Report System Documentation
The report system enables the players here at IM:RP to be able to report rule breakers. There are two types of report system here at IM:RP; one is the in-game /report command and the other is the forum report, the system is fairly simple to use and there is no way of getting the format wrong; all you have to do is enter information into the fields and the format is created as well as submitted automatically.
- /report ID reason (You can only use this command once a minute).
- [+] Report Command
- [+] How to create a Forum Report
Firstly you need to navigate to and login.
Once you have logged in, navigate to "Server" at the top, next to "Forum" and "Support".
Then you need to navigate to "Report a player" in the column to the left.
After you have clicked "Report a player" you're greeted with the report page. You fill in the fields and upload necessary files to support your report.
(Please note; the account you're logged in with will be "Your name" and the time and date will be when you clicked "Report a player".
Once you have filled in what is required; your report should look something like this.
Then when you're ready to submit the report, click "Submit player report"
After clicking "Submit player report" you'll be taken to the report page - there you will be able to see who replies and what the overall outcome will be when an admin resolves it.
(Please note; If someone replies who is not involved - you can report them by clicking the "!" symbol at the bottom of their post).

- [+] How to check a Player Report
Firstly you need to navigate to and login.
Once you have logged in, navigate to "Server" at the top, next to "Forum" and "Support".
Then you need to navigate to "View player report" in the column to the left.
After clicking "View player report" you'll be taken to the view player report page - there you will be able to get to the report by entering it's, unique ID.
Once you've entered the report's unique ID you're taken directly to the report page.
(Please note; You need to be logged into the forum to be able to view the report).

Written by: BUTCHER on 13/12/2014