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Posts: 1626
Game name: Dean_Henderson, Mario_Cammisano

The start on Italy Mafia Roleplay

August 18th, 2018, 1:48 pm

Italy Mafia roleplay

In the start, welcome to Italy Mafia Roleplay and thanks for registering your account. The playerbase is lower then before so every player is important to us. By that, I got an idea that I could make this newbie scene so you could get some knowledge even in your first day here. I hope that you will understand most of the things I've writen because it will help you have an easier start.

When you login for your first time, you will be spawned at Los International(next to Los Santos Airport). Then the game will give you a task to decide if you're going to be a white/black male or white/black female. Don't be affraid if you missclick something that you didn't want to choose because helpers can help you change it if they see that you're not lying about the missclick. Everyone wants to help the honest people.

This is the exact location of spawn:

After that, you should use /gps and search for the licenses department and pass the drivers license test. It is not hard, you just have to drive by the given instructions.

This is the picture of how it works when you use /gps:


After getting a drivers license, you can go back to spawn and take a vehicle. There are few vehicles that are owned by server and you can drive them until you become level 4. They are here so you could drive something until you earn some cash to buy your vehicle. Vehicular commands are: /car lock, /car buy, /engine, /car park, /refuel, /car tow, /car spawn, /car sell.


Then you could use /gps again and search for City Hall. That is a building where you can find a legal job to earn some cash. It is located in the same street as the San Andreas Police Department, Pershing Square. There is a variety of job such as: Farmer, Detective, Taxi Driver, Lawyer, Mechanic, Garbage man and Trucker.


There are two illegal job you can find using /gps: Thief and Car Jacker. It's names describe what they do.
Car Jacker job has two car drops which you can find using /car drop 1 and /car drop 2.

Then, it would be useful to write /buy to find the closest 24/7 shop. It is a place where you can buy such things as a cellphone, radio, laptop etc. The usage of a cellphone is simple, you obviously need it to call other players and send messages. But, you also need it if you want to make an advertisement when you're buying or selling one of your items.

Phone system commands are:
/phone on/off: nobody's going to be able to trace you when you turn your phone off.

Radio system commands are:
/r: this command is used to talk on your frequency.
/freq[slot][frequency] : it is used to put chosen frequency on the chosen frequency slot.
/getfreq : it is used to get your teams/factions frequency.
/setfreq : it is used to set your teams/factions frequency.
/syncradio[slot] : it is used to choose on which radio slot you'd like to speak and listen.

Laptop system:
Laptops are used to wiretransfer the money to the other players and to check some important info.
Here's the picture of the laptop usage:


If you get the idea that you would like to change your skin, use command /clothes and you will get a red checkpoint on the closest clothes store. Changing your skin in simple because when you enter the store, you can use /clothes again....Then you will get the list of all the skins that are possible to use on Italy Mafia Roleplay. Also, if you know the ID of the skin you like, you can use /clothes [ID].

Feel free to PM me if you need some additional help.
Feel free to FPM or PM me ingame if you need any kind of help!

Posts: 357
Game name: Mario_Brucsa

Re: The start on Italy Mafia Roleplay

August 18th, 2018, 1:52 pm

nice guide mate

Posts: 1626
Game name: Dean_Henderson, Mario_Cammisano

Re: The start on Italy Mafia Roleplay

August 18th, 2018, 1:59 pm

Feel free to FPM or PM me ingame if you need any kind of help!

Server Helper
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Re: The start on Italy Mafia Roleplay

August 18th, 2018, 2:06 pm

Hugo wrote:
August 18th, 2018, 1:48 pm

this one looks like a penis

Posts: 1626
Game name: Dean_Henderson, Mario_Cammisano

Re: The start on Italy Mafia Roleplay

August 18th, 2018, 2:07 pm

This is a newbie guide, those comments are not neccessery.
Feel free to FPM or PM me ingame if you need any kind of help!

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Posts: 882
Game name: Noah_Burke

Re: The start on Italy Mafia Roleplay

August 18th, 2018, 2:20 pm

Nice Guido man , keep it up

Posts: 506
Game name: Ralph_Marchegiano

Re: The start on Italy Mafia Roleplay

August 18th, 2018, 4:00 pm

JayZon wrote:
August 18th, 2018, 2:06 pm
Hugo wrote:
August 18th, 2018, 1:48 pm

this one looks like a penis
Lmaooo u right

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