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Re: Server Changelog

October 24th, 2013, 3:27 am

24th of October, 2013
  • The Trucker roadtrains and trailers are now at a new place.
  • Admin-command added: /alts
  • Made the old infinitro business usable again, you can buy 10x nitro there now.
  • Vehicles that have unpaid tickets may no longer be sold to other players. You must pay the tickets first.
  • Added /coin which simply flips a coin and lands on heads/tails (can't be faked with /do)
  • Reintroduced money bag dropping on death. To be tested with many players online.
  • Removed the unrealistic things you could /fish (e.g. dead cop, ...)
  • /chatanim duration now depends on the text length
  • /ame will now display the text in the chatbox (only for the one who used the command)
  • You may use /stoprespawn to avoid your last used vehicle from being respawned when admins all respawn vehicles.
  • Added a "/car revoketicket" command for LEA members. Removes all tickets on the closest vehicle (& informs faction)
  • Added a "/changeteam" command for paintball games
  • If a player enters their own business, they do not have to pay the entrance fee.
  • The Pirates M.C have their own faction color
  • Bugfixes:
    • Exploitable checkpoint-bug when harvesting (farmer job)
    • Missing texture for bridges in Blueberry & Red County
    • When a vehicle alarm is triggered, FEDs will see the vehicle plate rather then the vehicle ID
    • Roadblock textID labels sometimes not appearing
    • Cops nolonger get full armour when healing in a house
    • When refueling your vehicle and slightly touching it will nolonger cancel the refueling process (5meter radius tolerance)
    • Killist not showing deaths if the killed player ID was 0
    • If you enter a garage as a driver, your passengers nolonger get bugged out of the vehicle.
    • Removed a few floating objects
    • Weather not staying synced when entering/leaving interiors
    • Trailer not attached countdown not counting down

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Posts: 11986
Game name: Adam_Cooper

Re: Server Changelog

October 26th, 2013, 5:44 pm

26th of October, 2013

  • Now fully functional; When someone who holds a money bag dies, the bag will be dropped and anyone else can pick it up to deliver and earn the money.
  • Bugfixes:
    • Killist showing player ID 0 when suiciding / when the killer is offline
    • When having chatanim enabled, your char always was getting frozen when talking
    • Paintball /changeteam occasionally returning unknown command
    • Increased chat animation duration
    • /stoprespawn hint only showed when vehicles already have been respawned
    • /refuel occasionally randomly stopping to refuel

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Re: Server Changelog

November 17th, 2013, 11:17 am

16th of November, 2013.

  • If your /irc message contains a questionmark it'll automatically be transfered into "/ask"
  • If you have /radio off you will nolonger see /d messages either
  • You can nolonger /car fix or /car respray at out of stock PNS businesses
  • You can nolonger buy seeds if the business is out of stock
  • Ticket listing will now also show date/time issued
  • Robbery hud will now display time left for everyone
  • Added a 4th tier for factions. Please see forums for full changes.
  • Re-added the /fstartpayment command for faction leaders (initial fpay upon invite)
  • Bugfix: Trailers will nolonger respawn when attached to a vehicle

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Posts: 11986
Game name: Adam_Cooper

Re: Server Changelog

November 20th, 2013, 12:53 pm

20th of November, 2013.

  • A business robbed in a turf now only adds 25 notoriety rather than the previous 50
  • Tier 0 faction leaders may now /giveturf <corleone/tattaglia/stracci/cuneo/barzini/paterno/sdc/kemirov/leone/piratesmc/gov>
  • Readded /cad (company advertisments), costs x4 of the normal /ad price.
  • You can turn off the engine of any car even if you dont own it
  • Paintball: When a player takes damage, it'll be displayed over his head
  • Paintball: Changed arena
  • Bugfix: You can't /robbiz or /robhouse when holding a moneybag
  • Added "ANN" tier 2 authority for LEA factions (ability to use /ann)
  • Lowered the ratio on how often it is rainy/foggy
  • Bugfix: Chat anim infinite when in a vehicle
  • Bugfix: LEA factions sometimes seeing turfs

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Re: Server Changelog

December 27th, 2013, 3:05 am

Updated Changelog; Added the last 4 updates.

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Re: Server Changelog

January 15th, 2014, 1:57 pm

14th of January, 2014

  • Added more turfs over some counties in LS
  • You will be automatically kicked if you don't login within 1 minute after connecting
  • Using /bk or /em will now automatically trigger /ame
  • Majorly decreased the time on how often you lose health due to hunger
  • Rentcars will automatically respawn if they are not occupied for 10 minutes
  • /car tow and /car find without entering an ID gives you the ability to chose a vehicle to tow/find
  • Removed fog/sandstorm weathers from weather cycling
  • You can no longer /rob people at the newb spawn
  • Changed the logic on how the race $ rewards are distributed
  • /aask will automatically enable the player's PMs that /ask'ed a question
  • Added a /rewards command that displays all the playtime rewards
  • Added "/note delete all" to remove all notes at once.
  • When someone in your friendlist logs in, you will be noticed.
  • Car inspection/service: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=42938
11th of January, 2014

  • Added a legal gunshop to Palomino Creek
  • Paintball: Added a /changepackage command to change the currently used weapon pack
  • AFK tag added to /friend list
  • Added time limitations when buying/storing/taking crates of lead/metal from trucks
  • Added /detachtrailer: Detaches the trailer currently attached to your truck
  • Automatic animation will be applied when you get hit by a tazer
  • /lic alias for /showlicenses
  • The owner of a house dupekey may now lock/unlock the houselocker.
  • Entirely removed the acceptdeath system
3rd of January, 2014

  • /bdeploy now automatically sets a barrier ID (/bdeploy <type (1/2)> (<optional comment>))
  • /blist now displays only spawned ones and the location of the barrier

29th of December, 2013

  • A business may only be robbed every 6 hours rather than the previous 4
  • Hitman: /contract unassign
  • Manage your friends ingame: /friend(s) add/remove/list
  • You can nolonger /rob players that are afk or paused

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Re: Server Changelog

January 22nd, 2014, 1:24 pm

20th of January, 2014.

  • Added barrier type 4
  • Added more notifications to /turftakeover to the current turf owner
  • Taxi Job can now also be used by faction members
  • Made many commands/messages split into 2 lines if they're too long
  • Added a permanent character gender & ethnicity selection with skin restriction

18th of January, 2014.

  • /accent now saves
  • You can now /bdeploy cones (barrier type 3)
  • Added ATM machines inside casino interiors
  • Faction-owned vehicles now spawn locked by default. Faction members may /car lock and /engine faction-owned vehicles.
  • Disabled tazer weapon damage

17th of January, 2014.

  • Added faction logging which will be available to see on the ucp
  • /bk and /em will now show the checkpoint outside a house/biz and automatically disables once the one using it dies
  • You can now /evict players even if they are online
  • /factions line colors are now colored accordingly to their name tag color
  • Club, bar, restaurant owners can now use /radiostation inside which forces music streams on all players that are inside.
  • Added a /bell <reason> command @ PD's front desk
  • If you are in OOC mode, you will see so in the bottom left where the location normally is
  • SkinID now displayed in /stats
  • Added farmer /jobstats and rewards; 5% bonus on 1k jobskill, 10% bonus on 2k jobskill, 20% bonus on 4k jobskill
  • When being temporarily banned, it will now display the ban duration in the banlist on the website

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Re: Server Changelog

February 13th, 2014, 1:31 pm

13th of February, 2014.

  • Suicides will display in the killist
  • Added /tognames - disable/enable showing nametags of every player (e.g. for recording)
  • Added /fbk for factions, send backup signal to only your faction.
  • Added aviation, sailing license & carlot to /helpme
  • Added /bizshout & /hqshout
  • If a player /q's while cuffed, the LEA may decide whether to punish the cuffed player or not
  • 911 calls now have an unique ID, LEA/FD may use /tracecall <callid> to get the checkpoint & merged /service medic to /c 911
  • Faction motd is now displayed in /finfo
  • Gender / ethnicity can be changed if you change your name.
  • Added a bunch of new vehicle models to the newb car dealership
  • /c <number> will no longer show the persons' name but just their phone number
  • /wlock /wunlock may now be used by everyone

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Re: Server Changelog

February 17th, 2014, 1:40 pm

16th of February, 2014.

  • Everyone can now have 100% armour
  • Increased maximum amount of notes a player can hold to 50
  • Added a /dealers command that shows all dealers on duty and in which casino they are
  • /factions will now additionally display the amount of online members
  • Added a /materialsinfo cmd; shows all available guns + amount of mats needed to /sellgun
  • Using /kill will nolonger show on the killlist
  • Added Sawn-Offs to /ftakegun
  • Paintball kills/deaths count has been reset for everyone.

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Game name: Sarah_Kelroy, Marco_Barese

Re: Server Changelog

April 25th, 2014, 4:35 pm

Added updates since 19/02/2014.

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Posts: 11986
Game name: Adam_Cooper

Re: Server Changelog

March 29th, 2015, 1:59 am

The changelog will be contain all old updates soon.

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Posts: 11986
Game name: Adam_Cooper

Re: Server Changelog

March 29th, 2015, 1:59 am

- Houses entrances can now be in interiors
`-- There are now apartment complexes
`-- Houses inside apartment complexes may only use customizable interiors
- Automatic kick if have a packet loss of higher than 50%
- You can now optionally pass a vehicle id to /car spawn (/car spawn <id>)
- Added 4 more customizable house interiors
- Lead admins can now dynamically add/remove icons ingame (/icon)

- Changed trucker mission select to a normal dialog list
- Changed vehicle sale label to textdraw
- Decreased customizable house interiors prices

- Fixed: Teleport labels not showing in interiors
- Fixed: Randomly respawning when using /sub to race
- Fixed: Login screen is now actually a Los Santos view
- Fixed: Spamming certain animations allowed you to shoot faster

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Posts: 11986
Game name: Adam_Cooper

Re: Server Changelog

March 29th, 2015, 1:59 am

- Website: Savings are now displayed on the profile page
- Having your driver or weapon license taken away is now logged into your criminal log
- /id now displays if a person is using the IM launcher
- admin: Added /rnumber (reverse number lookup)
- PD: Added /copacc which allows you to add/remove certain LEA-only accessories (Near spawn position or PD vehicle)
- PD: All of your accessories will be removed once you get uninvited

- fixed: Paintball mode is now disabled when entering event/race or getting jailed
- fixed: Trucker trailers randomly spawning
- fixed: Trucker trailers randomly dissapearing (related to races)
- fixed: Trucker trailers not despawning when having failed to re-attach within 30 seconds
- fixed: Players were able to /answer calls themselves while they were calling
- fixed: Returning moneybag to business even if entering any random checkpoint
- fixed: You can no longer use random trailers to complete trucking missions
- fixed: Deleted old functional SASF gates at Ocean Docks
- fixed: /mdc not showing unspawned vehicles
- fixed: Toolkit bugged when the vehicle owner disconnects
- fixed: Driver license warnings not reset when /take'ing the license away
- fixed: /opm not verifying if there is a player with the given name
- fixed: Added objects where some GTA map collision bugs were (ThaCrypte)
- fixed: Tazed animation not stopping when /get'ing criminal
- fixed: Planted bugs messages not formatted properly

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Posts: 11986
Game name: Adam_Cooper

Re: Server Changelog

March 29th, 2015, 1:59 am


- Dynamic teleports may now have a description
- When you get killed by a on-duty PD member, you lose 25% of the materials you're carrying.
- /car find will now set the marker to the garage icon if it's parked inside a garage
- There is now an actual cell phone object in your hand if you use your phone.
- If you do not login for more than 3 months, your phone number will be reset.
- You can now buy gas canisters from gas stations
- Added a phone ringing sound

- Increased "quit to avoid arrest" jailtime to 120 minutes
- Entirely revamped the taxi driver job. Price is now charged per second. (/taxi)
- Calling a taxi driver has now been replaced by /c 555
- /mynotes has been changed to a dialog list
- Registering vehicles now takes your name initials rather than the default "SA"
- Removed gas canisters from 24/7 stores
- admin: Added business ID to the BIZ ROB notifications
- admin: Added /tp desc <id> <text (max 32 chars)>
- admin: Added /v plate <plate> to customize vehicle plates

- fixed: Civilians receiving turf parking and business notifications
- fixed: Cars that are not spawned don't cost any taxes
- fixed: Rental vehicles can no longer be hotwired
- fixed: Fixed a bug with hitman contracts

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Posts: 11986
Game name: Adam_Cooper

Re: Server Changelog

April 6th, 2015, 3:40 pm


- Added a /turf command which allows you to see info about the current turf
-- /turf allows you to see the current turf info and a list of all businesses and houses.
--- The net $ worth displayed of a turf is the total tax they would pay to you (potential gain if all businesses would unload)
-- /turf also allows you to see the current most represented factions by the amount of bizes & houses in this turf
- Checkpoint management: You can now easily manage your current active checkpoints with /mycp (/em and /bk excluded)
- All taxi drivers are now notified if a call has been accepted by a taxi driver
- Added a hydraulics workshop businesses (/car hydraulics)
- Admin: Added /tp unused

- Businesses may now only be robbed every 12 hours rather than the previous 6 hours
- Turfs may now be taken over even if the opposing faction has only 1 online member
- Increased the "cant taze during gunfight" to 7 seconds.
- Minimimum taxi fare is now $5/second
- Rewritten the house furnituring system, should be easier to use now
- You can now have up to 75 furniture objects, premium members 150.

- Disabled possibility to c-bug with tazer (silenced pistol)
- /buy not working at the job vehicle dealership
- Moneybags not dropped in the correct interior/virtual world
- Randomly respawning when /sub'ing to a race
- You can no longer just spam Y/N at the buy metal place

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Posts: 11986
Game name: Adam_Cooper

Re: Server Changelog

June 17th, 2015, 6:25 pm


- You can now rob warehouses in an interactive robbery. See the forum for a detailed guide.
- Warehouses may now be upgraded up to level 6 (production = 35)
- Clicking on a note in /mynotes now gives you the option to quickly delete a note
- Added a /last command: Show the latest advertisements, the latest calls and SMSes you received.
- Your weapons, position, health and armour will now be given back when you enter and leave paintball / races / events
- Businesses now have a seperate turf tax which can be set (0-10%) by turf owners in addition to the gov taxes. Gov taxes lowered.
- Suiciding in war now actually reduces your money and costs x2 deathfee
- Many warehouse commands have been combined into one command to make management easier: /wh
- Many business commands have been combined into one command to make management easier: /biz
- Many house commands have been combined into one command to make management easier: /house
- Vehicle location is now displayed in /car spawn
- Turf faction tax income is now logged into faction logs
- You can now install a gps on your vehicle to make it traceable while occupied. (/car gps)
- /warinfo will now display the total amount of kills, deaths, KDR and total money lost
- You are now required to have a drivers license to buy vehicles from dealerships, service vehicles or rent vehicles
- Your vehicle must be registered in order to have it serviced or fixed at a PNS
- You can now toggle accessories using /acctog
- You may now toggle various hud components: /toghud <vehicle/ads/location>
- Money log entries for pay and transfers are now also displayed at the recipients moneylog
- /freq and /setfreq now trigger a /me to avoid abuse during roleplay scenes.
- You can now use /showradio <playerid> to read out frequencies other players. The other player must "/accept showradio"
- /name off now assigns you a random unique ID, players can use this ID in all other commands. (/pay, /give, /tie, ..)
The following commands are excluded from using the new nameoff unique id: /pm /blockpm /number /housedupekey /mdc
- You can now /tie players on foot if they are in /handsup animation
- You can now /letgo and /get players that are tied up
- Added new sa-mp 0.3.7 objects available for /acc
- /stats now displays if you reached the required playtime to get the next paytime
- Businesses and houses cannot be opened/closed while they are being robbed
- Businesses may now have up to 50 duplicate keys.
- Business duplicate keys can now be individually customized: The owner can set individual permissions for every duplicate key
- Houses may now have up to 50 duplicate keys.
- House duplicate keys can now be individually customized: The owner can set individual permissions for every duplicate key
- Admins who start races can now configure whether to enable or disable collisions in this race
- Changing clothes/skins is now much easier to use if you do not know skin ids; previews will be shown.
- You can now rob components from businesses. When using /robbiz, you can chose what you want to rob.
- Faction warehouses can now store components (item and alcohol components)
- PD: /car revoketickets is now logged into faction logs
- /turf now displays how many hours left until takeover cooldown is over
- You can now sell brass knuckles with /sellgun
- You can now switch between yellow/blue faction chat color using /fcol
- Added closest gas station to /locate
- Dynamic CCTV system

- Admin: Added death & dmg logging
- Admin: /getcars now displays unspawned vehicles too
- Admin: Use /id <maskid> to find out a players real name
- Admin: Added /gotowh
- Admin: Spectate HUD

- Entirely changed how warehouses are handled. It is all managed with one single command now: /wh
- /tazer now uses /ame rather than /me (less spammy)
- Event winner prize is now the total of all entry fees rather than a random amount
- PD is now alerted 65 seconds before robbery ends rather than the previous 50.
- Houselockers are now capped: You can store max 2m materials & $200m money
- /myvehicles now shows where the vehicle spawns rather than it's actual position
- Time displayed when race finishes is now in mm:ss format
- Only the top 3 of race finishers will be rewarded rather than the previous 5
- /startevent may now be used up to 35 players online (rather than the previous 25)
- Taking over turfs has been reverted back to the old way. (stay close together for a few minutes to take over)
- The "stuffs" component for businesses has been renamed to "items"
- /myhouses and /mybusinesses listing changed + ability to see your duplicate keys

- Admin: Consistency: Names on IRC now always include underscore

- /car nitro no longer working if the business is out of stock
- You can no longer answer your phone if you are cuffed or tied.
- Clamped vehicles can no longer be hotwired
- You no longer lose money/materials when killed by PD in events
- /osetrank and /osettier were sometimes not working correctly
- /tracen now properly sets the checkpoint if inside an apartment complex
- Exploit to duplicate weapons
- Launcher sometimes displaying token expired due to network configuration
- Race checkpoints were not displaying arrows most of the time
- /car tow'ing all will now only deduct money for spawned vehicles rather than all owned ones
- sellguncrates not appearing in faction logs
- Fixed SA:MP bug where long distance sniper hits did not register correctly

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Posts: 11986
Game name: Adam_Cooper

Re: Server Changelog

June 27th, 2015, 11:52 am


- If you exit a house/biz, you cannot be tazed for 4 seconds. (cooldown of 2 minutes so you dont spam enter/exit to avoid being tazed)
- Businesses now have individual logs so you can track exactly where money came in and money went out. (/biz + ucp soon)
- Bugfixes

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Posts: 11986
Game name: Adam_Cooper

Re: Server Changelog

June 29th, 2015, 12:20 pm


Additions / Changes:
- You can now use /robbiz to see if a biz is robbable with just 1 person inside (less annoying)
- Added a HUD for races that displays your current position and current time
- /car <hydraulics/nitro/wheels> will now display a checkpoint to the business if you are not close to it
- Clicking on a player in the tab list (scoreboard) now displays the players network stats
- You can now open/close doors visually using /car tog door <1/2/3/4>
- If you drive a vehicle and the owner disconnects, the car will remain spawned until you exit it. You will be warned when the owner disconnects.
- The money for advertisments will now be removed when the ad is displayed, and not when you place it.

- Fixed dupekeys randomly dissapearing

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Game name: Makke_Benton

Re: Server Changelog

July 23rd, 2015, 4:34 pm


Additions / Changes:
- Changes to the war system. See the forum for detailed information. - viewtopic.php?f=8&t=87880
- /turftax <perc(1-10)> as t0 in a turf you own to set all business taxes in this turf.
- /fheat to see your current heat level with other factions.

- Admin: Turftakeover echo log

- You can no longer use /locate in interiors
- WH security level 3 displayed buggy characters
- View player's network stats displayed wrong information
- Vehicle sometimes not despawning if the owner goes offline & it's occupied
- TK was possible w/ sniper in PB

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Game name: Makke_Benton

Re: Server Changelog

August 27th, 2015, 12:36 pm


Additions / Changes:
- You can no longer fire weapons if you are passenger of a vehicle that doesn't have a driver
- The following commands are disabled for players that are warring: /kill, /rob
- Players in a war can use /heal if they are in just spawned mode, cooldown does not apply

- Admin: Lead+ admins can now give and take materials: !givematerials <exact_name> <amount> <reason>

- Fixed deaths sometimes not appearing in the killlist

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Posts: 11986
Game name: Adam_Cooper

Re: Server Changelog

April 10th, 2016, 1:25 am


  • Added /toghud <time>
  • Added /car autospawn <vehicleid>
  • Reduced pricing to upgrade till & materials locker
  • Reduced house interior prices
  • Warehouse changes
  • /dealers now shows more information
  • You will now immediately receive a marker rather than opening the list: /hardware, /bank, /clothes
  • /car respray will now show you to the closest Pay N Spray if you are not nearby one
  • /refuel will now show you to the closest Gas Station if you are not nearby one
  • Casino dealers on duty can now /pay up to $50m at once (rather than the standard $5m)
  • Current points difference is now displayed in /warinfo
  • /car payticket is now paid of bank account rather than hand money
  • Forum names are now displayed in /fon and /foff
  • /car spawn now shows a incrementing number (1, 2, 3 ..) - You can use this to quickly /car spawn <number>
  • Added furniture modify permission to house dupekeys.
  • /laston is now available to everyone.
  • /mdc no longer shows vehicles that aren't registered.
  • Added /ftogpayment for toggling faction payments.
  • The AFK message above players' heads now shows Stranger if masked.
  • Business robberies were reported twice to factions & PD

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Posts: 11986
Game name: Adam_Cooper

Re: Server Changelog

April 14th, 2016, 2:21 am


- Job vehicles no longer respawn while being refueled
- Squalo runs are now added to faction logs
- Can no longer /car impound vehicles that are already impounded
- /car payticket now also works if due tickets is less than $5
- Added a /laws command to view the LS Penal Code. Gov T0 and Senior+ can modify it on the UCP.

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Posts: 11986
Game name: Adam_Cooper

Re: Server Changelog

April 18th, 2016, 10:11 pm


### Public
- /id now also searches for forum name
- Added /jq <war> option, only displays (dis)connects from members in war
- Car (un)impounding process changed. Impounded cars no longer spawn. Players have to go to the impound lot and use /car unimpound. Faction tier 0 and 1 members can unimpound their faction cars.
- You can now factionize houses! /house -> settings. Note that this is permanent and cannot be undone.
- Added a new authority for tier 2 members: properties
- Factions now have house slots & business slots. Those can be upgraded using f-points.
- Added a new command to make faction-things easier to oversee: /faction
- Moved /finfo, /addfslot, /fcar addslot, /fstockupgrade, /ftogpayment, /ftogall, /ftogcol, /fstocktog, -----> /faction
- If you shoot a trucker job truck, you will receive a visual warning, this to prevent accidently shooting at truckers doing their job.
- Thief & carjacker job locations have been moved
- The lead & metal, faction, squallo & maverick runs have been moved to new locations (closer to Los Santos)
- You cannot park vehicles in the close vicinity of the new run places
- The squallo run (/loadguns) can now load up to 600 crates at once rather than the previous 300
- Owning the turf where the lead buy place is gives you a 10% discount on lead purchases
- Owning the turf where the metal buy place is gives you a 10% discount on metal purchases
- Owning the turf where the burrito floadguns place is gives you a 5% discount on burrito gun crate purchases (/floadguns)
- All previously mentioned turfs are "special"; These turfs have a cooldown of 6 hours rather than the normal 3 hours. They also earn you 40 f-points instead of 20 when taken over.

## Faction changes
Every faction has 15 faction member slots by default. Every additional member slot after that is going to cost an additional 50 f-points more. There is no limit on how many member slots you can upgrade to.
Example: the 16th slot will cost 50 f-points, the 17th 100 f-points, the 18th 150 f-points, the 30th 750 f-points, and so on..

Every faction has 10 vehicle slots by default. Every additional vehicle slot after that is going to cost an additional 75 f-points more. The maximum are 50 vehicle slots.
Example: the 11th slot will cost 75 f-points, the 12th 150 f-points, the 13th 225 f-points, the 30th will cost 1500 f-points, and so on..

Every faction has 300 faction stock capacity by default. Every additional 20 capacity always cost 80 fpoints. There is no limit on how far you can upgrade your faction gun stock capacity.

Every faction has 0 house slots by default. Every additional house slot is going to cost a further 750 f-points more. The limit is currently set at 20 houses.
Example: The first houseslot will cost 750 f-points, the 2nd one will cost 1500 f-points, the third one 2250 f-points, and so on..

Every faction has 0 business slots by default. Every additional business slot is going to cost a further 1000 f-points more. The limit is currently set at 20 businesses.
Example: The first biz slot will cost 1000 f-points, the 2nd one will cost 2000 f-points, the third one 3000 f-points, and so on..

## Faction-owned properties
Faction owned houses do not display an "owner" in the text label. Please note that any tier 0, tier 1 and tier 2 with the properties authority can manage the house as if they owned it. This means they can open, close, set rent price, upgrade, empty house till, manage dupe keys - everything!
The only exception is /sellhouse; Houses that have once been factionized cannot be sold. (This may be changed in the future)

Further features for faction-owned houses as well as the possibility to factionize businesses will follow within the next days.

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Posts: 11986
Game name: Adam_Cooper

Re: Server Changelog

August 15th, 2016, 10:44 pm

- New actors are now invulnerable.
- /fingerprint has been fixed.
- Added /houseclaims and /checkhouseclaim for admins.
- You cannot /kill if you were shot in the last 30 seconds
- Removed the dialog from /heal
- Added SASF /bell
- When using /giveturf, the other faction tier 0 needs to /accept turf
- Increased robhouse cooldown to 2 hours
- Fixed anti enter-/exitspam not working
- Added tool for tier 0 to mass-manage members in /faction
- Players must now "/accept robbiz" before a biz robbery can start
- /fcar find is no longer tier-restricted
- Player weapons now get stripped if uninvited from a LEA faction
- You cannot enter paintball if you were shot within the last 30 seconds
- Other minor bugfixes.


Update discovered

August 15th, 2016, 11:14 pm

An update has been pushed @ 15.08.2016 23:14

- Limit /ftakegun to 1000 fguns per hour
- Add /prad income to Ad_Tower biz
- /wh may now only be used on the warehouse you own


Update discovered

August 16th, 2016, 7:21 pm

An update has been pushed @ 16.08.2016 19:21

- Add /lastpms (), displays the X last private messages you received
- /charity can no longer be used when muted/cuffed/blindfolded
- Added /colorlist: Displays color numbers to use for vehicle colors
- Players AFK for 30+ minutes don't count as "online" when trying to /startevent
- You can now disable autospawn on a car by using /car autospawn <id> again
- Add possibility to purchase permanent car, biz, house, accessory slots
- Bugfix: Fix missing collider in interior 23
- Bugfix: Unable to /setprice localisationdevice back to $500k


Update discovered

August 17th, 2016, 8:43 am

An update has been pushed @ 17.08.2016 08:43

- Bugfix: Missing collider in 24/7 interior


Update discovered

August 17th, 2016, 4:24 pm

An update has been pushed @ 17.08.2016 16:24

- Bugfix: War respawndelay causing players not being unfrozen in events
- Bugfix: Wrong amount of car slots for premium members
- AC: Improve airbreak warning
- Unrestrict crips skins


Update discovered

August 17th, 2016, 4:27 pm

An update has been pushed @ 17.08.2016 16:27

- Bugfix: Faction invitation expired message was appearing erroneously


Update discovered

August 17th, 2016, 4:35 pm

An update has been pushed @ 17.08.2016 16:35

- Basic admins can now start events

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