Urban ([DEBUG]: 203.777999,-48.498447,1001.804687 | Int: 1 | VW: 93)SpoilerVictim ([DEBUG]: 227.561996,-8.099040,1002.210937 | Int: 5 | VW: 248)SpoilerBinco ([DEBUG]: 207.737991,-109.019996,1005.132812 | Int: 15 | VW: 50)SpoilerProLaps ([DEBUG]: 207.055923,-138.877975,1003.507812 | Int: 3 | VW: 265)SpoilerDidier Sachs (DS) ([DEBUG]: 204.332992,-166.694992,1000.523437 | Int: 14 | VW: 133)SpoilerLaundry Interior ([DEBUG]: 1527.808227,-1180.327148,-71.387351 | Int: 3 | VW: 72)Spoiler
General Interior ([DEBUG]: -27.386999,-57.750000,1003.546875 | Int: 6 | VW: 119)Spoiler
Interior 1 ([DEBUG]: -26.690000,-55.709999,1003.546875 | Int: 6 | VW: 74)SpoilerInterior 2 ([DEBUG]: 6.021999,-31.608299,1003.549438 | Int: 10 | VW: 225)SpoilerInterior 3 ([DEBUG]: -25.950000,-187.452102,1003.546875 | Int: 17 | VW: 130)Spoiler
Triangle Club Interior - By Whiskey ([DEBUG]: 1524.042602,1706.105102,10.867227 | Int: 8 | VW: 272)Spoiler
- Additional
- Gym ([DEBUG]: 1511.317504,1707.247802,10.903737 | Int: 8 | VW: 291)
SpoilerDJ Room ([DEBUG]: 1544.052246,1728.512817,17.750837 | Int: 8 | VW: 272)Spoiler
Rockatansky's Interior - By Whiskey ([DEBUG]: 1372.189331,1808.012573,11.542137 | Int: 10 | VW: 255)Spoiler
- Additional
- Private Office ([DEBUG]: 1415.326782,1830.599121,10.884237 | Int: 10 | VW: 255)
Doughnut Shop Interior - By Matheo ([DEBUG]: 2279.409912,2077.769042,100.435935 | Int: 2 | VW: 61)Spoiler
- Additional
- Private Office ([DEBUG]: 2342.287109,2096.012939,100.965934 | Int: 2 | VW: 61)
Burger Shot Interior ([DEBUG]: 363.124603,-74.988212,1001.507812 | Int: 10 | VW: 87)Spoiler
General Bar Interior 1 ([DEBUG]: -227.292999,1401.176025,27.765625 | Int: 18 | VW: 276)Spoiler
General Bar Interior 2 ([DEBUG]: 501.980987,-69.150199,998.757812 | Int: 11 | VW: 257)Spoiler
Strip Club 1 ([DEBUG]: -2636.718017,1402.916015,906.460937 | Int: 3 | VW: 281)Spoiler
Strip Club 2 ([DEBUG]: 1204.809936,-11.586798,1000.921875 | Int: 2 | VW: 268)Spoiler
Strip Club 3 ([DEBUG]: 1212.019897,-28.663099,1000.953125 | Int: 3 | VW: 284)Spoiler
General Restaurant 1 By Matheo ([DEBUG]: 2241.174560,1920.825683,68.095939 | Int: 3 | VW: 289)Spoiler
General Restaurant 2 ([DEBUG]: -795.106994,489.288269,1376.195312 | Int: 1 | VW: 286)Spoiler
General Restaurant 3 - By Matheo ([DEBUG]: 2195.104248,1915.504028,68.072937 | Int: 10 | VW: 234)Spoiler
General Restaurant 4 - By Matheo ([DEBUG]: 455.215667,-22.034585,1000.132812 | Int: 1 | VW: 229)Spoiler
Comedy Club Interior ([DEBUG]: 493.540802,-24.254415,1000.679687 | Int: 17 | VW: 49)Spoiler
Jefferson Motel Interior ([DEBUG]: 2215.344482,-1150.448486,1025.796875 | Int: 15 | VW: 222)Spoiler
Bakery Interior - By Whiskey ([DEBUG]: 2506.090087,2367.209960,21.712738 | Int: 26 | VW: 250)Spoiler
Caligula's Interior ([DEBUG]: 2234.001953,1714.280029,1012.382812 | Int: 1 | VW: 11)SpoilerBasic Interior ([DEBUG]: 1520.463989,1835.963256,10.823712 | Int: 43 | VW: 269)Spoiler
Private Office - Drug/Weapon productions - By Matheo ([DEBUG]: 2240.622070,1922.447021,68.095939 | Int: 1 | VW: 188)SpoilerConference Room - By Matheo ([DEBUG]: 1861.721435,-2648.454101,13.546875 | Int: 1 | VW: 98521)SpoilerSkyscraper Office - By Casper ([DEBUG]: 1544.077148,-1350.868286,121.085937 | Int: 0 | VW: Any)SpoilerMeatlocker ([DEBUG]: 344.025329,305.294708,999.148437 | Int: 6 | VW: 5263221)Spoiler
Fuzzy wrote:#Bee4helper
If you can or if there are more private office interior add them please.
Done. ;dwoot wrote:omg now add /coords (x,y,z & interior) to everyone of them and I'll marry you
(if you do it then pls get the /coords at the entrance position / where the door is not in the middle of it)
/makehelper Baewoot wrote:omg now add /coords (x,y,z & interior) to everyone of them and I'll marry you
(if you do it then pls get the /coords at the entrance position / where the door is not in the middle of it)
is it the same orWhiskey wrote:it was mapped by Keith??woot wrote:Added Skyscraper Office by Casper
It's miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine, Keith's interior is on the building right across the streetWhiskey wrote:nop i just didnt know about it etc
hahaha , i like woot he is rebelwoot wrote:omg now add /coords (x,y,z & interior) to everyone of them and I'll marry you
(if you do it then pls get the /coords at the entrance position / where the door is not in the middle of it)
he is unikatil ;Dsulejman wrote:hahaha , i like woot he is rebelwoot wrote:omg now add /coords (x,y,z & interior) to everyone of them and I'll marry you
(if you do it then pls get the /coords at the entrance position / where the door is not in the middle of it)