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Posts: 9839
Game name: Sly_Carrone, Sam_Hunt, Dexter_Whittaker

Roleplaying As A 1%er Biker [Pirates MC]

November 24th, 2013, 5:24 pm

Roleplaying As A Biker [Pirates MC]

This guide is created keeping the 'The Pirates Motorcycle Club' in mind.
Introduction :
Greetings fellow players. Since the server's name and our script revolves around Italian mafia most of the roleplay and knowledge is widely based on either old days mobs or either a modern day LCN clan. Biker roleplay, when I kick started Pirates, it was not this actively carried out on the server as it is today. Sure there were several successful attempts on portraying an MC but sadly that died along with those faction. Finally when people are actually looking forward to the biker roleplay, I said why not encourage it by sharing the knowledge I've gathered from my researching and experience as leading a biker faction from it's starting days to it's glorious official days. I'm going to state here the roleplay details, how to do it and how to do it better around Pirates or any other 1%er (One Percenter) motorcycle clubs.
1%er = If you read the papers or listen to the news, the media and law enforcement agents have redefined the term "1%er". The term was first used in the 60’s to describe some of the people that attended the motorcycle events back then. The AMA (American Motorcycle Association) stated that 99% of the people at their events were god fearing and family oriented. The other 1% were hard riding, hard partying, non mainstream type people. Thus the term 1%er was born. Some of the early bikers embraced the term and decided to call themselves 1%ers. It did not mean that they were law breakers or low life individuals. They were simply men that rode their motorcycles seven days a week in all kinds of weather, liked to drink and raise a little hell. Sometime during the 80’s law enforcement changed the meaning of the 1%er to what they wanted it to represent. It didn't matter that their meaning was incorrect, they just spoon fed it to the general public and the courts as they had so many other things.
Characters :

1%er clubs however are the majority of the clubs out there that engages themselves in daily illicit activities. They are not usually the psychos, a chunk of beef with overly grown facial hair with no feelings or whatever (Normal portrayal of a biker in Hollywood/ Or any criminal of IM). Bikers are people with morals, values and their own soft sides who live by their own set of rules. Bikers aren't the illiterate yokels and dumb muscle with no knowledge or whatsoever either, they're running successfully throughout the world, even on much larger scale than any illegal organization in function on today's date, hence they're obviously smart and are dodging the law for last five-six decades. Bikers are the people who tends to live their life out loud, without bothering much about what society thinks of them but they are always sharp about their environment. The bikers are sometimes charm to a certain kind of women, due to their alpha characteristics. And yeah add up at end, bikers do have emotions and feelings so let it out. Unique characters creates the most interesting roleplay out there, so they're always welcome and so is their roleplay.

Organization :

Bikers are partially parallel hierarchy and fully democratic organizations unlike most of the illegal organizations out there. Everyone that has a full patch are brothers to each other, and trust me they take this bond too seriously and personally. There is no turning back after this point, you're in for life. Loyalty, love, feeling of brotherhood and surety that their brother will be there for them is too strong for bikers, same reasons while it has always been a tough nut to crack for law enforcement to infiltrate Motorcycle Clubs. A biker will take a bullet for his brother without any hesitation. A biker is a person that shall never give up, you put him down once, he'll just come back and keep doing it until he can't do it anymore because of death- he may back down for a while but he'd still have it on his mind and he'll strike back for sure.

Clubhouse is the home to the bikers, they'll hang out at the clubhouse during most of the hours of their day even though they reside at their homes in different places. The clubhouse is a sort of domestic place with a bar filled with booze (if wasn't obvious enough), members hanging around with performing some time cutting activities chilling with their brothers. The clubhouse has a special room called 'Church', which has a large tables with chairs organized around it. This is where the weekly church takes place and votes are taken on different issues. This room or the clubhouse in general maybe addressed as a chapel. The church room is considered to be sacred and off-limits for not-patched members, breaching this limits of the door may have severe consequences. Every member has to attend the church and give his votes on the issues at hand, however if in unavailability, he has right to proxy his vote by letting it known to an officer member and him proxying the vote for him in the church. Usually the votes are taken in front of everyone, letting anyone to give 'Yay/Nay (Positive/Negative response) with a brief say on the matter'- however in sensitive issues the vote maybe made anonymous too if all the members agrees to it. However on the other side, when a matter comes on where club members strongly agree on they may vote together loudly in unison and tap their hands onto the table showing their approval together creating a loud thumping noise. The center chair with gavel is reserved for President, right seat for Sergeant At Arms, Left seat for Vice President. The rest of the officers seat accordingly near to the President's chair.

There are three kinds of motorcycle club chapters. Mother chapter (Usually the location from where the club was originated, or home to the National President's chapter. The members are usually referred as [ORIGINAL] members.),Territory Chapter/Charter (A group of bikers representative of the a larger MC in a particular city/neighborhood- calling them 'TERRITORY NAME' charter/chapter of the MC), NOMAD Chapter (NOMAD chapter consists of riders without a home, who wanders around on their motorcycles, usually NOMAD chapter is a combined one in between four-five states. NOMADs are frequent visitors to the different clubhouses of the nearby states and chapters. They get equal rights as a patched members in all the clubhouses. They wear same patch as a normal Pirate with an extra [NOMAD] patch. They have no fixed clubhouse but they hold churches at different places. They usually are club's means to transport goods through highway, and get backup when higher headcount is necessary.)

Club has three kind of members, Executive Officers, Officers and Members. There are elections held for Executive Officers and Officers on fixed time periods. Any full patched member may nominate himself for Officers' elections, but in order to nominate himself for Executive Officers' election, he must hold one of the Officer rank of the club. The Executive Officers' committee combined if may find that an Officer member is not functioning properly, they've rights to discharge him from his position, send back to being a member and call for a re-election. If the Officers' committee all combined feels that either An Executive Officer is not doing his job properly, they may make the decision internally and if all agrees, they can call out a 'Failing to trust' and call for re-election for that position and may nominate themselves there for that position. Every full patched members gets to vote in all of these elections.

Brief description on ranks within the club :
Executive Officers' Committee :

President :
The President is the CHAIRMAN of the Executive Committee and the Chief Executive Officer of the club chapter. All matters concerning relations between the club and any outside person or organization should be routed to the President for appropriate action. The President or his delegate shall assume the Chair at all chapter meetings. He is responsible for controlling the meeting and keeping order. If necessary, the Chair may utilize the services of the Sergeant-at-Arms to aid in keeping order. The Chair may not make or second any motion, and may only vote on questions wheir their vote would affect the outcome, as in making or breaking a tie vote, or on ballot questions.
OOC Explanation on task :
Managing the ranks, managing the warehouses, holding churches, dealing with mostly every task related to the club.

Vice President :
The Vice-President shall coordinate all committees and supervise plans for all club events. The Vice-President shall act as an intermediary between the President and the Members and Prospects. All questions or comments concerning any club business not specifically related to the duties of the other officers should be brought to directly to his attention. Additionally, the Vice- President is the Second-in-Command to the President, and shall assume all responsibilities and duties of the President in their absence.
OOC Explanation on task :
Supervising all the t1s, [SGT AT ARMS/ROAD CAPTAIN], managing club events, acting and representing the club in president's absence.

Secretary :
The Secretary is responsible for making and keeping all club chapter records. Membership List, Chapter Bylaws, Rules of Order, Standing Rules, Records of all committee appointments, all written reports, copies of all correspondence between the club and any outside person or organization, Meeting Minutes. He is responsible for calling roll at the meetings. The Secretary must notify Active Members of special or emergency meetings, and must notify all the members of any appointments or elections in their absence.
OOC Explanation on task :
Managing recruitments, supervising officers, keeping track and record of club activities including financial records.

Officers' Committee :

The Sergeant-at-Arms is responsible for ensuring that the Bylaws and Standing Rules of the club are not violated. He is responsible to insure that the orders of the Executive Committee are carried out in an expeditious manner. He is responsible for policing and keeping order at all club events, except as noted under the Duties of the Chairman. He may conscript members to aid in keeping order on their own authority. He has the responsibility to the club to report any unseemly behavior of incident to the Executive Committee. He is responsible for securing any patches or colors from any member who retires, resigns, or is expelled. The SAA is responsible for the safety and security of the club, as well as the protection and defense of its members and prospects. He shall keep and maintain a record of all data pertinent to the safety and security of the club and it’s members and prospects. Upon becoming aware of any real or perceived threat to the club, its Members, Prospects, or events, he shall immediately notify the Executive Committee of that information.
OOC Explanation on task :
Core supervisor and discipline enforcer in club events/activities. Protection details in cases of emergencies etc.

Road Captain
The Road Captain is responsible for all club runs. He shall research, plan, and organize all runs. During actual time on the road or at intermediate stops during a run, he shall act as the ranking club officer, deferring only to the President or Vice-President if either of them are present, and only then for matters involving persons outside the club. He shall supply the Secretary with any information required to notify outside agencies of impending club runs in a timely
OOC Explanation on task :
Responsible for club's runs, deciding routes in longer runs etc. This includes leading and heading burrito/maverick/mats etc runs as well along with roleplay runs.

Members :

The Veteran is an old and respected member of the club. He knows the ropes of the game. He might have been higher positioned in another chapter of the club. He wears full patch.
OOC Explanation on task :
Just an old hog or experienced player that's almost equal to officer's standards but is in lower chain of command due to reasons of either inactivity, unwillingness to wear the rank tag or tier restrictions. May contain upto 3 authorities.

The Pirate is a member of the club who has earned his full patch recently and is rather young in age and hot blooded.
OOC Explanation on task :
Full patched, right on the table, equal privileges around the club, untouchable. May contain upto 2 authorities.

Prospect is someone who has just joined the club, is aware of the club activities and considered club's friend. He has to earn his full patch any way necessary in order to become a full club member.
OOC Explanation on task :
Part of the faction, partially exposed but frequently to direct illicit activities. May contain upto 1 authority.

Hang around
Hang around is a guy who hangs out with club, he has been allowed inside the club but he has no relations with club, club does not back him up if something goes wrong. His main aim is to get a current club member to sponsor him.
OOC Explanation on task :
Indirectly affiliated with illicit activities of club or directly affiliated with minor shit.
As I mentioned above, a Motorcycle Club is a democratic organization, hence they've a vote for every major decision a club takes, and each patched member gets to vote on it. If the the vote fails.

Vests/Cut :
A cut-off, also known as a kutte or "battle jacket" / "battlevest" in heavy metal subcultures, is a type of vest or jacket which originated in the biker subculture and has now found popularity in the punk and various heavy metal subcultures. Biker, metal and punk subcultures differ in how the garment itself is prepared, what decorations are applied, and how this is done.
Vest or a cut to a biker is very precious, he won't anyone let it take it unless over his dead body. A cut is taken off by the biker at only following moments either it's his ol' lady taking it off to make love to him, either he's injured and his ol' lady or his brothers are trying to patch him up or it's for sanitary purposes. They never drop it or let it be dirty. The bikers are first rewarded with a leather vest with [PROSPECT] bottom rocker. Later on whenever they earn their top rocker it goes as "[CLUBNAME MC] [LOGO] [TERRITORY]" where Clubname being top rocker, logo in the center and territory being the bottom rocker. The bikers are rewarded with several other patches as sign of appreciation for the work he had done for the club, or for merely an achievement or in the remembrance of his brother. Bikers practically wear and spot their personality around on their vest. You can easily make out what kind of character the biker has by simply glancing at his vest, of course if you understand it's meanings. As mentioned above bikers earn their vest and patches, hence it's not taken for granted nor begged for.

Club Colours/Patch :

A patch is worn in the back of a vest and it consists of three things, [TOP ROCKER] being the clubname (Pirates MC), [LOGO] being the picture of the logo (Pirate skull with Celtic cross hat), [BOTTOM ROCKER] being the territory (San Andreas). Usually whenever a rival MC member tries to ride colour (ride through your territory without your permission flashing his club's vest, and on his harley) he gets beaten up and either his whole vest, or just his patch is cut off from his vest and taken away as a humiliation. It's the highest degree of humiliation a biker may face and may result in death for the guy performing it.

Description of a full patched biker's vest with a /me or /ame :
/me dons/is wearing a standard [PIRATES MC] vest, with [SPECIAL RANK IF ANY( i.e PRESIDENT)][SAN ANDREAS][1%er][SPECIAL PATCHES IF ANY (i.e PILLAGER)] patches.
Description of a prospect's vest with a /me or /ame :
/me dons/is wearing a [PROSPECT] vest with [MC] patches.
Racism :

Most of the biker clubs originating from olden times have been intentionally or unintentionally white supremacist. With the time some of them(including Pirates) have been open towards Hispanic members, and other races however they've unwritten rule and dis-likeness towards the African American population. Bikers are occasional and open racists whose decision may be affected by the colour of the person's skin however that as well depends on the character himself on however his thoughts on racism are. A minority of biker clubs are found to be strictly Neo-Nazis, or loosely affiliated with Neo-Nazi organizations.

Bikes :

Usually a biker drives a Harley custom made or any similar heavy cruiser type of bikes with high CCs such as Freeway/Wayfarer. They tend to hate the bikes similar to NRG 500/PCJ 600/FCR 900/BF 400/SANCHEZ etc referring them as 'A Crotch Rocket'. Bikers equally care and love their bikes as they do their ol' lady. They tend to work on their bikes themselves or just a single preferred mechanic. No one gets to touch his bike. Whenever you're roleplaying don't be like I have a freeway/wayfarer, instead try to google for some Harley models or similar and roleplay your bike being one of them. Get some basic glossary knowledge about such bikes and terms to make your time roleplaying even more enjoyable. The bikers love to ride around on their harleys in formation, showing power. The formation usually is a 2-2 formation or an arrow formation combined with 2-2. President rides at front, just behind him right side Sergeant at Arms, at left Vice President, Followed by Road Captains/Secretary, Veterans, Pirates and then Prospects, later Hangarounds/Supporters of the club.

Female Characters In MC :

Motorcycle clubs being men oriented organizations, they have little or no place for women in the club. However they have crucial role in a member's behavior and decisions he make. Female characters has a parallel staircase of growth to climb while being in the club. A woman may start hanging out at the clubhouse acting as the club's [PROPERTY] doing small errands, entertaining members, assisting Ol' Ladies etc. On some occasion she may even get pushed to the prostitution side. Once she grows closer to a particular member and he decides to make her his, he may introduce her to the club as his Ol' lady. After that point she's untouchable by other members, and her man decides whether she continues participating into club's business or not, including prostitution. The bond between a member and a property being led to her turning into an Ol' lady takes time, but it's really strong. The Ol' Lady holds unsaid power over the other members of the clubs, depending on her man's position in the club. Other members doesn't dare to disrespect her or ill-treat her due to the fact how easily she may manipulate her man and make him take harsh actions against him. The ol' ladies simply don't take shit from no one unless it's club business and his man instructs her to do so.

Glossary :
AMA = American Motorcyclist Association

ABATE- An organization started by EasyRider Magazine to fight against discrimination toward motorcyclists, mostly helmet laws originally. Once represented American Brotherhood Against Tolterion Acts. Now ABATE has many other names from state to state such as American Brotherhood (or Bikers) Aimed Toward Education. Now fighting rights many issues well beyond helmet laws, and often helping charities. Membership most often a yearly dues for membership, and officers are elected from active membership. They often have local regions, areas, chapters, counties, to get be closer to members in a statewide group and provide local functions as well as state wide functions.

Ape Hangers = High handlebars so Biker's hands are at or above their shoulder height

Backyard = Where you ride often

Baffle = Sound deadening material that sits inside a muffler and quiets the exhaust note
Blockhead = The V-twin engine Harley produced 1984 -2000

Blackout = Removal of tattoos when removal/banishment/killed from the club, it can be with black inks or hot knife.
Boneyard = Salvage yard for used bikes & parts

Brain Bucket = Small, beanie-style helmet (usually not DOT approved)

Broken Wings = a patch meaning the rider has been in a crash.

Burnout = Spinning the rear wheel while holding the front brake. Many places have contests to time how lomg it takes for the tire to blow out.

Cage = Automobile, Truck, Van....... not a motorcycle.

Cager = Automobile Driver

Chopper = Bike with the front end raked out or extended out.

Chromeitis = Someone that just cannot get enough aftermarket accessories (especially Chrome) is said to have Chromeitis.

Church = Clubhouse

CLAP = Chrome, Leather, Accessories, Performance

Clone = A motorcycle built to resemble and function like a Harley-Davidson motorcycle without actually being a Harley-Davidson motorcycle (the vehicle title will identify it as something other than a Harley-Davidson)
Colors = M/C Backpatch

Crash Bar = Engine Guard

CreditGlide = RUB's Motorcycle

Crotch Rocket = Sport bike

Counter steering = Turning the bikes handlebars in one direction and having it go in the opposite direction

Custom = Custom built bike

Cut = Vest with Club Colors

DILLIGAF = Do I Look Like I Give A Fuck

DOT = Department of Transportation

Drag Bars = Low, flat, straight handlebars

Evo / Evolution® = The Evolution engine (V-Twin, produced from 1984 – 2000)
Fathead = The Twin-Cam engine (V-Twin, produced from 1999 – Current Day)
Flathead = The Flathead engine (V-Twin, produced from 1929 – 1972)
Flash Patch = Generic patches usually sold at swap meets and shops.

Flying Low = Speeding

Forward Controls = Front pegs, shifter & rear brake control moved further forward to stretch your legs out

Freedom Fighter- a MRO member dedicated to preserving or gaining our rights and freedoms.

FTW - Fuck The World or some are using Forever Two Wheels

Hard Tail = A motorcycle frame with no rear suspension

HOG = Harley Owner's Group

Independent = Someone not a part of any club or group, but normally a part of the biker culture.

Ink = Tattoo

Ink-Slinger = Tattoo Artist

Knuck / Knucklehead = The Knucklehead engine (V-Twin, produced from 1936 – 1947)

LE / LEO = Law Enforcement Officer/Official

Leaving Your Mark = Oil puddle on the ground where you parked your scoot

M/C = Motorcycle Club

MM = Motorcycle Ministry

MRO- Motorcycle Rights Organization. An organization such as ABATE, BOLT, Motorcycle Riders Foundation, or, American Motorcycle Association. Having as part of their agenda to protect the rights and freedoms of motorcyclists. Membership is most often open to the public by paying yearly dues. Overseas MAG and FEMA are the biggest MRO's.

MSF = Motorcycle Safety Foundation

OEM = Original Equipment Manufacturer

Old Lady = Girlfriend or a wife

Pan / Panhead = The Panhead engine (V-Twin, produced from 1948 – 1965)

Pillion Pad = The passenger seat
Pipes = Exhaust System

Plugs = Spark Plugs

Pucker Factor = Refers to how tight your ass got on a close call

R/C = Riding Club

Rags = Also used to refer to Cut or Colors. In some areas it's used only when referring to a woman's colors.

Rat Bike - Usually an older bike that doesn't look like it's been taken care of at all.

Revolution™ = The Revolution engine, Harley-Davidson's first water-cooled engine (V-Twin, produced from 2002 – Current Day)

RICO = (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations) Laws passed for Law Enforcement to combat organized crime such as the mafia that are also used against some MC clubs.

Ridin' Bitch = Riding as Passenger

Road Name = Also known as handle. Name given to to someone by his Brothers/ friends. Usually given after some kind of incident or something they would associate with that person.

Rocker = Part of M/C colors which usually designates geographic location or territory

RUB= Rich Urban Biker

Rubber = Tire

Rubber Side Down = Ride Safe; Don't Lay the Bike Down

Run = Road trip with your Buds, most of the time with a place to go to in mind

Scoot = Motorcycle

Shiny Side Up = Ride Safe; Don't Lay the Bike Down

Shovel / Shovelhead = The Shovelhead engine (V-Twin, produced from 1966 – 1984)
Sissy Bar = Passenger Backrest

Slab = Interstate

Sled = Motorcycle

Softail® = A motorcycle frame whose suspension is hidden, making it resemble a hard tail
SMRO- State Motorcycle Rights Organization. Same as a MRO except defined by the state they operate in that respective state. Such as ABATE of Ohio, ABATE of MN, BOLT of CA, ABATE of CA, TMRO, ABATE of PA. Most often associated with National MROs such as AMA and MRF. However working on a state level, with state government to protect motorcyclists rights and freedoms. Many meet at MRF and AMA functions to discuss issues, strategies, and other helpful information. Membership is most often a yearly due payment, open to riders or clubs. Many clubs are due paying members, however some cannot wear the patch at all some can wear on the front of vest.
Straight Pipes = An exhaust system with no Baffles

Tats = Tattoos

Tail Gunner = The last rider in a group

The Motorcycle Wall- A motorcycle riders memorial wall in Hopedale Ohio. It is open to all to visit unless an event is going on the prevents viewing. Fallen Riders names are engraved on the wall for the cost to do it. As well as brick memorials on walkways.

Thirteen "13" - Common patch worn by "Outlaw" bikers. Can have several meanings. The most common held meaning is it's being the 13th letter of the alphabet "M" and stands for Marijuana or Meth. It's also known to stand for the original or "Mother" chapter of an M/C. In the last few years, many places are saying the "M" stands for Motorcycle.
In the "Ese"/ Mexican community "13" is often used to represent the "South Side" and "La Eme" (Mexican Mafia).

Turn your back = To completely disassociate from a person or club.

Twisties = Section of road with a lot of turns

Wannabe = Refers to someone that tries to pretend to be a part of the biker lifestyle

Wrench = Mechanic

XXF-FXX / XXFOREVER - FOREVERXX = Patch worn by MC members to represent their total commitment to the club and every other member of that club.
(XX stands for the name of the club)
1%er = If you read the papers or listen to the news, the media and law enforcement agents have redefined the term "1%er". The term was first used in the 60’s to describe some of the people that attended the motorcycle events back then. The AMA (American Motorcycle Association) stated that 99% of the people at their events were god fearing and family oriented. The other 1% were hard riding, hard partying, non mainstream type people. Thus the term 1%er was born. Some of the early bikers embraced the term and decided to call themselves 1%ers. It did not mean that they were law breakers or low life individuals. They were simply men that rode their motorcycles seven days a week in all kinds of weather, liked to drink and raise a little hell. Sometime during the 80’s law enforcement changed the meaning of the 1%er to what they wanted it to represent. It didn’t matter that their meaning was incorrect, they just spoon fed it to the general public and the courts as they had so many other things.

Motorcycle Clubs are rich in history and tradition. One of those traditions is the wearing of a 1%er patch on our vests and referring to ourselves as a 1%er club. The 1%er definition as we see it is one that explains our commitment to Biking and Brotherhood. We ride our motorcycles every day rain or shine. We ride thousands of miles each year with our Brothers to attend parties, social events, funerals and just plain spending time together. We work, have families and do all the things that our neighbors do. In addition to that we belong to a Brotherhood that we are able to combine with our day to day lives. To say that 1%er’s are criminals or people of a lesser moral code than the rest of society is a tainted opinion.

5%'er- A member of a Motorcycle Rights Organization. The term was first used to my knowledge by me in a 1997 during a Chapter speech, then at a MRF and then a AMA meeting, as only 5% of motorcyclists were involved with MROs. That was to represent the 5% of motorcyclist that did get involved in protecting the rights of the other 95%. It has been used in public speaking in OH, PA, MN, MI, and in some publications in the Midwest, Great Lakes area. Meant to respect those that get involved and spent much time, money, protecting bikers they don't even know.

"Lick and Stick" - This is a temporary pillion back seat placed on the fender through the use of suction cups.

"Fender" - A female passenger who is not an Old Lady but simply a lady a biker has invited for a ride. (Also Fender Fluff)

"Moonlight Mile" - A short adventure with a lady friend away from camp.
"Running 66" - It’s very rare but at times it’s necessary to ride without a club patch or cut. This is also known as “riding incognito”.
"Shower Head" - Refers to the new Harley-Davidson V-Rod motorcycle motor. It’s water cooled motor features what looks to be a showerhead attachment on it’s right side.

"Broad" - A female entertainer for the club. She may be a dancer or at times a prostitute.

Created by : Sly on 24th November, 2013.
Edited by : Sly on 9th November, 2015.

May get updated/edited over the time.
Last edited by Sly on December 12th, 2013, 4:33 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Faction Leader
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Re: Roleplaying As A 1%er Biker [Pirates MC]

November 24th, 2013, 6:47 pm

copy paste obv


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Re: Roleplaying As A 1%er Biker [Pirates MC]

November 24th, 2013, 6:49 pm

Smoke wrote:copy paste obv
Copy and paste from his wank bank.

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Posts: 9839
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Re: Roleplaying As A 1%er Biker [Pirates MC]

November 24th, 2013, 7:10 pm

I'm pretty sure the guide's written in English and you might have hard time figuring out, and it's not in Albanian. Sorry for your inconvenience, Donald. ):

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Re: Roleplaying As A 1%er Biker [Pirates MC]

November 24th, 2013, 8:13 pm

Nice effort (if it's not copied)
Eugine wrote:Some people has to grow up instead of whining like a fucking moron.
Lol there's the fact that you cannot even spell English properly, and you can clearly see in my screen-shot that you did not even type "assault" properly, you just ruined my IC criminal record with your shitty English, and of course you guys, and specially people from egybt that login with arab names and keep bunnyhopping wanna rob, cannot even role-play properly, that's why you just apply for a legal faction then follow the guides step by step to reach your ranks, i bet most of you doesnt even know how maverick runs goes, and you will never do because you only got promoted with not effort by your fellow egybtians, one of you tries to join a faction, then the rest of the idiots follow him so they get promoted immediately, claiming that he is good, while they cant even reach the outsider rank in illegal because the RP is strict there.

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Game name: Donald_Capazzo

Re: Roleplaying As A 1%er Biker [Pirates MC]

November 24th, 2013, 9:09 pm

Sly wrote:I'm pretty sure the guide's written in English and you might have hard time figuring out, and it's not in Albanian. Sorry for your inconvenience, Donald. ):
I don't read guides made by Indians, sorry :oops:


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Re: Roleplaying As A 1%er Biker [Pirates MC]

November 25th, 2013, 5:53 pm


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Re: Roleplaying As A 1%er Biker [Pirates MC]

November 25th, 2013, 5:58 pm

Sly wrote:I'm pretty sure the guide's written in English and you might have hard time figuring out, and it's not in Albanian. Sorry for your inconvenience, Donald. ):
mader chod, sali kuta

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Re: Roleplaying As A 1%er Biker [Pirates MC]

November 25th, 2013, 6:20 pm

IT ain't copied, check google, copy-paste some text there, only IM will be found.

Faction Leader
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Re: Roleplaying As A 1%er Biker [Pirates MC]

November 25th, 2013, 6:22 pm

ThaCrypte wrote:IT ain't copied, check google, copy-paste some text there, only IM will be found.
I was being sarcastic.


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Re: Roleplaying As A 1%er Biker [Pirates MC]

November 25th, 2013, 6:23 pm

Very nice effort Sly ;).
Nikki Conard
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Posts: 9839
Game name: Sly_Carrone, Sam_Hunt, Dexter_Whittaker

Re: Roleplaying As A 1%er Biker [Pirates MC]

November 25th, 2013, 6:23 pm

You're seriously going to doubt it's credibility?

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Re: Roleplaying As A 1%er Biker [Pirates MC]

November 25th, 2013, 6:52 pm

Sly wrote:You're seriously going to doubt it's credibility?
No, don't worry, people are jerks. Good Job.

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Re: Roleplaying As A 1%er Biker [Pirates MC]

December 12th, 2013, 3:34 pm

Lovely guide :)
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Re: Roleplaying As A 1%er Biker [Pirates MC]

December 12th, 2013, 4:17 pm

Sly wrote:You're seriously going to doubt it's credibility?
Great to see a quality guide that contains original content.

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Re: Roleplaying As A 1%er Biker [Pirates MC]

December 12th, 2013, 4:52 pm

Really nice thread, i guess it took a few hours to make it. :)

Posts: 40
Game name: Jim_Murphy

Re: Roleplaying As A 1%er Biker [Pirates MC]

December 12th, 2013, 5:42 pm

wow, u could have made an invention instead :P
BTW good job and nice work

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Re: Roleplaying As A 1%er Biker [Pirates MC]

December 30th, 2013, 3:20 pm

Thank you all for the nice comments.
I might just create a further more addition to this guide soon enough.

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Re: Roleplaying As A 1%er Biker [Pirates MC]

January 26th, 2014, 8:01 pm

Nice effor, thanks :)

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Re: Roleplaying As A 1%er Biker [Pirates MC]

February 28th, 2014, 12:42 pm

Great one Sly.

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Re: Roleplaying As A 1%er Biker [Pirates MC]

March 12th, 2014, 6:48 pm

Truly helpful.

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Re: Roleplaying As A 1%er Biker [Pirates MC]

November 11th, 2015, 3:26 pm

Revamped with fresh pictures and some new content along with kick start of PMC again.

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Re: Roleplaying As A 1%er Biker [Pirates MC]

November 11th, 2015, 5:29 pm

Sly wrote:Revamped with fresh pictures and some new content along with kick start of PMC again.
Still shit.


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Re: Roleplaying As A 1%er Biker [Pirates MC]

November 11th, 2015, 5:40 pm

Donaldinho wrote:
Sly wrote:Revamped with fresh pictures and some new content along with kick start of PMC again.
Still shit.
Get on my level peasant.

Posts: 571
Game name: Marko_Antonovich

Re: Roleplaying As A 1%er Biker [Pirates MC]

November 11th, 2015, 5:52 pm

Nice one mate.
''Hardwork and loyalty won't get you anywhere on IM''
"Tactics is like an asshole, everyone has its own"

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Re: Roleplaying As A 1%er Biker [Pirates MC]

November 14th, 2015, 10:50 pm

save dat

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Re: Roleplaying As A 1%er Biker [Pirates MC]

November 14th, 2015, 10:51 pm

What does the 1% mean?

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Game name: Nathan_Lanza

Re: Roleplaying As A 1%er Biker [Pirates MC]

November 14th, 2015, 10:54 pm

Whiskey wrote:What does the 1% mean?
It stands in the text. :)

Posts: 8353
Game name: Mickey_Reagan, Tywin_Moore, Rashad_Davis

Re: Roleplaying As A 1%er Biker [Pirates MC]

November 14th, 2015, 11:04 pm

Chrissy wrote:
Whiskey wrote:What does the 1% mean?
It stands in the text. :)
Sly: viewtopic.php?f=12&t=39066
Whiskey: ?
Whiskey: wow
Sly: can you ask me a question
Whiskey: what
Sly: on the thread
Whiskey: do u mean
Sly: nvm
Whiskey: oki ;D

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Posts: 1989
Game name: Nathan_Lanza

Re: Roleplaying As A 1%er Biker [Pirates MC]

November 14th, 2015, 11:29 pm

Sly is a noob.

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