Between October 21st and November 4th, Halloween is coming to IM:RP!
This is your chance to trick or treat other players and to collect candies which can be converted to rewards.
Rewards range from in-game money, materials, drugs and vehicles to premium items.
Participating in the event
Use /tot (/trickortreat) to be placed into the active pool of trick or treating players ("event pool"). This command ensures players that do not want to participate in the event will not be annoyed.
The event and /tot is only active if there are at least 30 players online.
You will be automatically removed from the event pool if you are afk for more than 2 minutes or in race/event/paintball/jailed.
Primary task
As soon as you have entered the event, the server will try to match you with another player in this event.
If you were matched, you have to find eachother on the map. The difficulty is that you don't know who the other player is and you can see eachothers location update only every 30 seconds.
As soon as you have found eachother and have been nearby for 5 or more seconds, both will be rewarded with 10-18 candies.
* You will not be matched with someone in the close proximity of you
Alternative tasks
If there is no other player found within 3 minutes, you will be assigned one of the following tasks:
Find the pumpkin filled with candies
- similar to the giftbox event, you have to locate a pumpkin and open it. contains 10-20 candies.
Kill yourself or die within 2 minutes
- jump from a building, drown or get killed. if you die within 2 minutes, you earn 5 candies.
* /kill is disabled for this task
Premium players will receive an additional 10% bonus on all candies earned, premium 5+ players a 20% bonus.
At night time (19:00-02:00am) all players receive an additional 10% bonus on candy rewards.
Once you have completed a task, you will be assigned a new task in 3 minutes.
If you don't like the assigned task, you can cancel it (/totcancel) and you will receive a new task after waiting 3 minutes again.
Redeeming Candies
You can exchange your candy for treat boxes containing random gifts.
Small Treat Box (30 candies) contains 1 of:
* Money ($100k - $200k) [probability: 33%]
* Drugs: Cocaine (5g - 10g) [probability: 33%]
* Materials (2k - 5k) [probability: 33%]
Medium Treat Box (60 candies) contains 1 of:
* Money ($200k - $400k) [probability: 40%]
* Drugs: Cocaine (10g - 15g) [probability: 20%]
* Materials (5k - 12k) [probability: 20%]
* Numberchange [probability: 20%]
Large Treat Box (120 candies) contains 2 of:
* Money ($500k - $1m) [probability: 50%]
* Drugs: Cocaine (15g - 25g) [probability: 50%]
* Materials (12k - 25k) [probability: 40%]
* Namechange [probability: 40%]
* Numberchange [probability: 40%]
* Random Vehicle [probability: 40%]
XXL Treat Box (240 candies) contains 2 of:
* Money ($1m - $3m) [probability: 50%]
* Drugs: Cocaine (25g - 50g) [probability: 50%]
* Materials (25k - 40k) [probability: 40%]
* Namechange [probability: 20%]
* Numberchange [probability: 20%]
* Random Vehicle [probability: 10%]
* Premium vehicle claim [probability: 5%]
* Premium account balance (1 EUR - 5 EUR) [probability: 5%]
Please note that at the end of this event, all unused candies will be removed and may not be redeemed anymore.
Candies may not be transferred/given/sold between players.
If we deem the rewards too high or too easy to obtain, rewards may be lowered in the upcoming days.
- Business max components can now be upgraded (+ 50 comps capacity = $5m) - limited to 2k comps
- The full hourly business income now only applies if the owner gets a paytime (= is not afk for a long time), else the offline rate of 25% applies
- Reduced Rhino (tank) vehicle health to 700% (from 1000%)
- Clothes shop now earn 80% rather than 50% from the skins/accessories sold
- Admin: Added /casinoban <name> <1/0> for senior+ to restrict /jointable
- Admin: Added AFK notifications to IRC
- Bugfixes