There is currently a faction war going on! View Stats
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Game name: Carlito_Jubilado, Frank_Turner

War Rules

May 28th, 2012, 2:06 pm


W1) Victory Conditions
A minimum of 45 hours of playtime must be achieved by all participating factions during a war - failure to do so will result in a forfeit on the 3rd offense. (players idling for 300+ seconds will be automatically kicked from the server)

If 20 percent of a faction has been removed (uninvite/leave) during a war, it will result in an automatic forfeit for that faction.

If one warring team obtains 50% more (1.5x) death fees than the opposing team, they will automatically lose the war. This is only applicable after a minimum of 250m in death fees has been independently obtained by both teams.

Factions must participate a minimum of 3 days (72 hours) after a war has been initiated before they may be allowed to surrender.

W2) - Alternative Accounts
It is strictly forbidden to use an alternate account to participate in a war.

You are not allowed to use your alt to partake in actions or activities against your main account's war opponent.

An alternative account is any account below the level of your highest-level account; You cannot declare a random account as your "main" account.

Same IP makes it an alt account. (This includes Cafes, houses, etc.)

Exceptions to this can be made by PMing the aHoI and HoI (before war starts) with proof of separate ownership. These exceptions will be rare and only given out when it can be confirmed beyond a reasonable doubt and only in relative/family situations.
Ranges from a warning to IP ban for duration of war or longer

W3) - Invites
Inviting an irregular amount of players prior a war is prohibited and will be considered as mass-inviting.

Leaving a faction to join another for the sole purpose of participating in a war is also prohibited.
Admin uninvite of all flagged players

W4) - Civilian / Alliance involvement
Civilians are under no circumstances allowed to participate/aid in a war.

Allied factions may aid in a war by supplying the warring participants with materials, drugs, vehicles, keys, etcetera, but not by directly assisting them in fights or flees. The only exceptions to this rule are listed below.

When you can attack a war participant:
  • They are taking your alliance's turf
  • They are doing runs (rittos, lead, etc.)
  • They clearly involve themselves in a normal gunfight (turf, run, business robbery, etc.)
    • "Involve" meaning they clearly demonstrate a desire to participate in the gunfight, such as shooting/aiming/chasing enemies/attempting to carbomb/etc.
NOTE: Blatantly tracking warring participants to initiate fights through RPG oriented activities is prohibited and will be dealt with on a case by case basis by head of illegal staff.

Observing/spectating a war is prohibited - do not follow or stand near warring participants.

Law enforcement factions are permitted to intervene in war fights only if the fight is within the CITY of Los Santos.
240 minute admin jail
24-168 hour suspension
IP ban for duration of war or longer

W5) - Just Spawned (JS) tag
If a player is marked as 'Just Spawned', they should not interact with other players.

Attacking, following, and blocking all count as interacting.
120-240 minute admin jail

W6) - Revenge-killing / Returning to battle
Participants of a war may only return to a fight they previously died in if their opposition is present.
[+] Example
There is a war related fight happening at Rodeo involving all warring participant factions.
In the event of an external faction not participating in the war (e.g. SASF or PD) being present and actively fighting at that location, the possibility of them being caught in the crossfire and being revenge-killed is high - which is why this exception is in place and external factions must accept this when partaking in fights involving warring participants.

This does not grant immunity for warring participants in regards to the revenge-killing rule. Warring participants who deliberately seek out to revenge kill non-warring participants while there are no active battles between the warring faction participants will be punished accordingly.
120-240 minutes admin jail

W7) - OOC Dealing/Attempting To Get The Opposition Faction Members to Leave:
It is not allowed under any circumstances to message the opposition side to leave their faction in exchange for any items via Out Of Character methods. Telling another member to leave via PMs or third party software is strictly prohibited.

Contacting opposing members using PMs and third party software is allowed as long as no items (Money, mats, drugs, properties, invites to other factions, etc.) is mentioned. What can be discussed via Out Of Character method is setting up a date, time, place, and methods of contact with the opposing member.

NOTE: If a currently banned player is caught violating this rule, punishment may vary and will be dealt with harsher than a non banned player.
Account suspension till end of war
If a member left due to this violation the uninvite will be refunded back to the faction

W8) - Other war rules / clarifications:
  • Closing yourself or rivals in a building is not permitted. (e.g. /close @ house/biz)
  • Faction weapon stocks may be drained by members and will not be refunded. (limit of 1000 fguns per 1 member every hour)
  • Using stationary parked vehicles to block roads, passageways, or other vehicles at a rival headquarter is prohibited.
  • Creating an agreement with opposition to fk / uninvite their own members must be properly roleplayed IC.
  • Participating with connectivity/performance issues that cause severe inconsistent hit registration is prohibited. (first offense: kick - repeated offense: uninvite).
  • Violation of any war related rule must be reported within 72 hours of the violation or it will be deemed invalid.
  • IP Banned players must be uninvited from the faction before the war, any players IP banned during the war for a serious offense will also be uninvited during the war.
  • Changing faction spawn-point during war is not allowed, factions must spawn at their official faction HQ during the war.
  • You are not allowed to participate in mini-mission if you're part of a warring faction.

The Head of Illegal staff may kick, suspend or admin uninvite any player during a war if any of the war rules have been violated.
If there are any questions regarding a rule or clarification, contact the Head of Illegal staff.
Additional clarifications/rules will be made if necessary.

Retired Admin
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Posts: 13260
Game name: Carlito_Jubilado, Frank_Turner

Re: War Rules

September 13th, 2015, 2:29 pm

War rules completely revised.

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Posts: 13260
Game name: Carlito_Jubilado, Frank_Turner

Re: War Rules

December 21st, 2015, 5:40 pm

Added under 'Other war rules / clarifications':
You are not allowed to /close yourself in personal owned houses/businesses.

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Re: War Rules

November 14th, 2016, 2:49 am

The following has been added to Other war rules / clarifications:
  • [*]Participants of a war may only return to a fight they previously died in if their opposition is present.
    [+] Example
    There is a war related fight happening at Rodeo involving all warring participant factions.
    In the event of an external faction not participating in the war (e.g. SASF or PD) being present and actively fighting at that location, the possibility of them being caught in the crossfire and being revenge-killed is high - which is why this exception is in place and external factions must accept this when partaking in fights involving warring participants.

    This does not grant immunity for warring participants in regards to the revenge-killing rule. Warring participants who deliberately seek out to revenge kill non-warring participants while there are no active battles between the warring faction participants will be punished accordingly.

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Game name: Andre_Badal

Re: War Rules

March 19th, 2017, 12:05 am

The entire ruleset for wars has been revamped.

Please note the following major adjustments:
  • Heat points and rules regarding them have been removed.
  • Previously listed clarifications may now have their own in-depth rule tied with them.
  • The format has been adjusted and 'starting', 'flow', and 'ending' have been incorporated throughout the ruleset.
  • Several rules that are now fully automated by the server script have been removed. (ie. healing during fights)
  • Punishments have been adjusted and normalized to better fit their corresponding rules.

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Posts: 13260
Game name: Carlito_Jubilado, Frank_Turner

Re: War Rules

September 9th, 2018, 7:12 pm

Rule 4 edited and clarified a bit more:

Allied factions may aid in a war by supplying the warring participants with materials, drugs, vehicles, keys, etcetera, but not by directly assisting them in fights or flees. An exception to this rule is if a faction not partaking in the war is robbing a business/warehouse or taking a turf and warring faction responds to it - NOTE: blatantly tracking warring participants to initiate fights through RPG oriented activities is prohibited and will be dealt with on a case by case basis by head of illegal staff.

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Posts: 13260
Game name: Carlito_Jubilado, Frank_Turner

Re: War Rules

September 22nd, 2018, 11:04 pm

120 seconds cooldown was added for /uninvite and /ouninvite in wars. One player cannot uninvite more players during a cooldown timer.

Posts: 14790
Game name: Darien_Enzo, Maria_McCarthy

Re: War Rules

September 12th, 2019, 12:11 am

War Rule #2 updated to reflect the change in what is defined as an "Alt" by Carlito on July 2nd, 2019.

"Same IP makes it an alt account.

Exceptions to this can be made by PMing the aHoI and HoI (before the war starts) with proof of separate ownership. These exceptions will be rare and only given out when it can be confirmed beyond a reasonable doubt and only in relative/family situations."

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Posts: 13260
Game name: Carlito_Jubilado, Frank_Turner

Re: War Rules

April 29th, 2020, 10:16 pm

The following has been added to Other war rules / clarifications:
Violation of any war related rule must be reported within 72 hours of the violation or it will be deemed invalid.

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Posts: 13260
Game name: Carlito_Jubilado, Frank_Turner

Re: War Rules

June 1st, 2020, 1:42 pm

The following has been added to Other war rules / clarifications:
IP banned players must be uninvited before every war in order to keep the /uninvite winning condition fair, failing to follow this will result in admin uninvite during the war.

Posts: 14790
Game name: Darien_Enzo, Maria_McCarthy

Re: War Rules

August 14th, 2020, 3:31 am

War rule 7 re-numbered to war rule 8.

War rule 7 created to read:

W7) - OOC Dealing/Attempting To Get The Opposition Faction Members to Leave:
It is not allowed under any circumstances to message the opposition side to leave their faction in exchange for any items via Out Of Character methods. Telling another member to leave via PMs or third party software is strictly prohibited.

Contacting opposing members using PMs and third party software is allowed as long as no items (Money, mats, drugs, properties, invites to other factions, etc.) is mentioned. What can be discussed via Out Of Character method is setting up a date, time, place, and methods of contact with the opposing member.

NOTE: If a currently banned player is caught violating this rule, punishment may vary and will be dealt with harsher then a non banned player.

Posts: 14790
Game name: Darien_Enzo, Maria_McCarthy

Re: War Rules

September 17th, 2020, 9:22 pm

War rule #1 has been changed from 40 hours minimum to 45 hours minimum:

A minimum of 45 hours of playtime must be achieved by all participating factions during a war

This will NOT apply to any wars already on-going. (Cuneo vs. Triads)

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Re: War Rules

January 3rd, 2021, 6:28 pm

Added to War Rule 8:

Changing faction spawn-point during war is not allowed, factions must spawn at their official faction HQ during the war.

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Game name: Richard_Leone

Re: War Rules

May 11th, 2021, 12:43 pm

W8) - Other war rules / clarifications:
  • Changing tiers of members solely for the reason of having less death fees is not allowed and is considered script abuse/fleader cmd misuse.

This was in the grey area for some time ever since a couple of faction leaders were unofficially told to not do it, but it was never posted on forums and was a war tradition for a long time.

This does not apply on the current war(Tattaglia v. Barzini).

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Game name: Richard_Leone

Re: War Rules

June 3rd, 2021, 10:53 pm

Changed W8) - Other war rules / clarifications:

You must wait at least 60 seconds after participating in a gunfight before quitting the server - otherwise, you will be quitting to avoid death (An exception would be quitting after death)
You must wait atleast 60 seconds after your last interaction with your opponent before quitting the server - otherwise, you will be quitting to avoid death(An exception would be quitting after death)

[+] more about it
You may not quit the server before 60 seconds from your last interaction with your opponent, that includes and is not limited to IC chat, being chased, being shot at or shooting at.

If you're bored of camping in the interior you have trapped yourself in and is barricaded by enemies from the outside & cannot wait anymore, you'll have to go out and die before quitting(incase they keep interacting with you every 60 seconds)

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Game name: Richard_Leone

Re: War Rules

July 27th, 2021, 4:59 pm

W8) - Other war rules / clarifications:
  • You are not allowed to participate in mini-mission if you're part of a warring faction.

Was already scripted and a thing, but apparently people were under the impression that its ok to participate in it by bypassing the already existing script.

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Posts: 4647
Game name: Richard_Leone

Re: War Rules

September 15th, 2021, 12:06 pm

Deleted the following rule from W8 and replaced by a script:
  • Changing tiers of members solely for the reason of having less death fees is not allowed and is considered script abuse/fleader cmd misuse

Updated in W8:
[+] Outdated version
  • IP banned players must be uninvited before every war in order to keep the /uninvite winning condition fair, failing to follow this will result in admin uninvite during the war.

  • IP Banned players must be uninvited from the faction before the war, any players IP banned during the war for a serious offense will also be uninvited during the war.

-> Tier 3 and tier 2 now lose same amount of cash($100k) in death fees.
-> Minimum war prize increased from $300m to $500m.

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Re: War Rules

November 4th, 2023, 6:24 am

Added to W1:

W1) Victory Conditions
If one warring team obtains 50% more (1.5x) death fees than the opposing team, they will automatically lose the war. This is only applicable after a minimum of 250m in death fees have been independently obtained by both teams.

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Re: War Rules

January 27th, 2024, 8:01 am

Adjusted W4 for further clarification.

Civilians are under no circumstances allowed to participate/aid in a war.

Allied factions may aid in a war by supplying the warring participants with materials, drugs, vehicles, keys, etcetera, but not by directly assisting them in fights or flees. An exception to this rule is if a faction not partaking in the war is robbing a business/warehouse or taking a turf and warring faction responds to it - NOTE: blatantly tracking warring participants to initiate fights through RPG oriented activities is prohibited and will be dealt with on a case by case basis by head of illegal staff.

Observing/spectating a war is prohibited - do not follow or stand near warring participants.

Law enforcement factions are permitted to intervene.

Civilians are under no circumstances allowed to participate/aid in a war.

Allied factions may aid in a war by supplying the warring participants with materials, drugs, vehicles, keys, etcetera, but not by directly assisting them in fights or flees. The only exceptions to this rule are listed below.

When you can attack a war participant:
-They are taking your alliance's turf
-They are doing runs (rittos, lead, etc.)
-They clearly involve themselves in a normal gunfight (turf, run, business robbery, etc.)
-"Involve" meaning they clearly demonstrate a desire to participate in the gunfight, such as shooting/aiming/chasing enemies/attempting to carbomb/etc.

NOTE: Blatantly tracking warring participants to initiate fights through RPG oriented activities is prohibited and will be dealt with on a case by case basis by head of illegal staff.

Observing/spectating a war is prohibited - do not follow or stand near warring participants.

Law enforcement factions are permitted to intervene in war fights only if the fight is within the CITY of Los Santos.

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Re: War Rules

March 3rd, 2024, 12:53 am

Changed the rules in regards to quitting and being on Just Spawned mode.

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Re: War Rules

August 3rd, 2024, 5:11 pm

Added to W2:

W2) Alternative accounts
You are not allowed to use your alt to partake in actions or activities against your main account's war opponent.

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