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Richard Denham
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Posts: 536
Game name: Richard_Denham

How to create a faction

May 28th, 2012, 6:48 pm

How to create a faction

An Idea

First, come up with an idea. Something that nobody else is currently doing. This allows you 3 things.

- You can have the advantage of being the only faction that engages in that RP.
- There is no competition from other factions regarding that form of RP
- Because you were the first to do it, you'll be thought of much higher than any other.

Or...take a look at all the current factions, and think "What could I do that would set my own faction higher than theirs"

- Could I RP better then they could?
- Could I create events which non-faction members could get involved?
- Will people "like" mine better than any other? If so why...

Make that idea concrete

You could say "We're going to form NASA" and get really excited on the different forms of RP that could follow on from that, BUT

- Could you RP with that concept?
- Can anyone engage with it?
- Would it last for 6 months?

If you can answer all of these questions...move on! If not...go back to step 1.

Expand on the idea

Give your idea a home...somewhere that you can record what is going on and what your ideas and concepts are. You don't have to put it on display, just get it down somewhere so that you have a record of your goals and aims with the faction.

You also need to work out

- How do I recruit new members?
- How will people find out about us? Or do I want them to at all...
- Ranking list, get this done
- Short term goals for members. Give people something to do and have those jobs ready, so that when new members arrive they are not standing around waiting for YOU all the time to initiate RP.


People love's true! If you can pull out a long list of RP events and show them to people, they will be impressed.

BUT you can't get that list of events without recording them somewhere! You don't need fancy photo-shop, just write a short story on what happened with a couple of SS perhaps...

Learn from experience

There are currently some fantastic leaders active in the server right now...If you feel that your leadership skills could use a little work, spend some time in a faction with a good leader. See how they run things, Find out how they manage members, How do they handle diplomacy?

If your is far better to learn under a good leader before you try and start off on your own. You will only get frustrated at the walls you keep hitting.

An example

This was a faction I created conceptually...I was FKed and handed it over to a guy who turned out to be a hacker. A real shame because I felt that the concept was so good.

HOWEVER, I am publishing our private forums and making them open to everyone, hopefully you can pick up a few ideas and use them in your new faction.

Good luck!
John Anderton - Sulu Otomo - James Murphy - Richard Denham

Posts: 75
Game name: Dimitri Solovyo

Re: How to create a faction

May 28th, 2012, 6:58 pm

This guide helped me a-lot.

Posts: 938
Game name: Gregory_Ferro

Re: How to create a faction

May 28th, 2012, 9:14 pm

Wasn't there a way larger guide made by Yards?

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Re: How to create a faction

May 28th, 2012, 9:27 pm

There is a larger guide by Yards, and it's posted as well.

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Re: How to create a faction

May 28th, 2012, 9:29 pm

Maybe some people will find this more helpful than mine, so I see no problem in keeping this.
Darius H. Rookwood
From Unofficial to Official

Rest in Peace, Spencer Wing

Richard Denham
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Posts: 536
Game name: Richard_Denham

Re: How to create a faction

June 3rd, 2012, 7:04 pm

Gregory wrote:Wasn't there a way larger guide made by Yards?
And?... :lol:

People can read or not read.
John Anderton - Sulu Otomo - James Murphy - Richard Denham

HoucinoxX King

Re: How to create a faction

August 15th, 2012, 8:42 pm

hello Plz i want to create a faction


Re: How to create a faction

August 15th, 2012, 8:53 pm

HoucinoxX King wrote:hello Plz i want to create a faction
Take help from the guide it may help you. But its not likely it will become an official faction.


Re: How to create a faction

August 19th, 2012, 3:00 am

Pretty helpful, we are doing everything stated here though :P. Thanks Richard

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Posts: 211
Game name: Justin_Montana, Frank_Sherman

Re: How to create a faction

August 27th, 2012, 4:49 pm

Easy steps:

First one, Collect trust-worthy members ..
Second, Role-Play ..
and Third, Donate.

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