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"Go home , you are desynced"

January 3rd, 2014, 11:46 am

Explanation of what desync is all about

What is desynced?
The term "desynced" is simply used when the client starts disregarding server instructions, this means from the moment your client gets "desynced", it will not accept any server instruction, that includes streaming players/objects/vehicles in or out. It will still accept player-to-player sync. That means everything streamed in to you at the point you become desynced, will stay there - forever. Everything else, wont appear at all.

This means, if you get desynced at Santa Maria Beach, only whatever is within 300 meters in radius from you will be visible for your client until you reconnect. This meaning, if you drive to Idlewood, you wont see anyone there, but everyone will see you. Meaning there is a huge chance of you smashing everything apart.

Why do we become desynced?
There are many reasons for this, but the technical expression is that your player-server instruction thread has died and are attempting to recover (it will in 99.99% of situations not recover), meaning player-to-server syncronization thread is still working - otherwise you would time out and reconnect by yourself.

The most common reason for this to happen is really high packet loss. Like if you unplug your ethernetcable for a few seconds and put it back in, you might not disconnect, but there is a huge chance of your client-instruction thread has failed.

On IM:RP where we struggle with continous DDoS attacks, there is a huge likelyness after each lag spike that you enter the desynced mode, or if you suddenly for whatever reason experience lag spikes, you should confirm whether you are desynced.

How do we detect if we are desynced?
Since being "desynced" means client does not accept instructions from the server, there are almost unlimited ways to confirm, the easiest is probably attempting to do any animation, attempting to enter/exit any property, attempting to use /MDC, attempting to pretty much do anything that will affect your client from teleporting to setting health.
L4RGE wrote:/laptop is the best checker for 'non LEO(s)'.
Why do we care?
There's a huge likelyness you destroy someone else's RP, but if that does not bother you, it will throw the anticheat a tad off which could result in yourself being banned for hacking. Admins will most likely render you desynced by checking you, but if they forget or for other reasons bans you on the spot, you are the one left in a ban appeal for this.

Whenever you lag for a bit, or if told over OOC that many people are desynced, check yourself by the instructions elaborated above and reconnect (force-crash/timeout if you like.) Do not finish your trucking mission or whatever results you in moving around as you will throw everyone else aside and crush their RP/vehicles/kill them.
Last edited by ialokiN on January 3rd, 2014, 1:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Stav Cuneo
Posts: 2825
Game name: Steven_Andolini

Re: "Go home , you are desynced"

January 3rd, 2014, 11:51 am

it really helped me to know that i get desynced because my player-server thread has disconnected and is attempting to reconnect
regardless,i already know how to detect desynce

thank for info btw

Made man
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Posts: 1810
Game name: Wei_Jiang, Jamie_Cunningham

Re: "Go home , you are desynced"

January 3rd, 2014, 11:53 am

my pleasure ;)

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Re: "Go home , you are desynced"

January 3rd, 2014, 12:05 pm

Nice thread very helpful :) Add /laptop too, that is the best checker for 'non LEO(s)'.

Made man
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Posts: 1810
Game name: Wei_Jiang, Jamie_Cunningham

Re: "Go home , you are desynced"

January 3rd, 2014, 1:56 pm

L4RGE wrote:Nice thread very helpful :) Add /laptop too, that is the best checker for 'non LEO(s)'.


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Re: "Go home , you are desynced"

January 4th, 2014, 6:23 am

L4RGE wrote:Nice thread very helpful :) Add /laptop too, that is the best checker for 'non LEO(s)'.
Anthony_Griffin (tier 0) had 3377 kills and 1607 deaths. (K/D ratio: 2.1014) He lost a total of $241,050,000.

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