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Game name: Harvey_Specter, Michael_Versace, Niko_Smirnov

[GUIDE] All about premium

August 24th, 2017, 1:40 pm

An IMRP player can receive premium status by donating cash to the server and in exchange get several benefits in game.player can donate using the following steps,

Step 1:
Log into your UCP account and go to the premium section.
[+] Picture
Step 2:
Top up your account by clicking on the “Top Up” button
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Step 3:
Select your country.(Every country is included so don’t worry)
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Step 4:
Select one of the four methods to topup your account.
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Step 5:
Select how much you want to donate. Amounts start from 5€ all the way upto 250€ in 5€ intervals.
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Methods of donating
Donating by using a credit/debit card via Stripe service
  • woot gives you 5% extra cash for using this method.
  • Easy and efficient.
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Donating via PayPal
  • PayPal accepts almost every card from every country,(Debit/Credit)
  • Easy if you have an account setup already(Most do as they use it for online shopping)
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Donating via PaySafeCard
  • Great if you have a PaySafeCard.
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Donating via CoinPayments
  • Ability to pay using BitCoins and other cryptocurrencies.
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  • After topping up your account, now you have cash to spend on anything you like. You can chose from the following,

  • All these packages give you a premium tag on your account and you are entered into the premium usergroup on forums.

5€ Pack [Premium Only]
  • House, business slots remain the same[5] therefore not included, car slots[2] remain the same as before.
  • Premium status for one month.
  • Ability to change fightstyle.
  • Ability to hide your name(/name off) even if you are below level 15.
  • Increases vehicle slots from default 10 to 15.
  • 1 namechange.
  • 1 numberchange.
  • 200k cash in game.
  • Level up (1 level).

25€ Pack [Starter]
  • Car spawn slots remain the same.
  • Premium status for one month.
  • Ability to change fightstyle.
  • Ability to hide your name(/name off) even if you are below lvl 15.
  • Increases vehicle slots from default 10 to 15.
  • Increases house slots, business slots to 7.
  • 2 namechanges.
  • 2 numberchanges.
  • 2m cash in game.
  • Level up (3 levels).
  • 1 premium car claim.

35€ Pack [Enthusiast]
  • Premium status for one month.
  • Ability to change fightstyle.
  • Ability to hide your name(/name off) even if you are below lvl 15.
  • Increases vehicle slots from default 10 to 20.
  • Car spawn slots increase from 2 to 3.
  • Increases house slots, business slots to 7.
  • 3 namechanges.
  • 3 numberchanges.
  • 3.5m cash in game.
  • Level up (4 lvls).
  • 2 car claims.
  • Bank interest rate doubles. [Eg:If you get 50k normally, after activating the pack you get 100k]

55€ Pack [Addict]
  • Premium status for one month.
  • Ability to change fightstyle.
  • Ability to hide your name(/name off) even if you are below lvl 15.
  • Increases vehicle slots from default 10 to 20.
  • Car spawn slots increase from 2 to 3.
  • Increases house slots, business slots to 9.
  • 4 namechanges.
  • 4 numberchanges.
  • 8m cash in game.
  • You are advanced 6 lvls.
  • 3 car claims.
  • 1 house claim.
  • Bank interest rate quadruples. [Eg: If you get 250k normally, after activating the pack you get 1m]

  • Ability to change fightstyle [/fightstyle] Is only usable within the 1 month period.
  • After the one month period, car spawn, car, house, business slots go back to default.

    [Note that any car, house, business occupying the extra slot won’t be removed, for example if you bought a 55e pack and you filled all your car slots they will not be removed. However if you need to purchase another vehicle you need to get rid of 11 cars OR use a Car Claim as cars claimed will be forced into your account without needing a free slot. Same goes for houses, businesses]
  • Number, Name changes, car claims, house claims will remain forever.[Literally]
  • Bank interest rate will go back to default as well after the 1 month premium period.

  • Name change [2.00€] (/changemyname)
  • Number change [2.00€] (/changemynumber)
  • Permanent vehicle slot [5.00€]
  • Permanent house slot [7.50€]
  • Permanent business slot [15.00€]
  • Permanent car spawn slot [10.00€]
  • Permanent accessory slot [7.50€]

Purchasing these single items will not give you premium status, just the item you purchased will be received.

  • 10m [10.00€]
  • 20m [20.00€]
  • 40m [30.00€]
  • 70m [40.00€]
  • 95m [50.00€]
  • 125m [60.00€]
  • 230m [100.00€]

Purchasing only in-game cash does not give you any premium membership.
Once you purchased in-game money, you will receive your in-game money automatically.

Transferring Funds and selling Cash, Topups, Claims and packs.
  • Once you top up your account you can sell these funds,packs to other players by advertising on the “Donate 4 Cash” thread [viewtopic.php?f=15&t=65098] or by pming potential buyers in game. I wont include prices as they change regularly, especially during Christmas.
  • Once a price is agreed upon you can transfer Euros to a player by clicking on the ‘Transfer’ button and filling in the information. Please note that these are non refundable and if you make a mistake and send it to the wrong person, management won't refund you, so be sure to check twice.
    [+] Picture
  • You can also transfer Car, House claims to other players via the UCP.
  • You can also activate a premium pack for ANY player as follows,
    [+] Picture
  • Be careful who you are selling funds,packs to and always check if he/she is a credible player. Don’t go transferring funds to a lvl 5,6 player who doesn’t even have a forum account binded without making sure he/she has the money to pay for what you have to sell.
  • Ask for cash first if that is possible. [Do this if you think he/she is shady] This will help you avoid majority of the problems faced. Also don’t be afraid to take a leap of faith if the player is trustworthy.
  • If you get scammed selling these and if you have legitimate proof then make a support ticket and management will refund you and rest assured the scammer will be punished.
Before doing a deal to be absolutely safe do the following,
  • Go on forums and do a quick search of the player you are transferring cash to. [If he/she has a scam report then it’s a no go, MOST of the time.]
  • Use /id _Lastname and check if he/she has a forum account binded. [ IF the person is active on forums and actually has their account binded they are less likely to scam.]
  • IF possible ask an admin or a helper to watch over the deal, if they are not busy of course. So you have a credible witness. [Do this especially if it’s a large amount of funds, better safe than sorry]


“I keep getting an error saying the player I’m transferring a car/house claim, premium pack to is online and that I cant transfer, WTF.”
  • Both players need to log off in order to activate a pack, transfer a car/house claim.
“Do I need to log off to send cash too?”
  • If and only if you are transferring CASH TOPUPS then it can be done while both players are in game.
“I get an error with my card while using stripe.”
  • Bear in mind stripe only works with SOME cards, although it accepts 80% of the cards it does not accept some.
  • So make a PayPal account instead and if it doesn’t work with PayPal either, do yourself a favor and change your bank or try another card.
“I transferred cash but it won’t show that I have funds in my account.”
  • Log out and log back in, close your browser and open it again. If you tried these and they didn’t work, either the transaction didn’t happen right[Call bank to verify] or something is wrong with the site [In which case you should FPM woot]
“I live in X country and we don’t use Euros here.”
  • Not to worry, funds are taken from your account and converted into euros in accordance with the current market rates. [If you want to donate 5 euros then the equivalent amount to 5 euros in your currency is taken from your account, converted and sent to woot]
“Do I lose these funds if I go IA?”
  • No they last forever, unless your account gets deleted or the world ends.
“I want to transfer a namechange”
  • Name, number changes can be transferred In Game Only, there is no method of doing it via UCP atleast for now….. [use /give in game]
“What cars can I claim with a car claim?”
  • Using a car claim you are able to claim Donator Vehicles as well as some others.
“How can I claim a house?”
  • Well there are two ways, you can do it in game with the help of a senior admin+ or you can create a support ticket with the XYZ coordinates and a screenshot.
  • Please choose a realistic location as admins won’t give huge towers, compounds or anything that can’t be considered as a house.[ Trust me, I know from personal experience. :(]
“If I buy two packs and activate them both, do they last one month or..?”
  • If you activate 2 5e packs for example, premium status lasts 2 months, same with other packs, If you have a 5e pack going and you activate a 55e pack you get premium LVL 7 during the 5e pack’s month and the 55e pack’s month.
“What are these premium levels?”
  • If you donate a 5e pack you get premium lvl 1 which includes the benefits of a 5E pack, If you donate a 25E pack you get another premium lvl, same for 35E, for the 55E you get premium lvl 7 which is the highest and in that level you get all the benefits of premium.
    [ I do not know which levels you get with the 25E and 35E packs as I personally have not donated them but if someone can confirm ill remove this note and add it in]
“What are the house interiors I can get with my house claim?
  • Any of the ones mentioned here viewtopic.php?f=12&t=52 and no armor doesn’t come with it, you have to add it which costs 15m.
“What's all this chatter about donations getting doubled during christmas?
  • During christmas if you donate 55E you get 110E, So your donation doubles. Unless woot stops it.
Last edited by Spec on August 25th, 2017, 2:34 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: [GUIDE] All about premium

August 24th, 2017, 1:43 pm

Lord of Donaters
Epic one mate ;)

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Posts: 978
Game name: Harvey_Specter, Michael_Versace, Niko_Smirnov

Re: [GUIDE] All about premium

August 24th, 2017, 1:52 pm

Thanks mate.

Posts: 5115
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Re: [GUIDE] All about premium

August 24th, 2017, 2:44 pm

Nice one.
"If you cannot accept the true I don't find it as mine problem at all."

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Re: [GUIDE] All about premium

August 24th, 2017, 2:57 pm

A good one ! :D Nice Guide.
You never count your money
When you're sittin' at the table
There'll be time enough for countin'
When the dealin's done
The Gambler

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Re: [GUIDE] All about premium

August 24th, 2017, 4:51 pm

tbh all written on the donation page, appreciated the work x)
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Re: [GUIDE] All about premium

August 24th, 2017, 5:04 pm

Good one brov

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Re: [GUIDE] All about premium

August 24th, 2017, 5:15 pm

(Every country is included so don’t worry)

u r wrong

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Posts: 978
Game name: Harvey_Specter, Michael_Versace, Niko_Smirnov

Re: [GUIDE] All about premium

August 24th, 2017, 5:40 pm

Thank you all.
mahliN wrote:
August 24th, 2017, 4:51 pm
tbh all written on the donation page, appreciated the work x)
How to and everything on the thread other than the donation amounts are not. Thank you for feedback. :D
Joo wrote:
August 24th, 2017, 5:15 pm
(Every country is included so don’t worry)

u r wrong
Am I? Please tell me which country isn't on the list?

Posts: 4671
Game name: Rachel_Porter, Matteo_Marsico

Re: [GUIDE] All about premium

August 24th, 2017, 5:53 pm

Spec wrote:
August 24th, 2017, 5:40 pm
Thank you all.
mahliN wrote:
August 24th, 2017, 4:51 pm
tbh all written on the donation page, appreciated the work x)
How to and everything on the thread other than the donation amounts are not. Thank you for feedback. :D
Joo wrote:
August 24th, 2017, 5:15 pm
(Every country is included so don’t worry)

u r wrong
Am I? Please tell me which country isn't on the list?
Retired Server Helper | Creative Team

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Re: [GUIDE] All about premium

August 24th, 2017, 5:58 pm

What is a car claim and house claim? what do they give me?

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Re: [GUIDE] All about premium

August 24th, 2017, 7:13 pm

MilagPro wrote:
August 24th, 2017, 2:57 pm
A good one ! :D Nice Guide.

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Posts: 978
Game name: Harvey_Specter, Michael_Versace, Niko_Smirnov

Re: [GUIDE] All about premium

August 24th, 2017, 7:28 pm

Ronen765001 wrote:
August 24th, 2017, 5:58 pm
What is a car claim and house claim? what do they give me?
With a car claim you are able to claim one of the donator vehicles and using a house claim you can claim a house in a free spot. Check FAQ.

Truth News Agency
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Re: [GUIDE] All about premium

August 25th, 2017, 1:05 pm

Spec wrote:
August 24th, 2017, 7:28 pm
Ronen765001 wrote:
August 24th, 2017, 5:58 pm
What is a car claim and house claim? what do they give me?
With a car claim you are able to claim one of the donator vehicles and using a house claim you can claim a house in a free spot. Check FAQ.
Does it mean with car/house i got a free car/house on my empty slot?
Abelardo Castillo- Navarro Caporegime(T1)
Duke Metternich- San Andreas Police Department SGT(T1)
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Re: [GUIDE] All about premium

August 25th, 2017, 1:07 pm


Richard Denham
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Re: [GUIDE] All about premium

August 25th, 2017, 1:51 pm

Quick, buy now!
John Anderton - Sulu Otomo - James Murphy - Richard Denham

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Re: [GUIDE] All about premium

August 25th, 2017, 2:31 pm

ThaCrypte wrote:
August 25th, 2017, 1:07 pm
Fixed, thank you for pointing it out.

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Posts: 978
Game name: Harvey_Specter, Michael_Versace, Niko_Smirnov

Re: [GUIDE] All about premium

August 25th, 2017, 2:37 pm

HeyIts_RJ wrote:
August 25th, 2017, 1:05 pm
Spec wrote:
August 24th, 2017, 7:28 pm
Ronen765001 wrote:
August 24th, 2017, 5:58 pm
What is a car claim and house claim? what do they give me?
With a car claim you are able to claim one of the donator vehicles and using a house claim you can claim a house in a free spot. Check FAQ.
Does it mean with car/house i got a free car/house on my empty slot?
You are able to claim a car from a list of donator cars, refer to faq to find a link to a guide. You can claim an available house with a house claim.

Truth News Agency
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Re: [GUIDE] All about premium

August 25th, 2017, 4:02 pm

Spec wrote:
August 25th, 2017, 2:37 pm
HeyIts_RJ wrote:
August 25th, 2017, 1:05 pm
Spec wrote:
August 24th, 2017, 7:28 pm
Ronen765001 wrote:
August 24th, 2017, 5:58 pm
What is a car claim and house claim? what do they give me?
With a car claim you are able to claim one of the donator vehicles and using a house claim you can claim a house in a free spot. Check FAQ.
Does it mean with car/house i got a free car/house on my empty slot?
You are able to claim a car from a list of donator cars, refer to faq to find a link to a guide. You can claim an available house with a house claim.
How much a car clam costs?
Abelardo Castillo- Navarro Caporegime(T1)
Duke Metternich- San Andreas Police Department SGT(T1)
Duke Metternich- Truth News Agency(T0)

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Posts: 978
Game name: Harvey_Specter, Michael_Versace, Niko_Smirnov

Re: [GUIDE] All about premium

August 25th, 2017, 4:12 pm

HeyIts_RJ wrote:
August 25th, 2017, 4:02 pm
Spec wrote:
August 25th, 2017, 2:37 pm
HeyIts_RJ wrote:
August 25th, 2017, 1:05 pm
Spec wrote:
August 24th, 2017, 7:28 pm
Ronen765001 wrote:
August 24th, 2017, 5:58 pm
What is a car claim and house claim? what do they give me?
With a car claim you are able to claim one of the donator vehicles and using a house claim you can claim a house in a free spot. Check FAQ.
Does it mean with car/house i got a free car/house on my empty slot?
You are able to claim a car from a list of donator cars, refer to faq to find a link to a guide. You can claim an available house with a house claim.
How much a car clam costs?
20-25m. I didn't add prices since they fluctuate all the time.

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Re: [GUIDE] All about premium

August 26th, 2017, 7:55 pm

Patriot is a donator car no? you can get it via car claim?

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