Police Documentation
There is only one Law Enforcement Agencie (LEAs) in Italy Mafia Roleplay: The San Andreas Police Department (SAPD). The San Andreas Police Department is one big Department divided into 4divisions; Metropolitan Division, Recruitment and Training Division, Special Weapon and Tactics Division and the Criminal Investigation Section.
The SAPD is the In-Game representation of a Police Department, as such their job is to enforce the traffic law, issue weapon permits and maintain order in San Andreas. You can read SAPD's presentation
Each Law Enforcement Faction has to abide by the following set of
extra rules :
- [+] Law Enforcement Server Rules
- Law Enforcement Officers may not use barriers to completely seal off a building.
They need to let criminals have a chance to escape.
- Law Enforcement Officers may not re-jail someone, who's already jailed. There's a reason the 25 minutes limit is there.
- If a suspect is co-operating, and willing to RP, they must allow them to at least walk to the car. If the suspect doesn't co-operate, Law Enforcement Officers may force them in the car with /get - without having to RP.
- Law Enforcement Officers may not remove licenses, or other items from players who are admin jailed.
If a player quits to avoid arrest, and the server puts them in 60 minutes jail, they can not go to the prison and remove their items. They must report it so that an admin is either present, or removes the items from the player.
Nor can officers do this if a player was admin jailed in any other way.
Law enforcement officers are not allowed to roleplay corruption/exchange favors to criminals.
- /duty Allows a SAPDer to become on duty (Only at the Spawn Locations)
- /givegun Allows a SAPDer to reveive the for his duty in exchange for 3,000$ (Only at the Spawn Locations)
- /tz, /tazer - Switches the slot1 weapon Deagle for a 9mm (which is the Tazer)
- /cuff - Used to cuff people who are either tazed or using the /handsup anymation
- /cctv - Allows the user to watch one of the preset locations (It teleports you there, but you're still IC at a computer). It also Freezes your camera.
- /jail [ID] [Duration] [days/months/years] [Reason] - Command used to scriptwise place someone in prison (Useable inside the Police Department or the Location Listed Below. ALWAYS ROLEPLAY THIS)
- /imprison - Command to force someone in/out of a jailcell - Only to be used if the person in queston is refusing to roleplay
- /bdeploy [Type] [Description (Optional)]
- Type 1 - Regular Barrier
- Type 2 - Big "Road Blocked Barrier"
- Type 3 - Cone
- Type 4 - Bollard
- /d - Used for high priority messages. (There is no set frequence)
- /weplic [ID] - Used by a Tier 0/1/2(with fauthority) SAPD member to give a weapon license
- /su , /suremove , wlist - Wanted List Commands. /su creates an entry, /suremove removes an entry and /wlist allows the user to view all entries
- /car ticket [0-50000] [Reason] - Gives the vehicle a ticket. Should the ticket be paid the money is deleted.
- /car revoketickets - Removes all tickets from a vehicle (Including Speeding Tickets)
- /car impound [0-50000] [Reason] - Sets a car spawning spot to the impound lot and prevents the owner from using the vehicle
- /car unimpound - Removes the aforementioned status
- /copacc - This command lets PD members be able to customize their character with special accesoires.
- [+] car ticket

- [+] bdeploy
- Front to Back - Cone (3), Bollard (4), Barrier (1), RoadBlock (2)

- [+] cctv

- [+] Cop Accessories

- [+] SAPD Spawn

- [+] Jail Location

Written by: Oak on 04/01/2015
Updated by: Dempseyy on 31/03/2015