Well this theard for the Newbies, im some times think if you bored and your new at the server what should you do? to rob houses, rob bussineses? Bad idea..! when you bored and new at the server its mean this is the time to Paintball.!!
i will show you what is the Paintball and where is it. but first some commands in the Paintball Arena :
/pb list = to check whos playing in Paintball
/changeteam = switch your team you plaing
/Changepackage = to change your weapons thats happend after you died.
/tracebiz 42 = to find the bussines.
if you want go to play at the Paintball you have frist go to Market and then if your at the correct place you will see that
then the Painbal is about 5 meters from you. here!
when you go into the Paintball you have entery pay 15.000 Dollars to get into the Paintball.
When you done with that you will enter and then you have to chose the weapons you want to play with.
after you done you chose you can start to play and say BB to the Boring
i was Jason Bradly see you next time!!