March 21st, 2018, 12:19 am
Perfect job man , i printed this map on a4 format, and now its easy to find atm.
[23:45:32] This Rhino is owned by Lucenzo Barzini.
- Andre has IP banned TuCo_Pearce (IP: 156.204..xx.xx). Reason: Sniper rapid fire - (bug/mod) - [163307] 12.02.2018
- Quiss Batts IP banned Tommy_Corleone Illegal skin mod (enemy faction) (Management) 11.02.2018
- Makke IP banned Stanley_Pearce Distance display ESP 11.02.2018
- Quiss IP banned Nicholas_Paterno Trading accounts/Aiding ban evaders/Associating with cheaters 07.06.2017
- Makke IP banned Pablo_Corzetti Nametag.cs (Launcher) - Trading accounts/Ban evading 01.06.2017
- Quiss IP banned Carlo_Corzetti Involved in scamming/account mixing (Lippi) 17.07.2017