Posts: 0

login problem

November 17th, 2023, 9:11 pm

Hey my name is Lidor (Vincenzo_Moretti) :)
I downloaded SAMP to my phone like a year ago, and played a little in the server through my phone, I didnt knew that it wasnt allowed
And got kicked from the server, a year past and now i have a computer :), I am trying to log in and it wont let me because my account is "suspicious"
Can it be fixed ? I would love to come back and play ! :D

Lead Administrator
Posts: 1906
Game name: James_Coleman

Re: login problem

December 16th, 2023, 7:01 pm

You need to use the IM:RP Launcher
Lead Admin - Head of Legal Factions

Lead Administrator
Posts: 1906
Game name: James_Coleman

Re: login problem

December 16th, 2023, 7:01 pm

This thread is now archived.
Lead Admin - Head of Legal Factions

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