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Posts: 1626
Game name: Dean_Henderson, Mario_Cammisano

Group, team and faction general commands

January 5th, 2023, 10:59 am

Group general commands

/g - Send a message to your group only.
/gleave - Leave the group you are in.
/gon - Check who's online in your group.
/goff - Check your groups offline members list.
/ginvite - Invite someone in your group.
/guninvite - Uninvite someone from your group.
/oguninvite - Uninvite an offline person from your group.
/groupleader - Change the leader of your group
/gdelete - Delete your group.
Team general commands

/team create - Create a team.
/t - Send a message to your team only.
/ton - Check who's online in your team.
/toff - Check who's offline in your team.
/team setname - Set your teams name that it'll be recognized by.
/team memberslot - Add additional member slot for your team
/team cars - Check your teams cars list.
/team addcar - Add a vehicle to your team.
/team cartow - Respawns all vehicles owned by your team.
/team startrank - Sets the rank which new members will receive upon their invitation.
/team (o)uninvite - Uninvite an online/offline member.
/team (o)setrank - Change the rank of an online/offline member.
/team (o)settier - Change the tier of an online/offline member.
/team leave - Leave the team you are in.
Faction general commands

/f - Send a message to your faction only.
/fon - Check the list of online members in your faction.
/foff - Check the list of offline members in your faction.
/finfo - Shows information about the faction your a part of.
/fguns guns - Sends a marker at your minimap where you can load guns.
/fguns bullets - Sends a marker at your minimap where you can load bullets.
/fguns info - Lists information about what the guns are being used for.
/ftog - Disables the faction chat for yourself.
/ftog names - Enables faction mates nametags.
/factions - Shows you the list of available official factions.
/openhq - Opens your headquarters.
/closehq - Closes your headquarters.
/turf - Shows you the turf information and option to take it over.
/turftax - Sets the turf's tax.
/invite - Invites the selected player into your faction.
/(o)uninvite - Uninvites selected player from your faction.
/(o)setrank - Sets the rank of the selected player in your faction.
/(o)/settier - Sets the tier of the selected player in your faction.
/(o)setpayment - Sets the payment of the selected player in your faction.
/fcar tow - Respawns all unused vehicles owned by your faction.
/fcar ua - Unlocks all vehicles owned by your faction.
Feel free to FPM or PM me ingame if you need any kind of help!

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Posts: 3490
Game name: Vinny_Pearce, Marco_Rossetti

Re: Group, team and faction general commands

January 5th, 2023, 7:31 pm

still no helper for you

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