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Posts: 397
Game name: Dean_Clark, Giraldo_Clark

[Guide] How to get a job.

February 14th, 2014, 2:54 pm

Hello guys, I decided to make you an guide about how to get a job and start earning money yourself. I hope it will be useful for you. ;)
Step 1.
Reach place called City Hall. (Use command ''/helpme'' and find where is City Hall on the list and press on it. Once you have did it, red marker will be set on your radar.)

Step 2
Head inside the City Hall and step on the red marker in front of you. When you're on the red marker there will show up an list of jobs on your screen. Choose a job position you would like to work as and do command ''/stats'' and be sure that you have chosen the job you wanted. (Once you have did command ''/stats'' find ''Job [ ]'' if you have did everything right then you would see in the brackets job you have chosen.)

Step 3

You have now chosen a job and you're on the final step before earning money. (Most used jobs are Trucker and Farmer. Why? Because as a Trucker or Farmer you can earn a little bit more than other job positions.)
If you have chosen a job position Trucker or Farmer use command ''/helpme'' and red marker will be set on your radar to see where is the place to start working. (/helpme --> Truck Depot or /helpme ---> Farm(Harvesting).
Guide made by: C0LT

Posts: 1
Game name: Heather_Ann

Re: [Guide] How to get a job.

December 15th, 2014, 5:39 pm

i don't get it. i already got the job. i'm already a lawyer, but the police officers insists that i am still not and i have to apply on the forums to get the license. i don't know what to do right now. i am so confused, like am i really not a certified lawyer right now? where can i get these licenses?

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