So i have talked with others about this bug, whenever you press escape in-game and your laptop gets hanged? The only choice you have is to restart your laptop right? I was facing same problem from last 2 months and finally i found the solution for this.
-Reason why this problem/bug occurs?
I am pretty sure, you have discord application in your windows. Don't worry there is no need to uninstall it.
-3 Simple steps to avoid esc bug.
1) Open your GTA- Login- Spawn at your hq or anywhere- type /q instead of pressing escape button to quit the game.
2) now after quitting the game, press control+alt+del, Open running applications/current processes, Find Discord(32) bit application there and google chrome running application.
You will see like 3-4 discord there, Just click on them and select end/close this application same apply to google chrome.
3) Open GTA again- Login- then spawn.
Now try to escape and open map or smth. Its fixed!
Try this and give feedback, thankyou.