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Game name: Denver_Callahan

[GUIDE] Animations ( GIFs )

December 19th, 2016, 6:46 pm

Animations can be used to accurate the role-play in the server. More realistic role-play. So, I decided to make a guide for you to understand the uses of animations and the instances that you should use the animations to improve your Role-play with the all commands I know for now with It's GIF / Image. I would like to share with you about the stages of RP to make your RP successful.
Stage 1 - Speak
Stage 2 - /me
Stage 3 - /do
Stage 4 - Animation

Type /animlist to view the list of animations while you're in-game. There are animations not in that list. Few of them listed below.

[+] GIF
[+] Example
**Jack Roman withdraws a Desert Eagle from Jumper and aims it at Paul Roman.
**Paul Roman tries raises his hands in the air.
**Jack Roman pulls the trigger before Paul raises his hands - shoots a bullet at Paul's leg.
*Would you take damage from the bullet?* (( Jack Roman ))
*Yes* (( Paul Roman ))
**Paul Roman falls on the ground.
------Player Paul Roman should type /fall--------
[+] GIF
[+] Example
**Paul Roman punches Jack Roman's stomach with his knuckles.
**Jack Roman gets on his knees; holding his stomach with his right hand.
-------Player Jack should type /injured---------
[+] GIF
[+] Example
Paul Roman says: Jack! I will destroy your car!
**Jack Roman kicks Paul Roman's thorax with his full power.
-------Player Jack should type /akick---------
[+] GIF
[+] Example
*I'm standing on the edge of the fishing pier* (( Jack Roman ))
**Paul Roman approaches to Jack from the behind as he pushes Jack.
*Would your fall into the water?* (( Paul Roman ))
-------Player Paul should type /akick when he is standing behind Jack-----
[+] Image
[+] Example
**Paul Roman withdraws a Desert Eagle from his back pocket and aims it at Jack's head.
Paul Roman says: Hands up!
**Jack Roman raises his hands in the air - looking nervous.
---------Player Jack should type /handsup-------------
[+] GIF
[+] Example
**Paul Roman picks up a car bomb from his briefcase.
**Paul Roman bends down and plants the explosives under the Sentinal - taping it to the side skirt.
---------Type /bomb---------------
[+] Image
[+] Example
**Paul Roman breaks into a car - attempting to hotwire the Sentinel with his toolkit.
**Jack Roman opens the car door and grabs from Paul's shirt - throwing him out and aims the tazer.
-----------Type /getarrested with the tazer in his hand----------
[+] GIF
[+] Example
Jack Roman says: Then he ran away like a chicken.
**Paul Roman laughs out loudly.
-----------Type /laugh-----------
[+] sup 1
[+] sup 2
[+] sup 3
[+] Example
Jack Roman says: Hey bro, I'm leaving now.
Paul Roman says: See ya tomorrow.
**Jack Roman offers a hug to Paul Roman.
*Would you accept it?* (( Jack Roman ))
*Yes* (( Paul Roman ))
-----Type /sup [1/2/3]-------
[+] Image
[+] Example
Head of Security says: Protect the mayor, Take your positions!
**Jack Roman is standing next to the door - holding an M4A1 in his hands; looking forward.
[+] GIF
[+] Example
**Victim has fallen on the ground - breathing heavily.
*Heart pulse stopped* (( Victim ))
**The Doctor approaches to the victim and gets on his knees as uses a defibrillator.
----------Type /rescue-------------
[+] GIF
[+] Example
**Paul Roman walks to the wall and looks out for Ballas afflictions.
**Paul Roman takes out a Spray-can from his pockets and sprays on the wall.
----------Type /spray------------
Tai chi is a noncompetitive martial art known for both its defense techniques and its health benefits. Tai chi is an ancient Chinese tradition that has evolved over centuries to become a means of alleviating stress and anxiety, a form of "meditation in motion." - Google.
[+] GIF
[+] GIF
[+] Example
**Jack Roman vaults over the fence and takes out a mask from his hand bag.
**Jack Roman sneaks in - looking around for enemy threats and wears the mask.
---------Type /lookout---------
[+] GIF
[+] Example
**Paul Roman pulls his girl near him - kisses her passionately.
*Any resistance ?* (( Paul Roman ))
*No* (( Girl ))
--------Type /kiss---------
[+] Image
[+] Example
**Jack Roman opens his zip and takes his genital out; urinates into the comed.
----------Type /piss------------
These animations will be useful if you're role-playing a gangster. Even a regular civilian or any other character.
[+] gsign 1
[+] gsign 2
[+] gsign 3
[+] gsign 4
[+] gsign 5
[+] gsign 6
[+] gsign 7
[+] gsign 8
[+] gsign 9
[+] gsign 10
[+] Image
[+] Example
**Jack Roman shifts his gaze toward Paul Roman.
Jack Roman says: Have a seat Mister Roman.
**Paul Roman drops himself on the chair; making himself comfortable.
-------------Type /seat--------------
[+] Image
Use this animation in a middle of gun-fight if you're not involved. It's the smartest way to avoid getting killed / arrested.
[+] Image
Use this animation to insult someone IC.
[+] GIF
[+] Example
**Jack Roman drinks a sip of Vodka and spits on the Paul Roman.
Jack Roman says: Sorry man...
**Paul Roman stands up.
Paul Roman says: Fuck you Jack!
-----------Type /fucku-----------------
[+] GIF
[+] Example
**Jack Roman lifts the brief-case and approaches to Paul Roman; taking off his hat.
Jack Roman says: You got the money? I got the honey.
**Paul Roman nods firmly; withdraws $10,000 from his pocket and offers to Jack.
**Jack Roman takes the money from Paul and slides the brief-case toward Paul.
-------------Type /deal----------------
Use this to dance in a party or for music anywhere. Press the Arrow keys for different moves while you're dancing.
[+] Dance 1
[+] Dance 2
[+] Dance 3
[+] Dance 4
[+] GIF
[+] Example
Jack Roman o<: SAPD! Freeze!
**Paul Roman tries to escape - vaults over the fence and grabs the edge of a wall.
> Jack Roman takes out a tazer.
**Jack Roman shoots the tazer to Paul Roman.
*Hit or not?* (( Jack Roman ))
*Hit* (( Paul Roman ))
**Paul Roman falls down on ground.
-------------Type /crack------------- ( Automatically happens when you're tazed )
[+] Aim 1
[+] Aim 2
[+] Aim 3
[+] Example
*We're alone in the backyard* (( Paul Roman ))
**Paul Roman pulls out a Colt from his pocket and aims it at Jack Roman's head.
-------------Type /aim [1/2/3]--------------
[+] GIF
[+] Example
**Jack Roman opens the cigarette case and offers it to Paul Roman.
**Paul Roman takes a cigarette and places it between his lips - lightning the cigarette.
-------------Type /lightcig---------------
[+] GIF
[+] GIF
[+] GIF
[+] GIF
[+] GIF

[+] GIF
[+] GIF
[+] Example
**Paul Roman looks very unresponsive, with a heavily dazed expression on his face.
**Paul Roman stumbles into a wall, and falls against it for a moment, before standing up loosely and stumbling around in a daze.
Paul Roman says: Ey...Ma.....
**Paul Roman looking around, and gets on his knees before vomiting into a bush.
----------------Type /walkdrunk >Type /vomit--------------
[+] GIF
[+] Example
**Jack Roman enters the house, shifts his gaze toward Paul Roman.
Jack Roman says: Got anything to eat?
Paul Roman says: Check out the Pizza box on the dinning table.
**Jack Roman reaches the dinning table, slides the pizza near him.
**Jack Roman opens the pizza box and grabs a slice as he eats it.
--------------------Type /eat--------------------------
[+] GIF
[+] Image
/chat & /chatanim
Type /chatanim to enable/ disable chat animation. When It is enabled, Your character uses the animation when your say something.
[+] GIF
/reload 2
/reload 1 is not working at the moment. It is more realistic if your have a weapon in your hand.
[+] GIF
Use this animation when you have a bat ( any melee weapon ) in your hand.
[+] GIF
[+] GIF
[+] Example
Jack Roman says: I'm leaving ya'
**Jack Roman lifts the bag and load it into the trunk of his Sultan and closes it.
**Paul Roman offers a hug to Jack Roman with a tear in his eyes.
*Would your accept it?* (( Paul Roman ))
*Yes* (( Jack Roman ))
**Jack Roman opens the car door and steps in the car, closes the door.
**Paul Roman waves at Jack Roman with a tear dropping from his eye.
-----------------Type /wave------------------
[+] GIF
[+] Example
Jack Roman says: Aye sexy, girl w'sup? You workin?
Girl says: Yes honey, I can do everything for you if you got money.
**Jack Roman looks at a girl and sizes her up with a smile on his face.
Jack Roman says: Come here den'
**Girl walks near him and smiles at Jack.
**Jack Roman slaps on her ass as he motions her to get inside the car.
------------Type /slapass---------------

Forum PM me if you find a mistake or anything to add. Enjoy if this is useful for you. Leave Feedback!
Last edited by RoGuE on January 12th, 2017, 6:42 am, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: [GUIDE] Animations

December 19th, 2016, 6:49 pm

Gifs are amazing
Everything in the world is either Tits or isn't Tits.

I believed in angels when i saw her Tits.

I scream you scream, we all scream for Tits cream!

Calm your tits, soothe your boobs, de-stress your breasts, give that chest a rest and hakuna your tatas!

Nipple nipple little star, can I fuck you in my car?
Up above your boobies so high, always milky never dry!
Let me press it, don't feel shy!
Open your panty, let me try?!

Posts: 3909
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Re: [GUIDE] Animations

December 22nd, 2016, 8:42 pm

Nice one Denver ;)

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Re: [GUIDE] Animations

December 22nd, 2016, 8:55 pm

nice great effort +1

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