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Reboot after windows 10 version 2004 update takes too long

August 9th, 2020, 10:53 pm

Wassup y'all,
I've recently installed Microsoft May 2020 update and all went fine till I had to eventually reboot my system to apply the novel updates which is lasting for more than 5 hours till now (18:00-Now).
I can't really tell what's the problem since my laptop's screen is broken hereby I am utilizing it with an ordinary HDTV screen so I can't really observe what's going on during the reboot.

The main question is : Is it ordinary to wait all that long considering that it's a "big" update (5GB approx.)

Thanks in advance.

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Posts: 1783
Game name: Anthony_Reagan, Philip_Reagan, Thomas_Laurent

Re: Reboot after windows 10 version 2004 update takes too long

August 9th, 2020, 11:46 pm

Archive that.

It's working now normally.

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Re: Reboot after windows 10 version 2004 update takes too long

August 9th, 2020, 11:47 pm

This thread is now archived.

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