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Game name: John_Reacher

[Guide] Key Binder - How to

September 27th, 2014, 6:49 am

  • Hello,
    Since many people are looking for an key binder where you can store numerous commands under one key, i had decided to create this guide to help them out.
  • First of all, you need to download AutoHotkey software:
  • Once downloaded, open the setup and install the software as usual.
  • After the software has been downloaded, go to the software directory [The place where you had installed it] and click on the green H icon, you will notice the icon appear on your Quick task bar as shown below.
  • Right click that icon and click "Edit Script" and a window similar to notepad appears.
  • There exists lots of text in the notepad, just don't touch it, go to the end of the note pad.
  • In an new line you start the scripting part:
    • The Syntax for scripting is as follows:
      Key:: SendInput Command{Key to be pressed}
  • So, suppose in numpad 1 you want to store /gate command, it goes as follows:
    Numpad1:: SendInput t/gate{Enter}
  • So, if you want to store /gate /door /enter in Numpad , it goes as follows:
    Numpad1:: SendInput t/gate{Enter}t/door{Enter}t/enter{Enter}
    So, now you have the basic idea about this.
  • Suppose if you want to store /sellgun deagle, sawn off and /heal command in Function 11, it goes as follows:
    f11:: SendInput t/sellgun Blade_Archer deagle{Enter}t/heal{Enter}t/sellgun Blade_Archer sawn{Enter}
  • Suppose if you want to take 500 materials quickly from your houselocker, the script goes as follows:
    f10:: SendInput t/houselocker unlock{Enter}t/houselocker take materials 500{Enter}t/houselocker lock{Enter}
My Scripts:
  • The below are my scripts, showing them so you guys can have an basic idea:
  • John Reacher's Script (SAPD):
    Numpad1:: SendInput t/car lock{Enter}
    Numpad0:: SendInput t/helpme{Enter}
    Numpad2:: SendInput t/engine{Enter}
    Numpad7:: SendInput t/door{Enter}t/gate{Enter}t/enter{Enter}
    Numpad4:: SendInput t/tazer{Enter}
    f3:: SendInput t/me grabs a pair of cuffs{Enter}t/cuff
    f11:: SendInput t/me takes hold of the cuffs and starts dragging the suspect with him.{Enter}t/do You are now following me.{Enter}
    Numpad6:: SendInput t/r victor-2-
    Numpad3:: SendInput t/r 2nd Lieutenant Archer Forming
    f12:: SendInput t/me Opens the vehicle door,grabs the suspect's cuffs and forces him into the vehicle{Enter}t/do Press G or i will /GET you in 5 seconds.{Enter}
    f10:: SendInput t/me Opens the door of the vehicle and attempts to drag the suspect outside.{Enter}t/do Would you by any chance resist?{Enter}t/do You got 5 Seconds to answer or /eject.{Enter}
    Numpad5::SendInput t/me Attempts to frisk{Enter}t/do Any Resistance?{Enter}t/do you got 5 seconds to answer or AUTO S{Enter}
    f2:: SendInput t/p [SASF]Kindly pull over to the right side of the road,turn off your engine and step out of the vehicle.{Enter}
  • Blade Archer's Script (Illegal Faction)
    Numpad1:: SendInput t/car lock{Enter}
    Numpad0:: SendInput t/helpme{Enter}
    Numpad2:: SendInput t/engine{Enter}
    Numpad7:: SendInput t/door{Enter}t/gate{Enter}t/enter{Enter}
    Numpad4:: SendInput t/sellgun Blade_Archer
    MButton:: SendInput t/usedrugs heroin{enter}

    f10:: SendInput t/houselocker unlock{Enter}t/houselocker take materials 500{Enter}t/houselocker lock{Enter}
    f2:: SendInput t/phone off{Enter}t/me Places his money, weapon license, materials, drugs under the seat.{Enter}t/me fits his localisation device around his neck, under his color{Enter}t/name off{Enter}t/heal{Enter}
Sample Scripts:
  • This sample script has been copied from some other website, it includes all the number pad keys without numlock.
    • Code: Select all

      NumpadHome:: SendInputInput t/enter{enter}
      NumpadUp:: SendInput t/exit{enter}
       NumpadPgUp:: SendInput t/lock{enter}
       NumpadLeft:: SendInput t/engine{enter}
       NumpadClear:: SendInput t/ame appears to be blah blah.{enter}
       NumpadSub:: SendInput t/do Bob Marley speaks with an Indian accent.{enter}
       NumpadRight:: SendInput t/stats{enter}t/car lock{enter}{f8}
       NumpadEnd:: SendInput t/mask{enter}
       NumpadDown:: SendInput t/do Freeway: Ferrari Enzo.{enter}
       NumpadPgDn:: SendInput t/ame farts.{enter}
       NumpadIns:: SendInput t/check{enter}
       NumpadDel:: SendInput t/stopanim{enter}
       NumpadEnter:: SendInput t/walk{enter}
       NumpadAdd:: SendInputInput t/me aal{enter}
       NumpadMult:: SendInput t/do Feltzer: Harley Davidson Hover-Bike.{enter}
       NumpadDiv:: SendInput t/ph{enter}
List of all the codes:
  • Mouse Codes:
    You can store commands in your mouse buttons aswell.

    Code: Select all

    LButton - the left mouse button 
    RButton - the right mouse button
    MButton - the middle or wheel mouse button
    WheelDown - this is equivalent to rotating the mouse wheel down (toward you)
    WheelUp - the opposite of the above
    WheelLeft and WheelRight [v1.0.48+] - these two require a mouse with left/right scrolling capability, but they have no effect on operating systems older than Windows Vista.
  • Keyboard Codes:

    Code: Select all

    Space - the spacebar
    Enter (or Return)
    Escape (or Esc)
    Backspace (or BS)
    Delete (or Del)
    Insert (or Ins)
    Numlock ON	Numlock OFF
    Numpad0	        NumpadIns
    Numpad1	        NumpadEnd
    Numpad2	        NumpadDown
    Numpad3	        NumpadPgDn
    Numpad4	        NumpadLeft
    Numpad5	        NumpadClear
    Numpad6	        NumpadRight
    Numpad7	        NumpadHome
    Numpad8	        NumpadUp
    Numpad9	        NumpadPgUp
    NumpadDot (,)	NumpadDel
    NumpadDiv (/)	NumpadDiv (/)
    NumpadMult (*)	NumpadMult (*)
    NumpadAdd (+)	NumpadAdd (+)
    NumpadSub (-)	NumpadSub (-)
    NumpadEnter	NumpadEnter
    F1 through F24 - The 12 or more function keys at the top of most keyboards.
    AppsKey - this is the key that invokes the right-click context menu.
    LWin - the left Windows logo key
    RWin - the right Windows logo key. Note: unlike Control/Alt/Shift, there is no generic/neutral "Win" key because the OS does not support it.
    Control (or Ctrl)
    Note: The hotkeys Shift::, Alt::, and Control:: fire upon release of the key unless they have the tilde prefix such as ~Alt::. By contrast, a specific left or right hotkey such as LAlt:: fires when it is pressed down.
    Note: For the most part, these next 6 keys are not supported by Windows 95/98/Me. Use the above instead:
    LControl (or LCtrl) - the left control key 
    RControl (or RCtrl) - the right control key 
    LShift - the left shift key
    RShift - the right shift key
    LAlt - the left Alt key 
    RAlt - Note: If your keyboard layout has AltGr instead of RAlt, you can probably use it as a hotkey prefix via <^>! as described here. In addition, "LControl & RAlt::" would make AltGr itself into a hotkey.
    Break -- Since this is synonymous with Pause, use ^CtrlBreak in hotkeys instead of ^Pause or ^Break.
    Help - this probably doesn't exist on most keyboards. It's usually not the same as F1.
    Sleep - note that the sleep key on some keyboards might not work with this.

  • Don't forget the t, as you know it is used to open the chatbox and also {Enter} is used to press enter once the command is typed.
  • Don't forget that S and I in SendInput are caps and also there is a space between :: and SendInput and another space after SendInput.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask here and i'll get back to you as soon as possible

Suppose if you have multiple commands under one key and you need some time for each command to be typed, you can use Sleep command.

Sleep, (Milliseconds)
  • Example:
    • If you're going to frisk someone, first you'll type:
      /me attempts to frisk the person
      And after two seconds you want the following to be typed:
      /do would you resist by any chance?
    For that, use the Sleep command in the following manner:
    • Numpad5::
      SendInput t/me attempts to frisk the person{Enter}
      Sleep, 2000
      SendInput t/do Would you by any chance resist me?{Enter}
So, here, first /me Attempts to frisk the person will be typed and two seconds later /do Would you by any chance resist me? will be typed.
In the above example, Sleep 2000 means there will be 2 second delay.
If you want the delay to be 5 seconds, type Sleep 5000

Well, you get the idea now.
You can use Send instead of SendInput in new version 1.1
The difference will be:
If you use Send, the text will be typed manually with some delay.
If you use SendInput, the text will be typed instantly.
Last edited by Bee on June 1st, 2015, 5:29 pm, edited 16 times in total.

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Re: [Guide] Key Binder - How to

September 27th, 2014, 6:53 am

Great Job ;)
Valentin Nazarov - Kemirov Crime Syndicate - Gopnik
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Re: [Guide] Key Binder - How to

September 27th, 2014, 6:55 am

Cool ill trythis
Conexión De La Muerte

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Re: [Guide] Key Binder - How to

September 27th, 2014, 8:07 am

Good guide.
Amazing job, Archer.

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Re: [Guide] Key Binder - How to

September 27th, 2014, 8:30 am

Nice one mate! :)

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Re: [Guide] Key Binder - How to

September 27th, 2014, 6:38 pm

Good one, archers keep the good work up!
T A Y L O R . L E O N A R D O
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Re: [Guide] Key Binder - How to

September 29th, 2014, 6:28 pm

hey. thanks for the tip, only one prob? mine wont work, i clicked and said edit this script and did as you said :
Numpad1:: SendInput t/car lock{Enter}

and closed the notepad. when i go ingame and press Numpad1......nothing happens? command dont get carried out? please help

Posts: 3513
Game name: John_Reacher

Re: [Guide] Key Binder - How to

October 2nd, 2014, 9:04 pm

Make sure, you run the file.
Once you typed the command, press CTRL+S and then run the file again.

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Re: [Guide] Key Binder - How to

October 2nd, 2014, 9:13 pm

Nico wrote:Nice one mate! :)
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Re: [Guide] Key Binder - How to

October 9th, 2014, 5:35 pm

OMG, nice one blake its really helpful i hope you get helper soon since you deserve it :)

Keep up the good guides!!
T A Y L O R . L E O N A R D O
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Posts: 3513
Game name: John_Reacher

Re: [Guide] Key Binder - How to

November 7th, 2014, 8:46 am

Your welcome, i have added more detailed scripts now.
You can now store commands in your mouse buttons aswell.
MButton:: SendInput t/usedrugs heroin{enter}

The above command states that i have stored my drug command under mouse wheel button, if you press the mouse wheel the command will be executed and so on.

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Re: [Guide] Key Binder - How to

November 7th, 2014, 8:51 am

Thanks bro :)

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Re: [Guide] Key Binder - How to

November 7th, 2014, 10:19 am

Gj but mind adding link for a program?

Also can I bind it to normal no. Instead of numpad?


Posts: 3513
Game name: John_Reacher

Re: [Guide] Key Binder - How to

November 7th, 2014, 10:42 am

You can bind it to any key you want to. :)
Suppose if you want to bind it to letter S, it goes as follows:
S:: SendInput t/usedrugs heroin{enter}
But, you will be having some issues while typing. xD
By the way, the download link is there at the beginning if that's what you are asking.

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Re: [Guide] Key Binder - How to

November 7th, 2014, 11:14 am

Can you gimmr ex of no pls like n1

ty sry phone

Kody Vendetta
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Re: [Guide] Key Binder - How to

November 7th, 2014, 11:17 am

Nice man. Alot of newbies needed this. ;)
Hit it and quit it

Posts: 3513
Game name: John_Reacher

Re: [Guide] Key Binder - How to

November 7th, 2014, 11:27 am

Alsarty wrote:Can you gimmr ex of no pls like n1

ty sry phone
Uhm, sorry i'm unable to get you.
What exactly are you asking for? :)

Kody Vendetta
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Re: [Guide] Key Binder - How to

November 7th, 2014, 11:36 am

Alsarty wrote:Can you gimmr ex of no pls like n1

ty sry phone
RIP english :)
Hit it and quit it

SA Police Department
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Re: [Guide] Key Binder - How to

November 7th, 2014, 1:24 pm

Archers wrote:
Alsarty wrote:Can you gimmr ex of no pls like n1

ty sry phone
Uhm, sorry i'm unable to get you.
What exactly are you asking for? :)
Ok I reached my laptop, I want to make it number 1, no in the numpad yet the normal keyboard numbers. Mind giving me the "Script" for it?

Thanks mate.
Krishaun wrote:
Alsarty wrote:Can you gimmr ex of no pls like n1

ty sry phone
RIP english :)
If you had a brain, you'd understand "phone". I was typing via phone, I can't type properly. GEt a brain you retard.


I donno how to fix, please help.
P.S: When I try to click "yes" nothing happens, same for "no" XD

Posts: 3513
Game name: John_Reacher

Re: [Guide] Key Binder - How to

November 7th, 2014, 4:12 pm

NumpadEnd SendInput t/car lock{Enter}

Check that full keyboard script, it's mentioned there.
Without numlock on, 1 on numpad = End

Also about that message, you are already running the program, just click yes.

SA Police Department
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Re: [Guide] Key Binder - How to

November 7th, 2014, 9:19 pm

Thanks mate, really.

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Re: [Guide] Key Binder - How to

February 1st, 2015, 8:50 pm

The best keybinder I have seen so far, thanks for making the guide so easy to understand!

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Re: [Guide] Key Binder - How to

April 6th, 2015, 7:47 pm

Update the pictures please sir.

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Re: [Guide] Key Binder - How to

April 11th, 2015, 12:35 am

If you've got the latest AutoHotKey 1.1 installed the "SendInput" has been replaced by "Send, ..."

For example:
Send, t/engine
Fuck man... rulebreaking is more addictive than heroin.

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Re: [Guide] Key Binder - How to

May 17th, 2015, 7:35 pm

f2:: SendInput t/phone off{Enter}t/me Places his money, weapon license, materials, drugs under the seat.{Enter}t/me fits his localisation device around his neck, under his color{Enter}t/name off{Enter}t/heal{Enter}

Whats this used for ?

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