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Infamous's Basic Guide

September 30th, 2014, 9:24 am

Infamous's Basic server Guide
I was just thinking to make a RP guide to help others. it's a really advanced guide, and might teach you a lot. If you want trainings or wanna learn it ingame, then PM me. If you got any questions, feel free to PM me or reply to this thread.
What's Roleplay, And how to Roleplay?
Roleplay means taking a role of a person, you can roleplay as a medic, gangbanger, mobster, or anything use your imagination, Before you start roleplaying, You should choose what you would roleplay, You have alot of choices, But make sure you plan whats gonna be your character goal, like is he gonna be a criminal, or a cop, or would he be insane, who just escaped from the asylum, Its upto to you, Don't be afraid to RP as a civilian, since everyone here joins groups, factions, but civilian is also good, or you can start a legit businessman, or a politic person, Also plan what age your character is gonna be, and what clothes his gonna wear, and what dream he would have.
What IC stands for? And what does it mean?
IC stands for incharacter, and its related to RP, and this is one of the main point of RP, so, there are some IC commands that let you chat IC.
Roleplaying Commands
/me - The '/me' command is created solely for roleplay. It is a basic action command.
Usage: /me looks up in the sky.
Eg : Sam Woods(1) looks up in the sky.
/do - The '/do' command has been created for roleplay. A suggested use could be to announce a sort of atmosphere.
Usage: /do Weird noises can be heard from the inside the room.
Eg: ((Wierd noises can be heard from the inside the room (Sam Woods) ))
/Low - The '/Low' command has been created to speak something low so that player at a certain distance from you cannot hear you.
Usage: /Low Is he staring me?
Eg: Sam Woods says[low]: Is he staring me?
/S - The '/S' command has been created for shouting to people close to you.
Usage: /S Freeze!! This is SAPD!!
Eg : Sam Woods shouts: Freeze!! This is SAPD!!
/W - The '/W' command has been created to whisper to people close to you, you must be a certain distance close to someone to use it.
Usage: /w [ID] take cover!
Eg: Sam Woods(1) whispers: take cover!
RP Driving
  • Since this server is based on America, you must drive on the right side >
    If you crash, You must RP the accident, And you must NEVER park your car ontop of a player, You can get jailed/warn/kick for it, So avoid doing that, and REMEMBER not to drive like a mad person, If your character is RP-ing he can't drive, then you can RP it, but if you crash, then RP it please, and if you got oncoming cars coming towards you, you'd probably be thinking what to do, so he or you would pull over, and if you do collide, then you would be badly injured, and be polite to the drivers, like people would be IRL, no matter even if your a gangster, Let them pass if they need to, don't rush. You don't need to follow the lights, since they're not synchronized, But if you would like to, then you may follow it. And if a cop's following you, and your legit, and got nothing to hide, then you should pullover, but remember to not make up things.
  • What most people do is park their car at the middle of the road, and get out, IRL you'd have a fear of the cop, and wouldn't do that, So park your car at the side, and don't park your car the opposite side of the road. Tickets are given but still people don't park their vehicles properly.
Interacting with Faction members/Normal players
Remember to not look at the people's tag which is over there head, and call them that, you know that its not them, and alot of people metagame by calling them with their tags, which isn't fair for the other people, As this is a jail/warn/kick offence, so do not that, and If someone unknown knows your name, and number, then ask him how he got his number / name? Its ok, don't be afraid, if you suspect that he metagamed to get that, then you could report him, and make the admins check the log, Or you can stay regardless thinking he spied on you, and is a assassin, If you get prank calls, then just hang up, And if you get surrounded by a group of gangsters, or people, and they ask you for your money, your job would be to give them your money with your /me's, and not run away, since your afraid, and remember if a single person aims a gun at you, give them your money / items, because IRL you'd be afraid to not get shot, so be aware of this.
Calling 911
Saw any trouble? you can use the command /c 911 as you would call cops IRL. Remember not to prank call, or troll with 911, since you wouldn't do that IRL, so its best to RP it, and if you got a problem and you think someone's trying to kill you, then you can file a report to the 911, or actually RP it.
Legal jobs can be found in Cityhall. If you wish to do any Illegal job you may use /helpme or /gps to find its location.
Useful commands :
  • /jobhelp
  • /quitjob
Joining Factions
Joining factions is not that hard. You just need to RP with faction members and so on.
For more this thread will help you : viewtopic.php?f=12&t=51690&hilit=Joining+faction
What's NON-RP?
Now, If someone says to you, you can't RP, and you get confused a little, and your like No i'm not, But remember, to accept critism's since it will help you increase your RP standards, and remember to consider them, But lets get to the point, Whats Non RP? Non RP means, doing something that's unrealistic, and cannot be done in real life, or you wouldn't do in real life, like drive around smashing lots of walls, and not RP-ing the effect, and Yes, its similar to Powergaming, Or hopping around all over the world, Well that's called NON-RP, And you get called NON RP, if you break any of the RP rules, so be careful please.
What OOC stands for? And what does it mean?
OOC stands for Out Of Character, anything related to out of character meaning, talking about something that isn't related to your character's roleplay, Something related to your real life, or something that you did, or you discussing about some stuff, is called OOC. You can use some OOC commands to interact with people.
OOC commands
/b - The '/b' command is created solely for OOC. It is a basic Out of Character command.
Usage: /b wassup
Eg : Sam Woods says: (( Wassup ))

/o - The '/o' command is created for OOC global chat. It is out of character command.
Usage: /o Helper applications are Open
Eg: Owner Adam Cooper : Helper applications are Open.

/f - The '/f' command is created for OOC faction chat. It is out of character command.
Usage: /f Welcome back
Eg: [S044] Police Officer III Sam Woods : Welcome Back

/pm - The '/pm' command is created for Private Messaging. It is out of character command.
Usage: /pm [ID] Hey
Eg: PM from Sam Woods(1) : Hey
That's it for now. I suggest you read this full guide, if you do not have any idea what roleplay is. I will make another guide explaining Server Rules.I would appreciate any comments here, and if you want me to add something or you feel something has been missed out, please inform me. If you got any questions you may ask me here, or ingame, and i'll gladly help you.

Credits : Me
Last edited by Infamous on September 30th, 2014, 9:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Infamous's Basic Guide

September 30th, 2014, 9:30 am

Where are the credits?

Posts: 2680
Game name: Sam_Woods, Jay_MacKinley

Re: Infamous's Basic Guide

September 30th, 2014, 9:40 am

Done, Credits to Me
SAPD Sergeant Ex-IMET Manager Ex-Forum Moderator

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Re: Infamous's Basic Guide

September 30th, 2014, 9:41 am

Infamous wrote:Done, Credits to Me
You didn't even write half of this. Add credits or this will end up getting removed.

Posts: 2680
Game name: Sam_Woods, Jay_MacKinley

Re: Infamous's Basic Guide

September 30th, 2014, 11:12 am

Just remove it
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Re: Infamous's Basic Guide

September 30th, 2014, 11:18 am

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