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Game name: Ricardo_Mamba

Rain @ cull.ipl

March 24th, 2024, 3:38 am

Hey, so I figure out a way to get rid of Rain effect by modifying **cull.ipl** with this method you can disable the particles of **the rain showing on your screen**, making your game run smoother.

> ***-This will not give you any advantage over other players.
> -The roads will be still wet and slippery and everything will be affected by the rain as usual, except the rain won't be seen visually.***

so I am asking if that's allowed here or not.

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Game name: Nathan_Tattaglia

Re: Rain @ cull.ipl

March 24th, 2024, 4:09 am

Modifying cull.ipl to remove rain particles 'in my opinion' gives you an advantage. I am aware there are som timecycs that makes the rain appear less annoying but these were allowed before rain was introduced, however I am in no place to decide the outcome of this, awaiting management to reply.

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Re: Rain @ cull.ipl

March 24th, 2024, 4:19 am

Obviously not allowed, the entire point is that it limits your visibility. We'll be addressing the other timecycs in the near future.

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Game name: Nathan_Tattaglia

Re: Rain @ cull.ipl

March 24th, 2024, 4:24 am

This thread is now archived.

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