There is currently a faction war going on! View Stats
Posts: 1044
Game name: Todd_McKurdie, Roman_Quency, Glenn_Harris

The Gov is closed?! 0o0?

October 3rd, 2012, 4:35 pm

I was in the Goverment faction from my alternative account and today I loged in and I wasn't in the Gov favtion any more (Got offline uninvite) but I wasn't the only one, every one from the Gov was uninvited and there is only one guy in the faction now.
Even the T0 is got the faction status removed at the forum! Can some one explain me that?!
:shock: :shock: :shock: :?: :!: :?: :( :cry: !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


Re: The Gov is closed?! 0o0?

October 3rd, 2012, 4:38 pm

I have resigned from GOV IC & whiped GOV, it's now up to the head administration to enforce re-elections and give someone else a chance if they are willing to do so.

Posts: 402
Game name: Fabrizio_Strozzi

Re: The Gov is closed?! 0o0?

October 3rd, 2012, 6:28 pm

Rolling since 2011

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