- Added an /mm list command to see all players currently in the mini mission.
- If you crash inside a business, you will respawn outside, at the entrance of the business when logging back in.
- You can now change your character ethnicity using /settings. You may only change the ethnicity but not the gender. Changing your ethnicity is only possible once every 2 weeks. This cooldown will reset if you change your name.
- Using /frisk on yourself no longer requires your own approval
- Using /frisk on a player that has their hands up no longer requires their approval
- If you go AFK for too long, you need to use a specific command to prevent the script from marking you as AFK. (/notafk)
- Vehicles owned by factions and teams will no longer spawn unless at least 1 member has logged in (performance)
- House furniture objects will no longer pre-load, but only when somebody enters the house (performance)
- The /loan limit to get new players started has been increased to $100k