Attention: Player reports being dealt with on the forum will receive double punishments.
1) Do not deathmatch
Example: You and another player crash into each other. You then exit your vehicle and instantly starts firing shots at his vehicle because he's leaving the scene.
This is considered deathmatching and is punishable.
Example: You are being insulted by a random player, and you're getting fed up by it. You then pull out your gun and start shooting at him.
A gunfight emerges and you kill the player who insulted you because you couldn't ignore his insults any further.
This is considered deathmatching and is punishable. It doesn't matter if it's OOC or IC insults, simply getting insulted doesn't justify killing someone.
Duelling: It is not permitted to duel other players unless it occurs at a logical location and all passers-by must treat the duel as an IC gunfight.
This means you are not allowed to duel at main bank, main Ammu-nation, PD or other such public locations. Duels may only occur with acceptance from the two involved players or groups, at locations that are suitable for such actions.
Suitable locations are back alleys, inside closed or private properties, the desert or other locations like the ones listed.
Duels at MB, MA, PD, SF or public locations will be punished harshly - minimum with a warning added to each involved player.
If you provoke a mass-gunfight by purposely duelling (provoking a gf) at a non-roleplay location, you WILL be banned.
Law Enforcement
The rules of deathmatching are especially strict when it comes to LEO (Law Enforcement Officers). e.g. if a police unit turns their sirens on and orders you to pull over, you can't just gun them down without knowing what they're pulling you over for. If you're armed and they tell you they're going to frisk you and you don't want to get caught, then you're obviously allowed to do something about it, but if they're going to issue you with a ticket you are NOT allowed to kill them.
It should be noted that Spawn Killing is also considered DM. Killing newbies, e.g. low leveled players that continuously punch you, is not allowed either unless they're close to killing you. In that case, you are expected to call a helper or admin via /irc or /report.
Players are generally allowed to kill trespassers on their property but only after giving them sufficient time and warning (default 3 warnings) to leave. You cannot kill someone after telling them to leave once. Also, you cannot carry this out on public property such as outside a business that you or your friends own.
Exception to this rule is Area 51 (trespassers may be shot on sight without a warning)
Players with Moneybags
You are under no circumstances allowed to kill a player with a money bag unless you are directly involved in the robbery where the bag was stolen from.
This means that only the ones being robbed, the robbers and law enforcement are allowed to shoot players with a money bag. Cops are required to attempt to tase instead.
Killing players with a money bag without being involved is considered deathmatching and is punishable.
These examples are only a handful of situations that are common. They are only provided to help you better understand this rule. Just because a certain situation isn't listed here as an example, doesn't mean it's not DM.
120-240 Minutes admin jail
or 24 hours to 1 year account ban
2) Do not revenge-kill or return to place of death
Returning to the place you died at before the situation has finished is not allowed.
Law Enforcement Officers are allowed to return when 10 minutes have passed, but only if there are still cops there who can /em.
If you are not a Law Enforcement Officer, this does not apply to you.
Mafia wars are different, see war rules for exceptions.
120-240 Minutes adminjail
or 12-72 hour account ban
3) Do not powergame
Forcing roleplay on other players, i.e. not letting them respond to your actions, is also considered power-gaming. Players must at all times allow others to participate in roleplay.
Therefore any roleplay with an AFK player will be considered power-gaming under most circumstances, e.g. when you try to rob or kidnap an AFK player. (If someone goes AFK during RP, it is not powergaming to force actions on them!)
Police Specific
It is also considered powergaming to force players into a vehicle outside of a hostile situation or when passing a cuffed suspect at reasonably high speed. Do not force players into your vehicle as a cop when there is no fight going on.
Cops are allowed to taze players on bikes and cars with no roof/windows such as NRGs, Dinghys, and Banditos.
120-240 Minutes admin jail
Or a warning
4) Do not metagame
120-240 Minutes admin jail
Or a warning
Note that depending on the use of the application it MAY be considered mixing as well, thus you will receive harsher punishment!
- 4.1) Mixing IC/OOC - Misuse of IC chat
It is not permitted to use the in character chat, to convey and OOC message or in other ways communicate about out of character situations.
You are required to use brackets (a single ( or /b before OOC chat) at all times, unless you are clearly in an OOC situation with an admin where you're discussing a case, however this is up to the admin in person.
This includes communicating OOC via radio frequencies, advertisements, legal department radio, news or any other chat that is meant to be used in character.
If you wish to talk to your buddies out of character, you must use the provided out of character chats such as group, team or faction chat. Or private messages and so forth.
It is permitted to use third party software such as Teamspeak, Discord, Skype or other communication platforms to communicate and play in character with friends and faction members alike. However if it is proven that you used a third party software to communicate while kidnapped, blindfolded, gagged or otherwise IC obstructed from communicating, you will be punished for mixing and/or metagaming if you are using the information provided by someone who's obstructed from communicating.Punishments:
Depending on the extent and situation, the user may be muted, warned or jailed for 90 minutes.
Some situations may warrant a ban if the user is found violating this rule repeatedly.[/i]
5) Do not spawn-kill
It is generally accepted that this rule is void when a player crashes during a shootout. See War Rules for mafia war spawn-kill rules.
120-240 Minutes adminjail
6) Do not insult other players' heritage/religion/sexual preference/political views
Any insults on family members, sexual preference or religious beliefs will be dealt with, with no regards to previous events.
We understand that players may enter a heated discussion where insults may be used and as a result, we do not deal with reports revolving around a heated argument where one may be called retarded, an idiot, son of a bitch or the like.
Insulting someone for being bi-/homosexual or a Muslim will never be acceptable. Nor should one be insulted for having different political views.
Before reporting someone, please take note that a
This does not mean you have permission to insult each and every player on the server/forum. If you are caught constantly starting arguments, being rude/offensive or if you are found insulting players for the sake of insulting, you may be punished.
You are NOT green-lighted to be a douchebag or nuisance!
However please note that disrespectful attitude to or any sort of insults made against the administration while they are performing their duties as an admin/moderator/helper will be dealt with harshly.
Punishments vary from a warning in most instances, to a lengthy ban if the administration team agrees that a given player is continuously and deliberately breaking this rule.
7) Do not use forbidden modifications or third-party software
If you have questions about e.g. CLEO mods or textures, speak to an admin to avoid any misunderstandings.
Do not use any modified timecyc.dat file aside from those approved here.
If our anti-cheat (Launcher) detects cheats in your GTA folder, you are declared guilty and will be banned for at least a year. All excuses will be invalid.
It's your responsibility to make sure your GTA folder is clean before logging in.
If your anti-cheat client detects illegal modifications and you are 100% sure you did not use mods, send a PM to a management member and explain what mod was detected and what it does, perhaps include the file in your message as well and we will contact woot or discuss internally whether the modification should be considered illegal or not. The anti-cheat launcher is strict, and some modifications may be blacklisted unintentionally.
Examples of forbidden mods: CLEO cheats, cam hacks, auto aim, sobeit, oversized/flashy weapon textures.
Allowed CLEO mods:
- ELM(emergency light mod) - Only allowed for law enforcement and government employees in charge of roadwork or parking enforcement.
- 1st person mod
- HP/armour digital mod(displays YOUR OWN HP & armour in digits)
- Sprintbar/stamina (.cs/asi)
1 year IP ban
Or Permanent IP ban
8) Do not advertise for other servers
If you are unsure in what ways you can discuss other servers contact a member of staff to clear things up.
1 Month IP ban
or 1 year IP ban
9) Do not encourage rule breaking
Other player's punishment x2
or temporary IP ban
10) Using a vehicle as a weapon
You are allowed to ram another person ONCE. However, ramming a person continuously in short amount of time is NOT allowed and will be considered as DDB.
Law enforcement officers are no longer exempt from this rule as of 24/04/2020.
You may not use helicopter rotors to kill people.
You are permitted to ram players off roofs by using an airplane or helicopter, however.
If you wish to stop another player's vehicle, you are allowed to ram them in order to disable their vehicle.
Varies from situation to situation - repeated offenders or common rule breakers may be banned.
Otherwise 120-180 minutes admin jail.
11) Do not provoke
Following a player with holding down the horn and insulting them is considered provoking, just as hitting another player to make him shoot you is considered provoking (/encouraging rule break).
/pissing on players with no valid reason (read: not having them tied and kidnapped or engaging in explicit roleplay) is also considered provoking. Running up to someone and /pissing on them is provoking.
Abusing animations to provoke, e.g. dancing, will be punished as well under the circumstances of rule #23.
90-240 Minutes admin jail
Or a warning
12) Robbing/Kidnapping & Scamming
Killing a player during/after the robbery is not allowed unless they give you a valid reason.
A valid reason could be the robbed player threatening you with reporting you to the cops, to kill you and liking. If they is simply complying and doing nothing you can not kill them.
The following amounts below are the maximum robbing limits per victim.
- $200,000 cash
- 2,000 weapon crafting materials
- 50 grams of drugs total (any type)
- If a house locker is found open, you may steal all of its' contents.
(Being nearby or close to the location will not protect you!)
- Mall
- Car Lots
- Pershing Square
- Casinos
- Betting Centers
- Church
- Clubs (interior)
- Gunshops
- Banks
- Airport Terminals (Runways/Hangars are okay!)
- Hospitals
- Tolls
- Legal job locations (Truck depot, mechanic depot, taxi depot etc.)
Players are not allowed to scam under any circumstances. This includes, but is not limited to scamming properties, vehicles, drugs, cash, and weapon crafting materials. Note that we won't refund IC / OOC loans, however, the person who scams will receive a suspension and scammed money/materials/drugs will be removed from his account. We advise everyone not to loan money/materials/drugs to players you can't trust.
If you are playing at the casino with other players, you must follow the official Blackjack and Roulette rules.
The entire scamming rule is also bound to OOC deals.
If you are unsure about anything regarding this rule, please contact an administrator.
120-240 Minutes admin jail + removal of all items/cash involved.
Temporary to permanent account suspension + removal of all items/cash involved.
or 1 year IP ban + removal of all items/cash involved.
13) Do not abuse/mis-use /ad
If you are looking for employment you may also use /ad to advertise for your skills, however, such advertisements may not be directed at one company(faction) specifically.
Players may only use /ad strictly for these purposes. It is NOT allowed to provoke other players via advertisement, this goes for both IC and OOC provocation.
In addition, you may not use internet slang/abbreviations such as 'lol', 'rofl', 'pls' and so forth.
Advertisements are not a chat system, but a way of selling or purchasing goods and items in-game.
The only abbreviations allowed on in-game advertisements are common company abbreviations.
Terms such as 'B Car' is not allowed, unless part of a more complex advertisement such as 'B Car - must have 4 doors, decent speed, and custom rims'.
You are meant to be creative and not lazy when using the advertisement system.
The advertisement system can also be abused/misused if a player sends an advertisement in the way of 'all come PB' or 'who wants to have fun'.
You need to properly advertise the paintball arena or that you're looking for fun, e.g. advertising for a club or bar where you are hanging out.
Players are not allowed to openly advertise contraband like guns and drugs. It is permitted however to hide a message in an advertisement if done in a creative and clever way, e.g. "Looking for/Selling Good Unused Nike Shoes", or "Looking for/Selling Guns 'n Roses albums".
Using the advertisement system to sell/purchase/trade out of character items, despite using in character codenames will be punished harshly and considered mixing/ad abuse. A suspension may be in place for breaking this rule.
This includes name and number changes, premium memberships and other services offered to players via real life currency.
TL;DR Use common sense and be creative when creating an advertisement.
Remember that advertisements are broadcasted to the entire server, and making a ridiculous advertisement doesn't make you cool, but make you look unintelligent or annoying.
1 Warning
or 30-120 Minutes admin jail
or Kick
14) Do not spam
Varies from situation to situation, common punishments are warnings or short jailtime.
15) Do not mix OOC and IC chat
This rule also applies to doing something OOC for an IC advantage, such as leaving one faction to join another faction for a turf take over or robbery. Doing this will result in harsh punishment.
Varies from situation to situation, common punishments are warnings and short jailtime.
16) Do not suicide, quit or force timeout or pause to avoid death/arrest/roleplay
It is not acceptable under any circumstances to use /kill or /q to avoid roleplay (this includes arrests) or death. Forcing a timeout is considered abuse and may be a bannable offense.
In addition, once you are killed you may not use any method whatsoever to avoid the kill list. This is also abuse and will not be tolerated.
If you pause your game either by pressing escape or tabbing out of the game to avoid roleplay or interactions by other players, including being shot, you may also be punished.
Players who are interacting with you in paused state are not limited by the powergaming rule and may force actions on you as they please until you return to the game.
They are however still forced to abide by the DM and rob/scam rule.
120-240 Minutes admin jail + removal of drugs & sellable weapons
or 24 hours to 1 year account ban + removal of drugs & sellable weapons
17) Do not share or mix accounts.
If you share your password with other users, and their manage to break a rule/give away your goods or in any other way harm your account or belongings you will be responsible for the actions and will not receive a refund.
Account mixing also includes using an alternative account to sell/buy/provide services for your main account or vice versa.
For example, you can not use a police account to unjail your other account (or other friends' accounts) from prison or provide a weapons license for cheap.
Nor can you use an account in Stracci to steal materials or goods from Stracci's warehouse and then give it to your main account which is in Kemirov. Same goes for IC information provided to your character on one account and sharing it with the other.
1-4 weeks account/IP ban
or Permanent account ban
(if items have been transferred) + removal of transferred items with no refunds.
18) Do not speak foreign languages in public chats.
1 Warning
or Kick
19) Do not roleplay rape without permission from all parties
80 Minutes admin jail
or 24 hours account ban
20) Do not heal/re-armor in fights.
Players are not allowed to heal in fights through any means other than the use of drugs. A player may heal only when it is clear they have escaped their enemy. However, if you do choose to heal, you may not return to the original gunfight. This offense is easily traceable through logs.
If you escape from a fight you are allowed to heal under the following circumstances:
- You have not been shot at/followed for 1 minute.
- You have killed your enemies.
- You are being treated by an EMS member.
- You are not hiding inside a house where law enforcement is waiting outside. (even if it is for longer than 10 minutes!)
First Aid Kits are not allowed as in-fight measures of gaining health at any time. That may only be used in an RP manner if one of the above-listed conditions are met.
This also counts for restaurants, houses, vending machines, Sprunk machines and other means of gaining HP/armor.
Once you have healed you are under no circumstances allowed to return to the gunfight unless you are in a law enforcement agency. (return after 10 minutes)..
120 Minutes admin jail
Or a temporary suspension
21) Do not avoid the anti-AFK script
1-week account ban
22) Do not kill inside government buildings without a proper reason
This also counts for the special forces base at Fort Carson or Commerce, the City Hall, and All Saints General Hospital at Market (EMS HQ).
It must also be noted that players that abuse this rule by retreating to a government building during a gunfight will not be granted the protection this rule provides. Abusers of this rule may also be punished depending on the situation.
Same as DM.
23) Do not abuse animations, bugs or other malfunctions
In addition, you are not allowed to use /fall or other animations to hide inside walls so that you can not be found in e.g. a gunfight or turf takeover.
Using /dance or other animations to provoke players should also be avoided and is considered abuse in most circumstances.
7 days - 1 year IP ban
Abusing animations will result in 120-240 minute jail time or a 24-hour suspension. Repeated offenders may be IP banned.
24) Do not buy or sell items for real money & do not buy or sell real things with IG money
Permanent account ban
or Permanent IP ban
25) Do not abuse OOC chats
1 Warning
or what the admin feel is suitable.
26) Do not abuse /enter
120-240 minutes admin jail
27) Refusing to RP/non-RP
To avoid non-RP behavior players are encouraged to RP similarly to how they would behave in real life.
A common example of non-RP behavior would be driving on the wrong side of the road for no justifiable In Character reason (fleeing the cops, for example, would be a good reason to do this, but doing this out of boredom is not!)
Another example of non-roleplay behavior/refusing to roleplay would be ignoring another player's /me and /do commands deliberately in the same situation. Running away from a person who is arresting/mugging you while they're either attempting to/currently beating you up will be non-roleplay/refusing to roleplay. You must respond to /me and /do commands.
If someone is roleplaying with your corpse or injured body, you must let them and answer their /do or /me commands.
You are, however, allowed to roleplaying dying if you are just injured. But let the person who did it/is roleplaying with you finish what they're doing.
If you are roleplaying being dead, you are dead. Do not suddenly be alive if a friend comes around to save you. You may get revived by an EMS or someone who does CPR on you, though. (if you haven't been shot in the face - be reasonable)
Killing a player that is about to be cuffed for the sole purpose of trying to save them from being arrested is considered non-roleplay/deathmatching
Punishments may range from an admin jail up to 120 minutes (240 if reported on the forums), a (verbal) warning or being educated by a helper on basic RP principles if the player in question is new.
28) Gambling
All of the money/item gambled will be permanently erased from the server without anyone getting any refunds.
All players which participated in the gamble worth over $20m will get a warning & 120 minutes of jail time each.
29) OOC extortion/lying
It is furthermore against the rules to lie to other players when reporting them or being questioned of in character against prior to a report.
If a player is asking you why you've done X or Y to them because they are in doubt, you must answer truthfully. Lying to get someone punished/to not be punished as result of a report is strictly against the rules.
All of the money/items extorted will be removed from the extortioner and refunded.
The extortioner will receive a minimum (IP) suspension of 7 days.
30) Ban Evading
If you are caught evading your ban, you will be permanently banned without the possibility to appeal.
If you are account suspended you are, however, allowed to play on an alternative account.
Permanent suspension of accounts and/or IP bans.
31) Accessories and other player customizations/features
This includes oversized phones, helmets, hats or anything else that would be unrealistic and unsuitable.
The intentions of the system is to customize the character skin so that it suits your player, not to make jokes and troll.
You are not allowed to attach lasers to eyes, attach excessive amounts of lasers (read: only 1) to your character.
If you would like to attach an oversized hat, or another object to use it as a costume, please seek permission from senior staff before doing so. The entire admin team needs to be informed before you can go ahead to avoid misunderstandings.
You must also have a very good reason to do so, as it is a privilege that can be abused.
Accents can not be set to unrealistic or nonexistent accents either, i.e. 'black' or 'nigger' accents.
Those are not only racist but also made up. Google if you are unsure what accent you are thinking of.
This also includes any and all present or future features that allow you to change the looks or appearance of your character.
A warning or 3 days account suspension depending on violation and severity.