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[Guide] Joining San Andreas Police Department (SAPD) - How to

May 20th, 2015, 1:32 pm

You can join the Police Department either via
  • Live Recruitment (Date & Time will be announced here)
  • Online Applications (Can be submitted here)

Live Recruitment:
  • The date and time for the Live Recruitments will be announced by an RTD officer here.
  • The Live Recruitment will be conducted at Randolph Industrial Estate, Las Venturas.
    [+] Map with MOD
    [+] Map without MOD
  • If you don’t feel like driving all the way to LV, you may wait infront of PD, you will be moved there in a Bus which will depart 5 minutes before the recruitment starts.
  • Once you arrive at that place, you’ll be frisked, so make sure you don’t carry any illegal stuff. (Toolkit, rag and rope will be made an exception)
  • Once you’re frisked, you’ll line up at one side, make sure you co-operate with the officers so that gives them a good impression on you. (Avoid OOC at all times.)
  • Later, the interview process begins, an Officer from Recruitment & Training Division will approach you and question you, the questions will be basic. What the officer expects from you is a concise and meaningful answer. We do NOT expect long answers so avoid bombarding him with paragraphs of text.
  • Suppose if you get denied, comply with the officer and simply move out, so the next time you attend, people would feel like giving you a chance.
  • Overall, you’ll be checked of your communication and role-play skills.
  • Note:
    Usually, you are required to whisper (/w) you answer to the officer but usually people commit mistake by whispering the person who is far away which is PG since you cannot actually "whisper" to a person who is that war, so wait till that officer approaches you, then whisper.

Online Applications:
  • First, view this thread.
  • Copy the format give from that thread.
    [+] Format
  • Go here and click on that "New Thread" bar on the top left corner.
    [+] New Thread
  • Paste the format there and fill it up.
  • Once done, type in the subject. The subject should be typed as
    • [POLICE ACADEMY] Firstname Lastname
  • Then click "Submit" button.
    [+] Example
  • And voila, you're done. Now wait for an Recruitment & Training Division Officer to review your application.
  • Pointers:
    • In your application, avoid story about your family as much as possible. Keep personal stuff out of it, keep it professional.
    • Also avoid tragic stories, like your father got killed by X, etc. It will simply annoy the person reviewing your application.
    • Do NOT contact a person to review your application, they will simply deny it due to annoyance.
Last edited by Bee on May 20th, 2015, 1:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.

SA Police Department
Posts: 4648
Game name: Sergie_Severov, Asuka_Akiyama

Re: [Guide] Joining San Andreas Police Department (SAPD) - How to

May 20th, 2015, 1:47 pm

gj sir .

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Posts: 2636
Game name: Joseph_Bertolucco, Kevin_Nicholas

Re: [Guide] Joining San Andreas Police Department (SAPD) - How to

May 20th, 2015, 2:05 pm

Why don't this be in SAPD annoucement section ? if this is IC, it will be better.
Noob newbies won't really go for newbies guides as much as they go for the PD section to join.

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Posts: 1647
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Re: [Guide] Joining San Andreas Police Department (SAPD) - How to

May 24th, 2015, 2:03 pm

Ali wrote:Why don't this be in SAPD annoucement section ? if this is IC, it will be better.
Noob newbies won't really go for newbies guides as much as they go for the PD section to join.
Creating topics etc. are OOC events.

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