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[Roleplay with PD #0001] Pull Over Guide.

November 8th, 2013, 2:10 pm

[Roleplay with PD #0001] Pull Over Guide.
I'm going to write a series of guides about roleplaying with legals and making it fun and fair for the both sides. Here's my first installment to that. I'll hope to continue this series if time and my mood permits me.

Pull Over or A Traffic Stop or A 10-95
Pull Over starts with a police unit turning on it's sirens- merely just flickering them while driving right behind you, followed by several overhead megaphone warnings. These warnings if not complied already shall be followed by several more stern warnings- including threats of being fired upon if the situation is an emergency. Whether you approve it or not you're going to get pulled over for a routine traffic stop by an officer or maybe even due to APBs and BOLOs from /wlist regarding your look or your vehicle's look. Server rules are pretty strict about this one, so why do you bother to even take it to the limit of taking it to a limit when it requires you to engage into something else rather than a merely friendly encounter with your local cop? Each traffic stop does not end with a ticket, infraction or a jail ALL the times, it's just you that brings it on you by pissing off the roleplaying officer. I've chosen this topic since it's the most wide but frequent situation that occurs between legal side and illegal side.

STEP 1 :

You were using your fast sports car- and maybe broke a speed limit, or just forgot to saw a police vehicle just passing by you and managed to lead the officer to think that you might be violating a traffic law. The unit shall get behind you and turn sirens on and instruct you to pull over. Even though you're armed with weapon, you should pull over. Starting off a police chase is just going to make it harder for you when it ends. (inb4 they frisk on pull over lol- NO, every high rank including Bill himself asks police officers not to be consistent about frisks in such minor situations unless absolutely necessary since we all know rest of the population except LEAs are criminals and would be possessing illegal items for sure. You can report them for excessive use of force, and they shall face consequences.)

STEP 2 :

Once you do pull over, you'd be asked to turn the engine off. So roleplay twisting the keys into ignition and turning engine off of your vehicle. Once done that- you must remain seated along with absolutely no movement. Officer shall now ask you to make your hands visible. You may do it by placing them onto steering wheel, further apart from each other, or merely leaning them both out of the window. If it's night time, you may roleplay turning on your vehicle's overhead interior light. Officer shall now either reach to your vehicles window himself or would request the driver to step out of the vehicle. This is the time when only and the only driver should exit the vehicle and without making any sudden or suspicious movements- interact with the officers. (Rest of the mafia friends should stay in the car however bad ass they are :) )

STEP 3 :

It's time to be nice towards the officer. You may not have to speak with him by referring him as a sir, but referring him to as an officer is quite a kind gesture. Don't go 'Fuck police, WHY YOU PULL ME OVER !!??, FUCK YOU MEN!11' or '(( Reported for pull over no reason. ))' You should instead take it In Character and be nice and complying towards the officer. The officer is supposed to treat you with respect and can be punished/suspended if found ill-treating the civilians. You can report that as well to his superiors and make him face consequences for real instead of -10k for death. The pull over could even be sometimes set up from abusive officers or corrupt once, the right way to deal with them is to report them and not to kill them. Killing them will just give them a free pass and right to continue it with someone else, whilst reporting shall get them kicked and/or banned from enlisting in such a powerful position with one of the powerful faction(and I do mean script wise before some of you go 'pd powerful, lol right) on the server.

STEP 4 :

Officer shall now proceed to check your papers, it's validity by running a regular search on your name in his system. Meanwhile, if he notices anything wrong with your car, he has right to search your vehicle along with you. (Suspicious items may include open alcohol container, thick smoke indicating possible marijuana, pipe or any other weapon). As I've stated above you can report an officer for abusing his authority and utilizing excessive force if he forces you to comply with his search without any valid reason stated above or a possible APB with someone to your resemblance. If you're seeming to be under influence of alcoholic beverage or any other narcotics substance, the officer may perform several basic or advanced test with you. This may include walking in a straight line for several steps, or counting numbers or the same thing in reverse. He may as well ask you to stand straight without taking any support, eventually on a single feet. Advanced tests may include breath analyzer tests or other medical test which could be carried out at station or at All Saints hospital.

The officer shall now come to decisions of what punishment you deserve according to the gravity of the crime, some of them would just even let you go on token of good faith just for staying along and roleplaying it decently or just merely for your good In Character behavior towards them.


Every LSPD cruisers/vehicles does have continuously recording dashboard camera which will be recording your constant movements. So do take screenshots if you feel like being ill-treated IC and join up with them in your report. It'll just make it easier for higher ranks to understand the situation and can be easily dubbed as evidence taken from the dashboard cameras.
It's about time we stop /r POLICE STOP ME !! /bk /bk. Do believe me, we're trying our maximum to make sure that PD members behaves accordingly on the other side.

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Re: [Roleplay with PD #0001] Pull Over Guide.

November 8th, 2013, 2:13 pm

Really good work with taking time and do this tread.

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Re: [Roleplay with PD #0001] Pull Over Guide.

November 8th, 2013, 2:18 pm

Nice job Sly.

Just one question, if you broke a traffice rule/law, such as speeding limit, officers ask you to put your hands visible (on the wheel or out of the window)? I'm asking cause that doesn't happen in my country at all.
resini wrote: When you killed me, my computer crashed.
I have lots of cars and money, think I give a fuck about 10k?
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Re: [Roleplay with PD #0001] Pull Over Guide.

November 8th, 2013, 2:23 pm

oeoeoe wrote:Nice job Sly.

Just one question, if you broke a traffice rule/law, such as speeding limit, officers ask you to put your hands visible (on the wheel or out of the window)? I'm asking cause that doesn't happen in my country at all.
They have the right to frisk you any time. And basically, your country doesn't have 90% of its civilians acting very suspiciously and most of them are holding illegal stuff. (:

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Re: [Roleplay with PD #0001] Pull Over Guide.

November 8th, 2013, 2:38 pm

oeoeoe wrote:Nice job Sly.

Just one question, if you broke a traffice rule/law, such as speeding limit, officers ask you to put your hands visible (on the wheel or out of the window)? I'm asking cause that doesn't happen in my country at all.
They do, they're actually paranoid when they pull over a vehicle since they're not aware of what actually awaits them in the car. It could be a previous felon or an armed person. That's why they request it for their own safety before approaching you. They even hold a hand to their holster. This can be simply countered by encountering that cop multiple times in friendly manners in such pull overs and resulting him to lose that paranoia and grow friendly towards you. We actually lack that cop and local civilian friendly relationships. It's a way to grow a better relationship with a law enforcer, which I won't state how you can take it to your advantage in future. :)
Last edited by Sly on November 8th, 2013, 2:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [Roleplay with PD #0001] Pull Over Guide.

November 8th, 2013, 2:40 pm

Very good job Sly..Waiting for anoother :D
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Re: [Roleplay with PD #0001] Pull Over Guide.

November 8th, 2013, 2:47 pm

I find this retarded. Not that the guide is dumb, but because it's actually necessary to have it.

Good job Sly.

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Re: [Roleplay with PD #0001] Pull Over Guide.

November 8th, 2013, 3:31 pm

Sly wrote:Don't go 'Fuck police, WHY YOU PULL ME OVER !!??, FUCK YOU MEN!11' or '(( Reported for pull over no reason. ))' You should instead take it In Character and be nice and complying towards the officer. The officer is supposed to treat you with respect and can be punished/suspended if found ill-treating the civilians. You can report that as well to his superiors and make him face consequences for real instead of -10k for death.
Note that handbooks/rules of conduct are IC. Therefore there is no reason to rage in OOC. Report corrupted officers IC.
Had to mention this because too many people use the OOC-chat to respond to IC actions.

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Re: [Roleplay with PD #0001] Pull Over Guide.

November 8th, 2013, 3:33 pm

No one is going to use this.

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Re: [Roleplay with PD #0001] Pull Over Guide.

November 8th, 2013, 3:53 pm

@ Aleya I don't understand the relation. He first explains that a regular traffic stop should barely never end up in a frisking and now you justify the "hands visible" by saying it is because we "probably" have illegal stuff on us?

If a cop rps like he's going to speak/ticket me, I'll surely RP with him and comply. If he starts with suspicious things making me doubt if he'll frisk me, I'll surely reach my gun and take actions. So, ehm.
resini wrote: When you killed me, my computer crashed.
I have lots of cars and money, think I give a fuck about 10k?
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Re: [Roleplay with PD #0001] Pull Over Guide.

November 8th, 2013, 3:56 pm

oeoeoe wrote:@ Aleya I don't understand the relation. He first explains that a regular traffic stop should barely never end up in a frisking and now you justify the "hands visible" by saying it is because we "probably" have illegal stuff on us?

Yes, doesn't mean you'll be frisked.

Usually when I pull someone over, I tend to order him to get out of the car and put his hands on some wall or something, so I can actually approach him and see him taking out his wallet.... or gun if he decides to shoot me.

But that's theory. In real gameplay they just take the gun and shoot me , even if I have them with their hand son the wall

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Re: [Roleplay with PD #0001] Pull Over Guide.

November 8th, 2013, 4:00 pm

So next time put your hands visible yourself to make the cop feel safer showing you don't mean harm sohe won't even think of frisking you unless he's a retard who wants to have a shooting fest.

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Re: [Roleplay with PD #0001] Pull Over Guide.

November 8th, 2013, 5:39 pm

Thing is, if I do put my hands out of the window I'll be vulnerable to any attempt of restraining me from moving. Which would make me vulnerable to be cuffed -> frisked -> jailed. I'd prefer to have the officer comming peacefully and having a chat about what I did wrong. Money isn't a problem and paying a ticket isn't also a problem for sure and I'm always up to RP with LEO, but always carefuly and not letting mevulnerable to any attempt from LEO's side.
resini wrote: When you killed me, my computer crashed.
I have lots of cars and money, think I give a fuck about 10k?
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Re: [Roleplay with PD #0001] Pull Over Guide.

November 8th, 2013, 5:46 pm

oeoeoe wrote:Thing is, if I do put my hands out of the window I'll be vulnerable to any attempt of restraining me from moving. Which would make me vulnerable to be cuffed -> frisked -> jailed. I'd prefer to have the officer comming peacefully and having a chat about what I did wrong. Money isn't a problem and paying a ticket isn't also a problem for sure and I'm always up to RP with LEO, but always carefuly and not letting mevulnerable to any attempt from LEO's side.
How does holding your hand out makes you vulnerable to a frisk or a cuff? lol
He certainly can't cuff you in a swift motion nor, he can push himself in through the open window and pat you down completely.

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Re: [Roleplay with PD #0001] Pull Over Guide.

November 8th, 2013, 6:17 pm

The purpose of puting the hands out is placing me in a situation that, no matter what happens, I won't be able to reach to my any firearm. If the Officer comes at me while I have my hands out he could easly rp putting a cuff in my hand and locking me somewhere, or any kind of attempt to immobilize me. That's why I say, I'd feel safer if it's just a traffic rulebreak, he'd come to me normaly and speak about it so we can find a solution.
resini wrote: When you killed me, my computer crashed.
I have lots of cars and money, think I give a fuck about 10k?
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Re: [Roleplay with PD #0001] Pull Over Guide.

November 8th, 2013, 6:18 pm

And if don't make sure you have your hands on sight, we can come out of the car and you just drive off. Nice

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Re: [Roleplay with PD #0001] Pull Over Guide.

November 8th, 2013, 6:23 pm

That's why PD should patrol with 2 officers on vehicles. That's why I should turn my engine off and take the key out from the engine. And, if I wanted to flee from LEO, why would I even stop?
resini wrote: When you killed me, my computer crashed.
I have lots of cars and money, think I give a fuck about 10k?
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Re: [Roleplay with PD #0001] Pull Over Guide.

November 8th, 2013, 6:25 pm

It's not a discussion thread of what so ever, that is indeed a standard police procedure. You can easily coutner the cuffing action as well by merely using another action of pulling the hand back into the car. Placing it onto steering wheel- I don't see no way that it makes you vulnerable either.

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Re: [Roleplay with PD #0001] Pull Over Guide.

November 9th, 2013, 11:19 am

Really nice guide :)

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Re: [Roleplay with PD #0001] Pull Over Guide.

November 9th, 2013, 11:25 am

good job...
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Re: [Roleplay with PD #0001] Pull Over Guide.

November 9th, 2013, 12:04 pm

fuckinw noob officers made me broke, tried to corrupt few of em didnt accept such as 10m or more


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