April 18th, 2016, 10:11 pm
### Public
- /id now also searches for forum name
- Added /jq <war> option, only displays (dis)connects from members in war
- Car (un)impounding process changed. Impounded cars no longer spawn. Players have to go to the impound lot and use /car unimpound. Faction tier 0 and 1 members can unimpound their faction cars.
- You can now factionize houses! /house -> settings. Note that this is permanent and cannot be undone.
- Added a new authority for tier 2 members: properties
- Factions now have house slots & business slots. Those can be upgraded using f-points.
- Added a new command to make faction-things easier to oversee: /faction
- Moved /finfo, /addfslot, /fcar addslot, /fstockupgrade, /ftogpayment, /ftogall, /ftogcol, /fstocktog, -----> /faction
- If you shoot a trucker job truck, you will receive a visual warning, this to prevent accidently shooting at truckers doing their job.
- Thief & carjacker job locations have been moved
- The lead & metal, faction, squallo & maverick runs have been moved to new locations (closer to Los Santos)
- You cannot park vehicles in the close vicinity of the new run places
- The squallo run (/loadguns) can now load up to 600 crates at once rather than the previous 300
- Owning the turf where the lead buy place is gives you a 10% discount on lead purchases
- Owning the turf where the metal buy place is gives you a 10% discount on metal purchases
- Owning the turf where the burrito floadguns place is gives you a 5% discount on burrito gun crate purchases (/floadguns)
- All previously mentioned turfs are "special"; These turfs have a cooldown of 6 hours rather than the normal 3 hours. They also earn you 40 f-points instead of 20 when taken over.
## Faction changes
Every faction has 15 faction member slots by default. Every additional member slot after that is going to cost an additional 50 f-points more. There is no limit on how many member slots you can upgrade to.
Example: the 16th slot will cost 50 f-points, the 17th 100 f-points, the 18th 150 f-points, the 30th 750 f-points, and so on..
Every faction has 10 vehicle slots by default. Every additional vehicle slot after that is going to cost an additional 75 f-points more. The maximum are 50 vehicle slots.
Example: the 11th slot will cost 75 f-points, the 12th 150 f-points, the 13th 225 f-points, the 30th will cost 1500 f-points, and so on..
Every faction has 300 faction stock capacity by default. Every additional 20 capacity always cost 80 fpoints. There is no limit on how far you can upgrade your faction gun stock capacity.
Every faction has 0 house slots by default. Every additional house slot is going to cost a further 750 f-points more. The limit is currently set at 20 houses.
Example: The first houseslot will cost 750 f-points, the 2nd one will cost 1500 f-points, the third one 2250 f-points, and so on..
Every faction has 0 business slots by default. Every additional business slot is going to cost a further 1000 f-points more. The limit is currently set at 20 businesses.
Example: The first biz slot will cost 1000 f-points, the 2nd one will cost 2000 f-points, the third one 3000 f-points, and so on..
## Faction-owned properties
Faction owned houses do not display an "owner" in the text label. Please note that any tier 0, tier 1 and tier 2 with the properties authority can manage the house as if they owned it. This means they can open, close, set rent price, upgrade, empty house till, manage dupe keys - everything!
The only exception is /sellhouse; Houses that have once been factionized cannot be sold. (This may be changed in the future)
Further features for faction-owned houses as well as the possibility to factionize businesses will follow within the next days.