely be proper reasons to war. There MUST be a monetary reward of at least $25.000.000 which goes to the winner. There may of course be additional rewards which have to be decided between the faction leaders.
    - During the war, both faction leaders agree that they and their members strictly obey the war and server rules.
  • Only heavy weapons will now be shown on your character.
  • Bug fixes:
    - Fixed a bug with /houseupgrade
    - Fixed a bug where cars would randomly receive tickets
    - Fixed a bug where a weapon would show on your back when it's in your hand too
    - Fixed a bug related to races where you might lose ownership of your vehicle(s)
    - Fixed a bug where you may spawn with a minigun
    - Fixed a bug where weapons might still appear on someone's back despite them not having it anymore
    - Fixed a bug with the /rob system (bug where you're sometimes /robbed as soon as you spawn)
  • The faction headquarter gates have made a return
  • Gun/weapon dealing system has been completely revamped.
    Every mafia now owns a warehouse. By default, you do not have any. Ask a Head Admin or higher to place a warehouse somewhere for you. Please note that the warehouse must be outside of Los Santos and far away from the lead and metal pick up points.
    There are no more "sellable guns" but simply "materials". Your warehouse is a material generator. In order to generate material, your warehouse needs lead and metal.

    To begin with, you need a Linerunner/Roadtrain truck and a trailer attached to it. You will find trailers spread all over San Andreas placed at random locations. You cannot buy trailers.
    Once you have a truck and a trailer, you're ready to get started. Drive to the huge cargo ship in San Fierro, there you may buy crates with 5000 units of lead costing $5000 each. Note that your trailer has a total maximum capacity of 100.000 units. Once you have enough lead loaded into your trailer, you can head to the next step if you also want to buy metal. You may buy crates of metal (5000 units, $5000 each) at the Quarry in Las Venturas. Once again, remember that your trailer has a maximum capacity of 100000 total units, lead and metal together.
    Should you have a crate in your hands but your trailer is full of cargo, you can drop it using /dropcrate.

    If you bought enough lead/material, you should head back towards your faction warehouse. Infact, you may unload it at any warehouse you like and which is not locked, but you obviously want to store it in yours and not gift them to someone random!
    Once stored in your warehouse, the machinery in it will begin processing the lead and metal and generate materials. The production rate is 1 material / second.

    Tier 0 and tier 1 members are the only ones who are able to lock and unlock their faction warehouse. Please note that if your warehouse is unlocked, ANYONE can take materials from it. Use /takematerials to take out materials from your warehouse. Your warehouse must also be unlocked in order to place lead/metal into it. Be organised and have tier 1 members with you when doing runs.
    You must be at the warehouse itself in order to see how much lead, metal and materials your warehouse currently contains. There is a label showing the statistics.

    This change concludes that there is no longer a gundealer job, anyone who gets access to materials automatically has the possibility to build a gun with it and sell it using /sellgun. You may also sell guns to yourself again, you do not have to be at a specific place for this anymore if you have the materials on you. You may see how many materials you have on you using either /myweapons or /frisk. You may of coruse stay materials inside your houselocker too.
    This change also brings the fact that all of the "sellable guns" have been deleted. Obviously no refund is possible!
    Post: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=24618
  • Functional speed traps implemented.

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Posts: 6565
Game name: Jason_Reynolds

Re: Server Changelog

June 16th, 2013, 2:07 pm

16th of June, 2013.
  • Faction leaders can now set payments of offline members (/osetpayment)
  • /car fix will now freeze your vehicle for 3 seconds. You will also have to turn off your engine in order to fix your vehicle.
  • The old paused tag has been reimplemented.
  • Admins can now control which vehicles to respawn instead of respawning all server vehicles.
  • It is no longer possible to change your name on the UCP.
  • The following vehicles cannot be locked anymore: Caddy, Tractors, BF injection, Dozer, Baggage, Forklift, Vortex & Mower
  • Bug fixes:
    - Enhanced the weapon spawning anticheat detection.
    - /chatanim not working properly
    - /car tog lightbar has been fixed to work properly.

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Posts: 6565
Game name: Jason_Reynolds

Re: Server Changelog

June 22nd, 2013, 10:50 pm

23rd of June, 2013.
  • Fixed a bug that made admins die occasionally when they turn off spectate mode.
  • Fixed a bug where players gets frozen at car lot, when they're getting jacked out of a car that is on sale.
  • You will now automatically /acceptdeath if you're dying inside a turf that is being taken over.
  • The long lasting moneybag bug has finally been fixed.
  • Fixed the bug where you could buy 5 aidkits and spam the command on an injured player, with the result of the player recovering faster than the set timer.
  • /house upgrade showing incorrect prices has been corrected.
  • Updated /services list to apply to our current regulations.
  • Anticheat has been slightly altered due to alot of false bans.
  • Fixed the bug where a group leader would lose ownership of his group, if he changes his in-game name, since the system wouldn't "recognize" his namechange (leaders old name would still be leader, even though it didn't exist).
  • Fixed the bug where you would be able to /answer on behalf of the phonecall receiver when calling him.
  • Fixed a bug where a player would be jailed falsely for /q to avoid arrest if he was killed while being cuffed/if someone used /breakcuffs on him, and then quited the server later on.
  • Updated the coordinates of the SDC stuff checkpoint marker.

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Posts: 6565
Game name: Jason_Reynolds

Re: Server Changelog

July 16th, 2013, 7:36 pm

16th of July, 2013.
  • It is now possible to store materials into faction warehouses (/storematerials). The warehouse must both be open, and owned by the faction you belong to.
  • Removed some weapons (Colt 9mm, TEC9, Sawn-off, AK47) from legal gunstores. These weapons are now only obtainable through gundealers.
  • Kemirov got their faction-color back.
  • A few vehicles which should be surfable, but wasn't, is now surfable (Tow Truck, Dumper etc.)
  • Pay 'N' Spray's can now set a 'base price' between $50 & $150
    • E.g. you're at Temple PNS which has a base price of $150;
      - If your car has 25% damage, you need to pay (25*150) = $3750.
      - If your car has 65% damage, you need to pay (65*150) = $9750
      - The respray/paintjob price is always baseprice*20.
  • Bugfixes:
    • You can now exit rentable/on sale cars simply by pressing F, instead of using /exitcar which often caused trouble.
    • Fixed a bug where you could drive in cars on sale by using /toolkit
    • Anti-cheat does no longer ban players throwing/selling molotovs.
    • Fixed a bug where if you died inside an interior, you would see nothing while in recovery mode.
    • Fixed a typo in the Mechanic job saying you need 200 jobskill to tow vehicles, when you actually only need 100.
    • Fixed a bug where you could give fake licenses to anyone, regardless of distance.

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Re: Server Changelog

August 2nd, 2013, 9:03 pm

2nd of August, 2013.
  • Material system revised
    • - decreased material wh generation to 10/5 seconds rather than previously 25/5 seconds
      - 2000 units of lead now cost $5500 rather than the previous $3k
      - 2000 units of metal now cost $5200 rather than the previous $3k
  • Kart, Predator, Leviathan and Cargobob is now surfable
  • Bugfixes:
    • - Fixed a vehicle passenger bug related to dynamic teleports
      - Fixed a kill list bug related to disconnected players
      - Fixed two bugs related to the aidkit
      - Fixed skin reset upon leaving the paintball arena
      - Fixed event subscription while in the paintball arena
      - Fixed the ability to use /cc while muted
      - Fixed a typo when reaching 550 playtime hours
      - Fixed the textmessage when trying to take more than 99.999 materials from a locker
      - Updated /services

Made man
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Posts: 1957
Game name: Nate_Harman

Re: Server Changelog

August 8th, 2013, 10:59 am

8th of August, 2013.
  • The loss of money has now been increased during wars:
    • - Tier 0 will lose: $150,000 (they used to lose $50,000)
      - Tier 1 will lose: $120,000 (they used to lose $30,000)
      - Tier 2 will lose: $70,000 (they used to lose $15,000)
  • Multiple bug fixes.

4th of August, 2013.

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Posts: 11984
Game name: Adam_Cooper

Re: Server Changelog

August 25th, 2013, 1:35 am

25th of August, 2013.
  • Property movements are no longer possible. We will no longer move your houses or businesses.
  • We no longer accept custom mapping for houses / businesses. They quite simply ruin Los Santos.
  • Visible weapons on the player characters have been removed.
  • When entering a car it will only show tickets issued by cops. Speeding tickets will be included in the total to pay but will not be listed every time.
  • Improved weapon anti-cheat
  • Mafia warehouses may now be upgraded in order to increase the material production rate. Only tier 0 members may upgrade their faction warehouse using /whupgrade
    • Level 1: Production rate is 10 materials per 5 seconds. Cost: $0
    • Level 2: Production rate is 15 materials per 5 seconds. Cost: $100 millions
    • Level 3: Production rate is 20 materials per 5 seconds. Cost: $200 millions (total $300m)
    • Level 4: Production rate is 25 materials per 5 seconds. Cost: $300 millions (total $600m)
    • Level 5: Production rate is 30 materials per 5 seconds. Cost: $400 millions (total $1b)
    • Level 6: Production rate is 35 materials per 5 seconds. Cost: $500 millions (total $1.5b)
  • Calling faction backup using the laptop will no longer trigger a checkpoint. This was an unfair advantage. Use /tracen instead.
  • Hardware Shop owners can now define their item prices using /setprice
  • 24/7 Shop owners can now define their item prices using /setprice
  • Tuning/modifications on job vehicles will no longer save.
  • /refuel pricing as been generally increased.
  • Bug fixes

Posts: 2312
Game name: Craig_Collins

Re: Server Changelog

October 3rd, 2013, 4:17 pm

3rd of October, 2013.
  • Sniper damage has been reset to GTA's default
  • Sniper may now be obtained using /sellgun (2000 mats = 40 ammo)
  • Added an ad queue so you nolonger have to spam /ad like a fool
  • Added /tz alias for /tazer
  • Business tags now indicate whether it has products in stock or not
  • New server intro textdraws
  • /foff is now sorted by player tier
  • Enabled /sellgun in vehicles except for sniper and deagle
  • You will automatically respawn when you quit your race in a race or the race ends.
  • You will nolonger see anything when in "injured" mode.
  • Vehicle alarm will now trigger instantly rather than when the thief finished toolkitting.
  • Various bugfixes

Posts: 2312
Game name: Craig_Collins

Re: Server Changelog

October 3rd, 2013, 7:19 pm

3rd of October, 2013.
  • PD: /offduty will now set your skin back to your original one rather than having a choice
  • Renamed LSEMS to LSFD
  • Turned all the various Transfenders / Pay N' Sprays around San Andreas into businesses so they can be used.
  • FEDs can now customize the jailtime appearance
  • All of the current turfs have been removed and entirely re-made so they cover entire LS in a structured way.

Made man
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Posts: 1957
Game name: Nate_Harman

Re: Server Changelog

October 4th, 2013, 11:20 pm

4th of October, 2013.
  • Group leaders may now use /oguninvite to uninvite offline players
  • Group leaders cannot use /gleave if there are other members of the group besides yourself
  • Added a /dropallmaterials command which removes all your materials which you carry on you
  • You may now use /blockpm [PlayerID/PartOfName] to block a specific player ID from PMing you.

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Posts: 11984
Game name: Adam_Cooper

Re: Server Changelog

October 13th, 2013, 2:35 am

13th of October, 2013.
  • Robbing a business now displays a HUD to everyone robbing the store containing information
  • The time required to rob a business now depends how much cash you steal. Absolute minimum is 45 seconds.
  • Added 3 business to Dillimore

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Posts: 11984
Game name: Adam_Cooper

Re: Server Changelog

October 14th, 2013, 12:40 pm

14th of October, 2013.
  • Removed the info icons inside 24/7 Stores
  • Added a /bank command which sets a checkpoint to the closest bank
  • Added a /hardware command which sets a checkpoint to the closest hardware store
  • /refuel price is now (requiredfuel*$7)
  • New surfable vehicle(s): FBI Truck (528), Andromada (529)
  • Using /offduty now removes your weapons + resets to 50 armour
  • You can nolonger use /heal and /givegun if you're off duty.
  • Reopened all tunnels and rebuilt all bridges
  • Added 3D textlabels on vehicles which are on sale.
  • Being killed by LEO no longer adds a criminal record ("Severely wounded")
  • /open, /close, /setprice, /setfee may now be used inside the business too.
  • Removed all black markets as they had no use anymore.
  • /rplate now displays unpaid tickets
  • Added /traceplate [plate] (may only be used inside LEO vehicles)
  • Added about 90 businesses throughout Los Santos which will be available soon
  • Major earning increases for businesses (see Community Announcements)
  • You are limited to own 3 businesses at a time. (Premium 1-5 may own 4, Premium 5+ may own 5)
  • All businesses have a fixed tax rate of 9%.
  • Businesses may be robbed every 4 hours instead of 10.
  • You only require 4 people to rob a business.
  • /bizname price reduced to $25k.
  • You may buy a namechange for your character for $50m using /buynamechange
  • You may buy premium phonenumber for your character for $25m using /buyphonenumber [1-999999]
  • Bugfixes

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Re: Server Changelog

October 22nd, 2013, 3:46 pm

22ndof October, 2013.
  • The trucker job has been revised.
  • A new faction has been created ( Pirates M.C )
  • Removed the free house-downgrading feature
  • Bugfixes
    • Fixed a business text-label bug
    • Removed some unreachable houses
    • Removed the maverick from the chop-shop

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