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helper applications

February 24th, 2024, 7:34 pm

When will it be opened? And they accept volunteers based on what?

What are the requirements? Should I have a level of 30 as a minimum?

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Re: helper applications

February 24th, 2024, 7:53 pm

Approved for senior admin :thumbsup:
Abelardo Castillo- Navarro Caporegime(T1)
Duke Metternich- San Andreas Police Department SGT(T1)
Duke Metternich- Truth News Agency(T0)

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Re: helper applications

February 24th, 2024, 8:44 pm


Helper applications are open whenever the management sees fit, usually when helpers resign / get promoted to admins and there's lack of helpers, which is not the current situation since few people got helper not long ago.

There's a vouching system, at least there was back in the days, when you apply for helper, your application goes into a forum section where everyone from staff can see who applied and vouch for you, so usually - more vouches - bigger chances of getting it, but it's not always the only requirement, sometimes you still don't get chosen even if you had enough vouches.

They're looking for experienced players who are active and motivated to help people, someone who has a vibe and is connected to everyone, being friends with staff members helps a lot, and helping around the forum and in game whenever needed gets noticed with time. You have a whole guide on how to become a helper in the guide section if you're interested in more, and I think I've answered about the level 30 requirement question aswell, since someone that just came to the server and is level 15 obviously can't have a lot of experience about a lot of stuff.

Good luck with your future endeavours.

Frank Connelly - SASF Specialist
Peter Hayes - London Captain
Vincent Drucci - T1 Head Caporegime- Stracci
Peter Hayes - T1 SAPD Sergeant
Peter Paterno - T0 Paterno Boss
Peter Hayes- T0 San News CEO
Adriano Decapre - T1 Stracci Consigliere
Ambrosio Capetta- T1 Capetta Captain
Adriano Decapre - T1 Paterno Caporegime
Logan Redfield - Ex Helper

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Re: helper applications

February 24th, 2024, 9:13 pm

Management will open it when they deem it to. - there will be an announcement for it.

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Re: helper applications

February 24th, 2024, 9:13 pm

This thread is now archived.

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