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Game name: Adam_Cooper

Faction Rules

May 28th, 2012, 2:04 pm


F1) Faction Kills
Faction Leaders can not be faction killed if they have not held their position for more than 2 weeks.

Faction owners / official leaders may FK anyone at any time for any reason. OOC kicks do not count as FK. Admin uninvite does count as a FK.

By selecting a player to be your second in charge - the second T0 - you automatically aknowledge the possibility of a coup and takeover within your faction. The second T0 does not require any approval from the head of illegals to FK the official leader. Selecting T0 and other high ranks comes with great responsibility. The reasoning behind the takeover must fulfill the necessary roleplay standards.

Greed, unloyalty and desire for change are all valid IC and roleplay reasons, but taking a faction over to massively invite your OOC friends is NOT allowed. Removing the current T0 from his position does NOT allow you to massively invite new players based on your OOC ties nor does it allow you to powerrank new players into positions of T1 and T0. Whatever membership and ranking changes follow after a takeover, they MUST have the necessary IC background which leads to them.

All faction takeovers must be announced in a thread dedicated for this type of action, which will be available in the faction leaders' section.

After a succesful takeover, the faction and its actions will be closely monitored to see if the following hasn't occured:

1. Inviting friends over OOC reasons without proper IC reasons

2. Inappropriate ranking up without the necessary IC conditions having been met

3. Continuous rulebreaking / unappropriate behavior by highranks

If these mandatory conditions are not met, the faction is at risk of a wipe.

Faction takeover is also possible by T1's, HOWEVER in that case all T1's and atleast 4 T2 members must be in on it and you need PERMISSION from head of illegals. Bear in mind that you need a very valid reason to FK your leaders & permissions will not
be handed out easily. The player incharge of the takeover must send a request to head of illegals including all the details/reasons, PROPER roleplay evidence and future plans for faction. Head of illegals may deny your request without an explanation.

F2) Faction Leadership
Leading a faction comes with great responsibilty, any careless attitude, unappropriate behavior on forums / IG, continuous rulebreaking or encouraging others to do it will NOT be tolerated. All leaders are expected to keep order within their faction and show a certain level of maturity.

Faction Leaders may not sell their factions. They must be passed on to their co-leader, or another member of the faction.

Before passing T0 on to someone else, the new leader NEEDS to be approved by the head of illegal factions(for mafias) or head of legal factions(for GOV/LSPD/FBI/SASF/SDC) - BEFORE any change is done.

One or both T0 removed / faction wiped without a warning. (The money used to buy the faction will be removed & there'll be no refunds.)

F3) Faction Leaders
Faction Leaders may be removed by a Lead Admin at any time. The leader may not demand an explanation. Admin uninvite also means you're banned from T0 for 1 year.
Faction Leaders who have not been online for 5 days will be removed. If they're excused/notified the management, they may be inactive for up to 21 days.

F4) Faction Tiers
A mafia may not have more than 2 members with tier 0, and 4 tier 1.
SAPD/SASF may not have more than 4 tier 0, and 10 tier 1.
Players must not have more than 1 account with tier 0.
Players must not have more than 2 accounts with tier 1.

You must have a proper IC reason to give somebody a new tier. Setting them to tier 1 so they can use a sniper for a certain situation may result in you being removed from your leading position. Furthermore, leaders who change T1's often will have their ability to manage a faction questioned. In order for your faction to be a success you need stable highranks.

F5) Faction Surnames
Family Surnames will not be given to members without tier 0.
Regular players will only get a free surnamechange when they reach tier 0.

If you get demoted and you still have a family surname, request a surname change from a lead admin or a lead admin may contact you to change it. OR You may keep your family surname if you've been demoted if your family leader allows you to. If you are kicked from the faction, you must change your surname.

F6) Law Enforcement Officers
  • Law Enforcement Officers may not use barriers to completely seal off a building.
    They need to let criminals have a chance to escape.
  • Law Enforcement Officers may not re-jail someone, who's already jailed. There's a reason the limit is there.
  • If a suspect is co-operating, and willing to RP, they must allow them to at least walk to the car. If the suspect doesn't co-operate, Law Enforcement Officers may force them in the car with /get - without having to RP. Furthermore, LEO's are allowed to /cuff & /get players in all hostile situations without having to write additional /me messages.
  • Law Enforcement Officers may not remove licenses, or other items from players who are admin jailed.
    If a player quits to avoid arrest, and the server puts them in 120 minutes jail, they can not go to the prison and remove their items without a permission from admin.

F7) Powerranking
You are not allowed to promote e.g. your friends just because they're your friends. Promotions have to be deserved IC.

Giving someone T2 under 15 days or T1 under 30 days without our permission is considered powerranking. The date you were invited will be used as your qualification. Your previous history with the faction (e.g. being in 6-9 months ago) will not contribute to the 15/30 days.

Violations will result in admin uninvited/faction leader FK

F8) Faction Closure
You are not allowed to close your own faction unless asking permission from the head of your respective faction class,
Nor are you allowed to wipe your faction at any point during your leadership unless permitted by the head of your respective faction class.

If you are found doing any of the above mentioned actions, you will no longer be allowed to receive a tier 1 or tier 0 position, and your account will be suspended for a duration of seven days.

F9) Corruption in Legal Factions
This rule is directed towards legal factions and legal factions only.
Illegal factions must adhere to the rules directed towards them.

The exemptions from the otherwise global ban on corruption is in effect for tier 2, 1 and 0 members only.

It is permitted for legal faction members to perform violations of the penal code and their individual rulesets in order to create nuanced and interesting roleplay situations. This includes corruption in the sense of receiving money or goods in exchange for shortened jailed sentences, lower fines, to avoid infractions and persecution and violence against criminals and those threatening their careers. Law enforcement officials may also decide to use excessive force during questioning and arrests and may plant evidence on a suspect in order to extend their jail time - planting evidence is allowed but only if there is at least one prior and legitimate reason for the arrest. Making up charges in order to jail a player for a long time without proper RP justification and IC evidence to back this up is NOT allowed.

In addition to the above, government members may exchange money or goods in return of lowered taxes on businesses and other such changes; but have to consult the Head of Legal factions to grant permission for these actions.

Government members may have illegal ties and may converse and cooperate with them, but can not use the government faction's abilities to lead or organize their illegal ties. The government faction is a legal faction, not a crime fighting faction.
Should a government member be found using government vehicles, weapons or assets to organize or take part in illegal actions they will be admin uninvited and banned for an indefinite amount of time up to the discretion of the Head of Legal factions.

It is NOT permitted to release other players from prison in exchange for money or goods. This is to avoid account mixing and immersion and case breaking situations.

Corruption may or may not not harm a third party depending on the Roleplay conducted between the parties involved; to be decided by the Head of Legal Factions. If this action brings severe harm to an Illegal factions, the Head of Illegal factions will be consulted on the validity and potential consequences of this form of corruption. Corruption must always be done with the express purpose of enhancing roleplay and creating interesting situations. All acts of corruption that do not fit these standards can and will be investigated and punishment will be handed out to those who committed these acts.

It is NOT permitted to receive money or goods in exchange for unlawful seizures of properties or unlawful arrests of a third party - this includes using legal faction abilities to protect an illegal group or exchanging money or goods to participate in illegal factions' wars. It is NOT permitted for legal faction members to take sides in a war between illegal factions.

The Head of Legal factions may overrule this at any time and may allow players to harm third parties depending on the circumstances for the request. No other administrator may overrule this at any time. Do NOT request permission to do this as it will not happen for petty reasons.
At the discretion of the Head of Legal Factions:
Ranging from 2-4 hours in admin jail to a 168 hour (1 week) or longer ban depending on the severity of the corruption and whether or not LEO commands were (ab)used.
Last edited by K3 on March 27th, 2017, 4:00 pm, edited 27 times in total.

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Re: Faction Rules

December 21st, 2013, 8:30 pm

[fsize=x-large]F9) Faction Closure[/fsize]
You are not allowed to close your own faction unless asking permission from the head of your respective faction class.
No are you allowed to wipe your faction at any point during your leadership unless permitted by the head of your respective faction class.

If you are found doing any of the above mentioned actions, you will no longer be allowed to receive a tier 1 or tier 0 position, and your account will be suspended for a duration of seven days.

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Re: Faction Rules

July 5th, 2014, 4:09 pm

Due to an overflow of corruption and problems with unlawful actions by law enforcement officers, corruption is now against the rules.

"{ [ADMIN] Owner Adam_Cooper: LEA LEO fed faggots are NOT allowed to rp corruption }"

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Posts: 11155
Game name: Sarah_Kelroy, Marco_Barese

Re: Faction Rules

August 15th, 2014, 3:02 pm

"Law Enforcement Officers may not remove licenses, or other items from players who are admin jailed.
If a player quits to avoid arrest, and the server puts them in 60 minutes jail, they can not go to the prison and remove their items. They must report it so that an admin is either present, or removes the items from the player."

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Game name: Sarah_Kelroy, Marco_Barese

Re: Faction Rules

August 19th, 2015, 8:58 am

You are not allowed to promote e.g. your friends just because they're your friends. Promotions have to be deserved IC.
Your friend joins your faction & you instantly promote him to a high rank(e.g. Capo, consig).

Giving someone T2 under 15 days or T1 under 30 days without our permission is considered powerranking. The date you were invited will be used as your qualification. Your previous history with the faction (e.g. being in 6-9 months ago) will not contribute to the 15/30 days.

Violations will result in admin uninvited/faction leader FK

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Re: Faction Rules

September 13th, 2015, 2:30 pm

Changes made on the following rules: 1, 2 & 3.

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Posts: 11155
Game name: Sarah_Kelroy, Marco_Barese

Re: Faction Rules

August 4th, 2016, 9:42 pm

BUMP - I have received questions about rule F6. Read it well before you complain.
It hasn't been edited for well over a year. (That rule, not the thread)

[fsize=x-large]F6) Law Enforcement Officers[/fsize]
  • Law Enforcement Officers may not use barriers to completely seal off a building.
    They need to let criminals have a chance to escape.
  • Law Enforcement Officers may not re-jail someone, who's already jailed. There's a reason the limit is there.
  • If a suspect is co-operating, and willing to RP, they must allow them to at least walk to the car. If the suspect doesn't co-operate, Law Enforcement Officers may force them in the car with /get - without having to RP. Furthermore, LEO's are allowed to /cuff & /get players in all hostile situations without having to write additional /me messages.
  • Law Enforcement Officers may not remove licenses, or other items from players who are admin jailed.
    If a player quits to avoid arrest, and the server puts them in 120 minutes jail, they can not go to the prison and remove their items without a permission from admin.

    Law enforcement officers are not allowed to roleplay corruption/exchange favors to criminals.

[fsize=x-large]F6) Law Enforcement Officers[/fsize]
  • Law Enforcement Officers may not use barriers to completely seal off a building.
    They need to let criminals have a chance to escape.
  • Law Enforcement Officers may not re-jail someone, who's already jailed. There's a reason the limit is there.
  • If a suspect is co-operating, and willing to RP, they must allow them to at least walk to the car. If the suspect doesn't co-operate, Law Enforcement Officers may force them in the car with /get - without having to RP. Furthermore, LEO's are allowed to /cuff & /get players in all hostile situations without having to write additional /me messages.
  • Law Enforcement Officers may not remove licenses, or other items from players who are admin jailed.
    If a player quits to avoid arrest, and the server puts them in 120 minutes jail, they can not go to the prison and remove their items without a permission from admin.
Last edited by K3 on August 4th, 2016, 9:44 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: Edited; Not it has, removed the corruption part.

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Game name: Sarah_Kelroy, Marco_Barese

Re: Faction Rules

March 27th, 2017, 4:00 pm

Added legal faction corruption as F9.

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Game name: Sarah_Kelroy, Marco_Barese

Re: Faction Rules

August 28th, 2017, 1:10 pm


SAPD & SASF may not have more than 4 tier 0, and 8 tier 1.
GOV may not have more than 3 tier 0, and 8 tier 1.

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Re: Faction Rules

February 18th, 2018, 9:22 pm

Fixed format.

SAPD & NOOSE may not have more than 5 tier 0, and 9 tier 1. (Updated by HoL)

Posts: 14790
Game name: Darien_Enzo, Maria_McCarthy

Re: Faction Rules

May 29th, 2018, 4:37 pm

Faction Rule 4 altered:- 29/5/2018

Gov Removed from list
TNA Added to read "TNA may not have more than 3 tier 0, and 4 tier 1."

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Re: Faction Rules

November 16th, 2018, 5:01 pm

Faction rule 4 edited and added:

Furthermore, leaders who change T1's often will have their ability to manage a faction questioned. In order for your faction to be a success you need stable highranks.

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