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[Guide] Getting started.

June 3rd, 2013, 5:53 am

Italy Mafia Roleplay Newcomer's Guide

First of all, I'd like, on behalf of the whole community to welcome you to our unique role-play server. This is the original one and any other copy is to be reported to the server management as it's breaking the copyright terms and conditions. I have decided to create a guide to help the newcomers of the server get started within and learn the ropes.

Table of Contents

I. Forum Directory
II. Spawning
III. Jobs
IV. Transportation & Vehicles
V. Housing
|____________Additional Help___________|
VI. Factions / Organizations
VII. Contact
VIII. Being a Good Roleplayer
IX. Other / Notes
X. Credits
[size=150][b]I. Forum Directory:[/b][/size] [b]Your guide to the important topics in the forums of Italy Mafia Roleplay.[/b]
Server Rules) viewtopic.php?f=10&t=16
Description: This link is the first link you should read carefully before you begin playing. It is highly recommended that you read the rules in order to not get yourself punished for things you do not know are forbidden. If you find you did not understand a few of the rules, helpers will get back to you if you kindly ask them for support/explanations.

Community Announcements) viewforum.php?f=8
Description: For obvious reasons, official community announcements are important and a must-read. It is a way to stay up-to-dated to the newest development, management etcetera News within the community.

Server Documentation) viewforum.php?f=11
Description:As pronounced, this section contains information and commands about our unique server, along with the Server Changelog. The Changelog is a way to stay up-to-dated to the server revisions and script updates aswell.

Newbie Guides) viewforum.php?f=12
Description: Probably one of the most important sections for a newbie player, who is still not used to our server. This section recovers different guides in order to help you understand our game-mode faster, and easier. It also contains some important role-play guides that you should not miss reading if you want to become a decent role-player.

[size=150][b]II. Spawning[/b][/size] A guide for when you first log into the server.
Welcome to Los Santos! You are finally a part of our unique server! I guess you cannot wait to meet other players and start having fun. Well let us get you your basic stuff before we go for that, shall we?
Once you login, you should spawn at the Unity Station, where it is most likely to role-play that you have just came from out of town and about to live & stay in Los Santos. At the location, there exists several green Premiers; those cars are made for you to explore the server and can be used by level 1-5 players only! Pick any of these cars and turn your engine on ('/engine'). A message should pop up saying that you need a driver license as soon as possible. Actually, you can drive the car even without a driver license, but you should expect cops to annoy you about that. Your next step is use '/helpme' where a list of locations will appear. Click on "Driver License" and head to the marker set on your radar. That's called the DMV. Enter the building through pressing 'F'/'Enter' or writing '/enter'. Head to the text saying /driverlic and do '/driverlic'. Bare in mind that it will cost you $7,500, you fail or not. Once doing so, you will be teleported outside the building in a white Stafford; those are the exam vehicles. You are required to drive slowly (below 115km/h) and have the vehicle's health at least 85%, failure to do so will get you automatically failed and teleported to the DMV. Once you have successfully passed your exam, your next step would be heading to the bank and loaning money. That maximum amount you can loan is $25.000, it'll do it though. There exists 4 banks located around the city (Temple, Rodeo, Mall, East Los Santos). It is better that you find them in-characterly though, so I will not show you where they are located exactly. Once you have loaned the money, your next step would be buying your basic stuff, also know as cellphone, phonebook, radio, laptop and probably iPod. These items can be found in a 24/7. Use '/buy' to locate the nearest 24/7 to you, once you arrived to the marker and the business is open, press F to enter it and use '/buy' again inside. A list of items should appear if the business in stock. Pick whatever you want to buy and press 'ESC' or click on cancel. In case the business is out of stock, you need to go look for another one.
Next step would be changing your skin, as the skin you spawn with is not so decent and might not fit for the character you are willing to role-play. Use '/clothes' to locate the nearest clothes shop, once arrived, enter the business and /clothes again. A list of skins should appear; pick the one you think is suitable for you. There are restricted skins, it means are available for "x" faction only.
"Oh yes! Now I got everything!" - Yes, you do. It's your time to start role-playing now. Simply head to a place where most of the players hang around (Mainbank for example) and start creating role-play. Being rammed or death-matched in worst cases is something you should expect in a medium and newbie friendly role-play server, so don't get pissed off and immediately quit, but tell the people who committed the rule-break that what they are doing is totally wrong and should be corrected.
Any questions or support may be asked through '/ask' or '/irc'. Please avoid contacting admins/helpers about admin/helper stuff through /pm.

[size=150][b]III. Jobs[/b][/size] The quickest way to earn money in the server.
Obviously, jobs are a way to earning money easily and quickly within the server. It is recommended that you get a job as soon as you're done with buying your basic stuff so you do not go in dept. when dying. I, personally, always recommend new players to pick the Trucker job as it's easy, and probably the most well-earning. It simply doesn't acquire the player role-play skills. Legal jobs such us lawyer, mechanic, farmer, trucker... can be found at the Cityhall. As for the illegal ones, alike carjacker can be located by using '/helpme'.
Once you've picked a job, use '/jobhelp' to get information on what that job consists of, what commands are used in it, and '/jobstats' to get your job's statistics.
By browsing the Newbie Guides section, you should be able to find some guides to jobs.

[size=150][b]IV. Transportation & Vehicles[/b][/size] How you will get yourself around the city.
Hmm... Haha.. I know what you are thinking of now: "I want to buy a car!" Just like in real life, work to get it. The more money you gain the better car you can buy. In our unique server, there exists many kinds of dealerships, stating the newbie dealership as the most important one for you and your wealth. Ue '/helpme' and click on "Newbie Dealership" to locate it, once you are there, use '/buy' on the business' icon. A list of vehicles should show up; you pick the vehicle you like and can afford it. Once done, it should spawn on your right/left. Use '/car help' for vehicle commands. You need to park your car ('/car park') as soon as possible somewhere, preferably your spawn location.
Just like in real life, there exists Taxis and taxi drivers in the server, simply call a Taxi to your location by entering '/service taxi'. A driver should respond to you if he's on duty.
[b][size=150]V. Housing[/size][/b] A place for your character to live.
You've finally made it to the city. But you still have no place for your character to live in. There exists so many houses around the city both, rentable and un-rentable. Those that are rentable should say "Rent: "XXX" ". As for the un-rentable ones, you will obviously not see any rent-price, or just "666". Once you've picked a suitable place for your character, it is recommended that you park your car there so when you spawn/relog you will find it.
There exists levels of interiors for houses. For obvious reasons, owners are the only ones who are able to upgrade/downgrade their house's interior. In addition to the interior system, there are houses where you can use '/heal' at to get a half-armor (if not LEO) and full health, half-armor (if not LEO) only, and full health only. Depends on the house's up-gradation. More information about the housing system and commands are to be listed by using '/house help'.
As you are new, I doubt if you need to get in-depth information about businesses, so I'll just keep it brief and say use '/biz help' - You won't be able to use this command if you do not own a business though.

|___________Additional Help___________|
[b][size=150]Factions[/size][/b] Meet new people and improve your RP!
Factions are what makes our server very unique. We have an easy-to-handle, special faction system, featuring everything a faction would need to be ran properly and smoothy. Unfortunately, it is way too hard to become official for an unofficial one, just like in any other server.
Faction system can be found by clicking here.
There, of course, exists legal and illegal factions. The illegal factions are Corleone, Stracci, Barzini, Tattaglia, Paterno, Kemirov, Leone and S.D.C., as for the Governmental and legal ones, we have Government (closed for some reasons), Police (LSPD, SASF, SAN and LS EMS.
Each faction has some requirements and conditions for joining, but you won't join one if you still are not able to role-play properly or speak English fluently sometimes.
[b][size=150]VII. Contact[/size][/b] For additional help / comments.
Our staff is available for your help 24/7. There exists so many different ways to contact them. If you are in-game, use '/ask' for questions or '/irc' for support. It is, once again, recommended that you don't contact the staff through '/pm' about admin related stuff. We have also a live-support & chat channel, which you can access by clicking here.
We have also got a section made for questions & support: viewforum.php?f=13
You can get to meet our staff by visiting this section: viewforum.php?f=154 and know what it is consisting of through this link: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=21

[b][size=150]IX. Being a Good Roleplayer (credits to Tyler McCormick)[/size][/b] Tips for those who aren't quite sure how to be a good roleplayer.
Tyler McCormick wrote: As a new player, people will usually refer to you as a "noob", but don't worry, we all were one at one point, some players can get really mean about it but ignore them, they're usually the people who can't roleplay too well themselves. Follow this section's steps to find out how to be a good roleplayer.

The /me Command
It shocks me that so many new players don't know what this is. The /me command simply describes an action that your character is doing. For example:
/me places both of his hands into his pocket.
** Player_Name places both of his hands into his pocket. **
There you go, simple as that, you have just opened the door to endless opportunities of roleplaying.

The /do Command
The /do command is much like the /me command except it can be used to describe something your character is not doing himself but it describes the environment around them or it can be used to reply to a /me command. For example:
/do A large boom is heard and the airbag deploys, Player lays unconscious in the seat.
** A large boom is heard and the airbag deploys, Player lays unconscious in the seat. (( Player_Name )) **

Grammar / Punctuation
One of the most important thing to a lot of players in roleplay is proper grammar and punctuation while roleplaying because if you can't understand what the person is trying to say then it makes it a horrible roleplaying experience and usually leaves both parties unsatisfied.

Capital Letters - The first thing we'll start you off with is capital letters. These will make your sentences look more professional and make it look like a third grader didn't write it.

-Every sentence starts with a capital letter, every time you enter a period a capital letter will follow.

-Names and locations all start with capital letters.


-Capitalizing Every Word In a Sentence Can Also Be Annoying, Please Don't Do This As It Will Expand The Life Of Your Shift Button And It Will Save You Some Time While Typing.

- Try not to randomly place words that shouldn't be Capitalized in the middle of a sentence, it looks weird.

Punctuation Punctuation is also important in roleplaying.
The Period You always add a period to the end of a sentence, periods are used to add a longer pause to your character's sentence.

The Comma Commas are used a couple of ways. The first way is to separate things when you're listing something, for example:
I went to the store earlier and bought some apples, oranges, bananas and pineapples.

Commas are also used to add a short pause to your speaking, for example:
I was walking down the street when the asian man approached me, I looked at him strangely and he moved closer, soon enough he was standing in front of me offering me drugs.

Contractions I always see a lot of people get confused with contractions, contractions are simply ways to make it shorter to type and to combine two words. There are too many to list here so you can just head over to THIS SITE.

There, Their, They're / Its and It's / Two, Too, and To.
They all sound the same but they all mean something different, I'll list the meanings below.

There is used to describe a location, for example:
Put those socks in the dresser over there.

Their is used to describe the possession of a group of people, for example:
The people across the street got into their car and drove away.

They're is a contraction for "THEY ARE", this is to describe an action of a group of people.
They're going to come over our house at 3:00 PM


Its does not follow the rule of the the possessive apostrophe s, but it is infact referring to something someone has. For example:
"The dog began to chew on its bone."

It's is a contraction for "IT IS", you can use this to describe something.
"It's awfully hot outside today, isn't it?"

Two is used to describe the quantity or the amount of something, for example:
"There were two papers on the desk and one of them was ripped."

Too is used two ways (See how confusing it can be?). The first way is to replace the word "also". For example:
"Amef wanted to play SA:MP and Damian wanted to play SA:MP too.

The other example is when you want to describe an excess quantity of something.
There were too many police patrolling to start a street race."

To is used in a couple of ways as well, the first way is to describe the way something if the other two don't fit.
"The Native Americans went to the river to bathe."

Quotation Marks
Quotation marks are used to wrap the speech someone did, if you're writing about something that someone said you would use quotation marks, for example:
The man came up to me and said "How much wood can a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?"

After reading this you should be a decent roleplayer in no time, please do keep in mind the regular rules of the server and you'll be all set.
[size=150][b]IX. Other Notes[/b][/size] ...
I hereby thank you for reading my guide. Hopefully I have helped you and I once again welcome you to Italy Mafia Roleplay.
This guide will be regularly updated by me or any other moderator when it is required to. A changelog is posted below. If you find a grammar or any mistake, feel free to say so.
Please, it took me so much effort and 5 hours to make this guide, so keep your offensive comments for you. :)
[b][size=150]X. Credits[/size][/b] Special thanks to...
Original idea from LS-RP, Tyler McCormick.
Converted to an Italy Mafia and written by Aleya.

Code: Select all


03.06.2013 - Fixed some grammar and conjugation mistakes. - Added X. Credits

More to be added...
Last edited by Aleya BANNED on June 3rd, 2013, 4:19 pm, edited 3 times in total.

Posts: 35
Game name: Johnny_Vastola

Re: [Guide] Getting started.

June 3rd, 2013, 5:58 am

Good job, Aleya! I appreciate your dedication. It's certainly laudable. Keep up the good work.


Re: [Guide] Getting started.

June 3rd, 2013, 5:58 am

C0sta wrote:Good job, Aleya! I appreciate your dedication. It's certainly laudable. Keep up the good work.
Thanks man, finally someone who's appreciating my effort. That means a lot to me :)

Stav Cuneo
Posts: 2825
Game name: Steven_Andolini

Re: [Guide] Getting started.

June 3rd, 2013, 6:00 am

A guy who don't understand such basic grammar would probably be unable to read this guide,therefore its useless
anyways ty

User avatar
Posts: 1245
Game name: Brandon_Provenzano

Re: [Guide] Getting started.

June 3rd, 2013, 6:01 am

C0sta wrote:Good job, Aleya! I appreciate your dedication. It's certainly laudable. Keep up the good work.
Even you have so many haters, keep it up bro! ;)


Re: [Guide] Getting started.

June 3rd, 2013, 6:02 am

Stav Cuneo wrote:A guy who don't understand such basic grammar would probably be unable to read this guide,therefore its useless
anyways ty
Useless for some... Useful for some... ;)
Edit: This guide is not for newbie players only, but for those who still cannot write properly. Please read "IX. Being a Good Roleplayer". It is very important if you still don't know how to write a correct sentence...
Thanks Randall & Stav.

Posts: 878
Game name: Paul_Osborn, Scott_Digory, Joseph_Schiavelli, Billy_Dalton

Re: [Guide] Getting started.

June 3rd, 2013, 6:21 am

Wow nice Aleya, even thaught I didn't read it all, it looks usefull, you've put so much effort in it, really man thanks & keep up the good work ;)


Re: [Guide] Getting started.

June 3rd, 2013, 6:23 am

Sofbi wrote:Wow nice Aleya, even thaught I didn't read it all, it looks usefull, you've put so much effort in it, really man thanks & keep up the good work ;)
Thanks man!

Made man
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Re: [Guide] Getting started.

June 3rd, 2013, 6:55 am

Aleya wrote:
C0sta wrote:Good job, Aleya! I appreciate your dedication. It's certainly laudable. Keep up the good work.
Thanks man, finally someone who's appreciating my effort. That means a lot to me :)
I'm here too :D
Nice effort and good job Aleya :D



Re: [Guide] Getting started.

June 3rd, 2013, 6:57 am

Thanks mate, that's appreciated :)

Posts: 2893
Game name: Edward_Floyd

Re: [Guide] Getting started.

June 3rd, 2013, 9:48 am


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Posts: 3222
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Re: [Guide] Getting started.

June 3rd, 2013, 1:20 pm

Stav Cuneo wrote:A guy who don't understand such basic grammar would probably be unable to read this guide,therefore its useless
anyways ty
Stop being a negative jew Stav.
I appreciate Aleya for his work.

Thomas MacDermott

Past characters:
Thomas Capelli
Thomas Paterno
Thomas Corleone
Thomas Hudson
Thomas Toro
Thomas Jay
Eire Laosieach
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Jesus Chapa

Posts: 733
Game name: Rafael_Firenzo

Re: [Guide] Getting started.

June 3rd, 2013, 2:08 pm

Credits to Aleya or LSRP? xxx

User avatar
Posts: 2951
Game name: Katsumi_Hokama, Buck_Kashkaev, Anthony_Franklin

Re: [Guide] Getting started.

June 3rd, 2013, 3:58 pm

It's a nice guide to bad you took it from LS-RP, you've put zero effort into this.

The Los Santos Crime Association


Re: [Guide] Getting started.

June 3rd, 2013, 3:59 pm

Buck wrote:It's a nice guide to bad you took it from LS-RP, you've put zero effort into this.
Please fully read the guide before you post negative comments. It took me 4 hours explaining in depth and you're saying you've put zero effort into this.

User avatar
Posts: 2951
Game name: Katsumi_Hokama, Buck_Kashkaev, Anthony_Franklin

Re: [Guide] Getting started.

June 3rd, 2013, 4:02 pm

Aleya wrote:
Buck wrote:It's a nice guide to bad you took it from LS-RP, you've put zero effort into this.
Please fully read the guide before you post negative comments. It took me 4 hours explaining in depth and you're saying you've put zero effort into this.

You've literally copied the entire text from LS:RP you've just editted the links, to our forum rules and so on doubt that'd it took 4 hours.
The Los Santos Crime Association


Re: [Guide] Getting started.

June 3rd, 2013, 4:03 pm

Buck wrote:
Aleya wrote:
Buck wrote:It's a nice guide to bad you took it from LS-RP, you've put zero effort into this.
Please fully read the guide before you post negative comments. It took me 4 hours explaining in depth and you're saying you've put zero effort into this.

You've literally copied the entire text from LS:RP you've just editted the links, to our forum rules and so on doubt that'd it took 4 hours.
The only thing I've copied and put credits in is IX. Being a Good Roleplayer obviously. I've said that the original idea was taken from LS-RP, same as the layout. Nothing except that IX was copied. Everything was written by me except that section, believe it or not.
Thanks for your comment, but please don't post here again unless you have something creative.

User avatar
Posts: 2951
Game name: Katsumi_Hokama, Buck_Kashkaev, Anthony_Franklin

Re: [Guide] Getting started.

June 3rd, 2013, 4:05 pm

Most of the text you used, is just the exact same I don't see any effort besides explaining a bit more and chaning stuff, sorry but I honestly don't like it.
The Los Santos Crime Association


Re: [Guide] Getting started.

June 3rd, 2013, 4:08 pm

Buck wrote:sorry but I honestly don't like it.
Buck wrote:It's a nice guide
I don't need people like you to like it, so I don't care wether you do or not. The guide is obviously written by me and the only part I've copied I've added credits to. Why would I copy something from such a know server, lol?
Besides, since when is Los Santos Roleplay using the same script and having the same information anyway?
It's obvious that you just saw the same layout and commented without even bothering to read it. Please, I'd appreciate if you don't post here again. Yes it took me more than 4 hours to write this guide and I don't need you to tell me I've copied it.
I. Forum Directory:
Your guide to the important topics in the forums of Italy Mafia Roleplay.

Server Rules) viewtopic.php?f=10&t=16
Description: This link is the first link you should read carefully before you begin playing. It is highly recommended that you read the rules in order to not get yourself punished for things you do not know are forbidden. If you find you did not understand a few of the rules, helpers will get back to you if you kindly ask them for support/explanations.

Community Announcements) viewforum.php?f=8
Description: For obvious reasons, official community announcements are important and a must-read. It is a way to stay up-to-dated to the newest development, management etcetera News within the community.

Server Documentation) viewforum.php?f=11
Description:As pronounced, this section contains information and commands about our unique server, along with the Server Changelog. The Changelog is a way to stay up-to-dated to the server revisions and script updates aswell.

Newbie Guides) viewforum.php?f=12
Description: Probably one of the most important sections for a newbie player, who is still not used to our server. This section recovers different guides in order to help you understand our game-mode faster, and easier. It also contains some important role-play guides that you should not miss reading if you want to become a decent role-player.

II. Spawning
A guide for when you first log into the server.

Welcome to Los Santos! You are finally a part of our unique server! I guess you cannot wait to meet other players and start having fun. Well let us get you your basic stuff before we go for that, shall we?
Once you login, you should spawn at the Unity Station, where it is most likely to role-play that you have just came from out of town and about to live & stay in Los Santos. At the location, there exists several green Premiers; those cars are made for you to explore the server and can be used by level 1-5 players only! Pick any of these cars and turn your engine on ('/engine'). A message should pop up saying that you need a driver license as soon as possible. Actually, you can drive the car even without a driver license, but you should expect cops to annoy you about that. Your next step is use '/helpme' where a list of locations will appear. Click on "Driver License" and head to the marker set on your radar. That's called the DMV. Enter the building through pressing 'F'/'Enter' or writing '/enter'. Head to the text saying /driverlic and do '/driverlic'. Bare in mind that it will cost you $7,500, you fail or not. Once doing so, you will be teleported outside the building in a white Stafford; those are the exam vehicles. You are required to drive slowly (below 115km/h) and have the vehicle's health at least 85%, failure to do so will get you automatically failed and teleported to the DMV. Once you have successfully passed your exam, your next step would be heading to the bank and loaning money. That maximum amount you can loan is $25.000, it'll do it though. There exists 4 banks located around the city (Temple, Rodeo, Mall, East Los Santos). It is better that you find them in-characterly though, so I will not show you where they are located exactly. Once you have loaned the money, your next step would be buying your basic stuff, also know as cellphone, phonebook, radio, laptop and probably iPod. These items can be found in a 24/7. Use '/buy' to locate the nearest 24/7 to you, once you arrived to the marker and the business is open, press F to enter it and use '/buy' again inside. A list of items should appear if the business in stock. Pick whatever you want to buy and press 'ESC' or click on cancel. In case the business is out of stock, you need to go look for another one.
Next step would be changing your skin, as the skin you spawn with is not so decent and might not fit for the character you are willing to role-play. Use '/clothes' to locate the nearest clothes shop, once arrived, enter the business and /clothes again. A list of skins should appear; pick the one you think is suitable for you. There are restricted skins, it means are available for "x" faction only.
"Oh yes! Now I got everything!" - Yes, you do. It's your time to start role-playing now. Simply head to a place where most of the players hang around (Mainbank for example) and start creating role-play. Being rammed or death-matched in worst cases is something you should expect in a medium and newbie friendly role-play server, so don't get pissed off and immediately quit, but tell the people who committed the rule-break that what they are doing is totally wrong and should be corrected.
Any questions or support may be asked through '/ask' or '/irc'. Please avoid contacting admins/helpers about admin/helper stuff through /pm.

III. Jobs
The quickest way to earn money in the server.

Obviously, jobs are a way to earning money easily and quickly within the server. It is recommended that you get a job as soon as you're done with buying your basic stuff so you do not go in dept. when dying. I, personally, always recommend new players to pick the Trucker job as it's easy, and probably the most well-earning. It simply doesn't acquire the player role-play skills. Legal jobs such us lawyer, mechanic, farmer, trucker... can be found at the Cityhall. As for the illegal ones, alike carjacker can be located by using '/helpme'.
Once you've picked a job, use '/jobhelp' to get information on what that job consists of, what commands are used in it, and '/jobstats' to get your job's statistics.
By browsing the Newbie Guides section, you should be able to find some guides to jobs.

IV. Transportation & Vehicles
How you will get yourself around the city.

Hmm... Haha.. I know what you are thinking of now: "I want to buy a car!" Just like in real life, work to get it. The more money you gain the better car you can buy. In our unique server, there exists many kinds of dealerships, stating the newbie dealership as the most important one for you and your wealth. Ue '/helpme' and click on "Newbie Dealership" to locate it, once you are there, use '/buy' on the business' icon. A list of vehicles should show up; you pick the vehicle you like and can afford it. Once done, it should spawn on your right/left. Use '/car help' for vehicle commands. You need to park your car ('/car park') as soon as possible somewhere, preferably your spawn location.
Just like in real life, there exists Taxis and taxi drivers in the server, simply call a Taxi to your location by entering '/service taxi'. A driver should respond to you if he's on duty.

V. Housing
A place for your character to live.

You've finally made it to the city. But you still have no place for your character to live in. There exists so many houses around the city both, rentable and un-rentable. Those that are rentable should say "Rent: "XXX" ". As for the un-rentable ones, you will obviously not see any rent-price, or just "666". Once you've picked a suitable place for your character, it is recommended that you park your car there so when you spawn/relog you will find it.
There exists levels of interiors for houses. For obvious reasons, owners are the only ones who are able to upgrade/downgrade their house's interior. In addition to the interior system, there are houses where you can use '/heal' at to get a half-armor (if not LEO) and full health, half-armor (if not LEO) only, and full health only. Depends on the house's up-gradation. More information about the housing system and commands are to be listed by using '/house help'.
As you are new, I doubt if you need to get in-depth information about businesses, so I'll just keep it brief and say use '/biz help' - You won't be able to use this command if you do not own a business though.

|___________Additional Help___________|

Meet new people and improve your RP!

Factions are what makes our server very unique. We have an easy-to-handle, special faction system, featuring everything a faction would need to be ran properly and smoothy. Unfortunately, it is way too hard to become official for an unofficial one, just like in any other server.
Faction system can be found by clicking here.
There, of course, exists legal and illegal factions. The illegal factions are Corleone, Stracci, Barzini, Tattaglia, Paterno, Kemirov, Leone and S.D.C., as for the Governmental and legal ones, we have Government (closed for some reasons), Police (LSPD, SASF, SAN and LS EMS.
Each faction has some requirements and conditions for joining, but you won't join one if you still are not able to role-play properly or speak English fluently sometimes.

VII. Contact
For additional help / comments.

Our staff is available for your help 24/7. There exists so many different ways to contact them. If you are in-game, use '/ask' for questions or '/irc' for support. It is, once again, recommended that you don't contact the staff through '/pm' about admin related stuff. We have also a live-support & chat channel, which you can access by clicking here.
We have also got a section made for questions & support: viewforum.php?f=13
You can get to meet our staff by visiting this section: viewforum.php?f=154 and know what it is consisting of through this link: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=21

Re-edited and added X. Credits to avoid misunderstandings.

Subject: [Guide] Getting started.
Rafael wrote:Credits to Aleya or LSRP? xxx
You shall find the credits if you've fully read the guide before you press Submit.
Last edited by Aleya BANNED on June 3rd, 2013, 4:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Posts: 5125
Game name: Cody_Gibbs, Fred_Woods

Re: [Guide] Getting started.

June 3rd, 2013, 4:21 pm

Fuck haters ..
Keep the good job bro .. :)


Re: [Guide] Getting started.

June 3rd, 2013, 4:22 pm

Shawgi wrote:Fuck haters ..
Keep the good job bro .. :)
Thanks mate!

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Re: [Guide] Getting started.

June 3rd, 2013, 7:03 pm

Aleya wrote:
Shawgi wrote:Fuck haters ..
Keep the good job bro .. :)
Thanks mate!

I like the REAL author of the thread who created this. He has putted a lot of effort into it dislike you. You've totally copied it, the start of each subject is exactly the same you've just used other words and even the thread title is exactly the same. You wouldn't have added the credits if I didn't found out about it. You shouldn't be acting like this Aleya if you take some thread from a other server atleast be man like and admit it.
The Los Santos Crime Association


Re: [Guide] Getting started.

June 3rd, 2013, 7:04 pm

Ok. I copied it. You may gtfo. Thanks.
Edit: Credits were put since the beginning, it's just that you did not even bother reading it.

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Posts: 4667
Game name: Ruben_Carver

Re: [Guide] Getting started.

June 3rd, 2013, 7:11 pm

Nice Guide :)


Re: [Guide] Getting started.

June 3rd, 2013, 7:16 pm

L4RGE wrote:Nice Guide :)

Aesthetic Guy
Posts: 8940
Game name: Rich_Piana, Tren_Bolone

Re: [Guide] Getting started.

June 6th, 2013, 11:51 am

VII is missing.

Posts: 248
Game name: Jeffrey_Capardi

Re: [Guide] Getting started.

June 6th, 2013, 12:03 pm

Buck wrote:
Aleya wrote:
Shawgi wrote:Fuck haters ..
Keep the good job bro .. :)
Thanks mate!

I like the REAL author of the thread who created this. He has putted a lot of effort into it dislike you. You've totally copied it, the start of each subject is exactly the same you've just used other words and even the thread title is exactly the same. You wouldn't have added the credits if I didn't found out about it. You shouldn't be acting like this Aleya if you take some thread from a other server atleast be man like and admit it.
He put credits in the end, but you're just here to bullshit. Go fuck yourself.


Re: [Guide] Getting started.

June 8th, 2013, 3:11 am

Vagineer wrote:VII is missing.
Aleya wrote: [b][size=150]VII. Contact[/size][/b] For additional help / comments.
Our staff is available for your help 24/7. There exists so many different ways to contact them. If you are in-game, use '/ask' for questions or '/irc' for support. It is, once again, recommended that you don't contact the staff through '/pm' about admin related stuff. We have also a live-support & chat channel, which you can access by clicking here.
We have also got a section made for questions & support: viewforum.php?f=13
You can get to meet our staff by visiting this section: viewforum.php?f=154 and know what it is consisting of through this link: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=2

Yuri Zakhaev
Posts: 1233
Game name: Ignazio_Bertolini

Re: [Guide] Getting started.

July 22nd, 2013, 2:01 am

Well to be honest I dont really care if you copied or not, it's still very helpful to new players so well done!

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